Created on Thu 16 Dec 2021
@author: Alexandre Kenshilik Coche @contact:
This module is a collection of tools for manipulating hydrological space-time data, especially netcdf data. It has been originally developped to provide preprocessing tools for CWatM ( and HydroModPy (, but most functions have been designed to be of general use.
- geohydroconvert.compute_ldd(dem_path, method)[source]
dem_path = r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees- MNTIGNMNT_fusionRGEALTI_FXX_1m_0318_6774_0340_6781_MNT_LAMB93_IGN69.tif”
- geohydroconvert.compute_relative_humidity(*, dewpoint_input_file, temperature_input_file, pressure_input_file, method='Penman-Monteith')[source]
cf formula on
- gc.compute_relative_humidity(
dewpoint_input_file = r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees8- MeteoERA5Brittany1-2021 Dewpoint”, temperature_input_file = r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees8- MeteoERA5Brittany1-2021”, pressure_input_file = r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees8- MeteoERA5Brittany1-2021 Surface”, method = “Sonntag”)
- geohydroconvert.compute_scale_and_offset(min, max, n)[source]
Computes scale and offset necessary to pack a float32 (or float64?) set of values into a int16 or int8 set of values.
- minfloat
Minimum value from the data
- maxfloat
Maximum value from the data
- nint
Number of bits into which you wish to pack (8 or 16)
- scale_factorfloat
Parameter for netCDF’s encoding
- add_offsetfloat
Parameter for netCDF’s encoding
- geohydroconvert.compute_wind_speed(u_wind_data, v_wind_data)[source]
U-component of wind is parallel to the x-axis V-component of wind is parallel to the y-axis
- geohydroconvert.convert_coord(pointXin, pointYin, inputEPSG=2154, outputEPSG=4326)[source]
Il y a un soucis dans cette fonction. X et Y se retrouvent inversées. Il vaut mieux passer par les fonctions rasterio (voir plus haut) :
- coords_conv = rasterio.warp.transform(,, [pointXin], [pointYin])
pointXout = coords_conv[0][0] pointYout = coords_conv[1][0]
- geohydroconvert.convert_from_h5_newsurfex(*, input_file, mesh_file, scenario='historic', output_format='NetCDF', **kwargs)[source]
% DESCRIPTION: This function converts Ronan *.h5 files from SURFEX into NetCDF files, or GeoTIFF images, in order to make output files readable by QGIS.
% EXAMPLE: >> import geoconvert as gc >> gc.convert_from_h5_newsurfex(input_file = r”D:2- Postdoc2- Travaux1- Veille4- Donnees8- MeteoSurfexBZHREA.h5”,
mesh_file = r”D:2- Postdoc2- Travaux1- Veille4- Donnees8- MeteoSurfexBZHshapefilemaille_meteo_fr_pr93.shp”, output_format = “NetCDF”, fields = [“REC”, “TAS”])
% OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS: > output_format = ‘NetCDF’ (défault) | ‘GeoTIFF’ > scenario = ‘historic’ | ‘RCP2.6’ | ‘RCP4.5’ | ‘RCP8.5’ > kwargs:
- > fields = variable(s) to conserve (among all attributes in input file)
= [‘ETP’, ‘PPT’, ‘REC’, ‘RUN’, ‘TAS’]
(One file per variable will be created.)
> dates = for instance : [‘2019-01-01’, ‘2019-01-02’, …] (If no date is specified, all dates from input file are considered)
- geohydroconvert.convert_from_h5_oldsurfex(*, output_format='csv', **kwargs)[source]
% DESCRIPTION : Cette fonction formate les fichiers Surfex de Quentin en fichiers *.csv organisés par dates (lignes) et identifiants de mailles (colonnes).
% EXEMPLES : >> import surfexconvert as sc #(NB : il faut au préalable que le dossier soit ajouté dans le PYTHONPATH)) >> sc.convert_from_h5_oldsurfex(output_format = “csv”,
start_years = list(range(2005, 2011, 1)), variables = [‘DRAIN’, ‘ETR’])
- >> sc.convert_from_oldsurfex(output_format = “nc”,
mesh_file = r”D:2- Postdoc2- Travaux1- Veille4- Donnees8- MeteoSurfexBZHshapefilemaille_meteo_fr_pr93.shp”)
% ARGUMENTS (OPTIONNELS) : > output_format = ‘csv’ (défault) | ‘NetCDF’ | ‘GeoTIFF’ > kwargs:
- > input_folder = dossier contenant les fichiers à traiter.
Si rien n’est spécifié, le dossier du script est pris en compte
- > variables = variable(s) à traiter (parmi DRAIN, ETR, PRCP et RUNOFF)
Si ce n’est pas spécifié, toutes les variables sont considérées
- > start_years = années à traiter
(par ex : 2012 correspond au fichier blabla_2012_2013) Si rien n’est spécifié, toutes les années sont considérées
> mesh_file = chemin d’accès au fichier de correspondances entre les id des tuiles et leurs coordonnées
(nécessaire uniquement pour NetCDF et GeoTIFF)
- geohydroconvert.convert_to_cwatm(data, data_type, reso_m=None, EPSG_out=None, EPSG_in=None, coords_extent='Bretagne')[source]
# Standard: ds = gc.prepare_CWatM_input(data = r””,
data_type = ‘DRIAS’, reso_m = 8000, EPSG_out = 3035)
# Crop coefficients: gc.prepare_CWatM_input(data = r”D:- Postdoc-”,
data_type = “crop coeff”, reso_m = 1000, EPSG_out = 3035, EPSG_in = 4326)
- datastr
Fichier à convertir.
- data_typestr
Type de données : ‘ERA5’ | ‘mask’ | ‘soil depth’ | ‘DRIAS’
- reso_mfloat
Résolution de sortie [m] : 75 | 1000 | 5000 | 8000
- EPSG_outint
Système de coordonnées de référence de sortie : 2154 | 3035 | 4326…
- EPSG_inint
Système de coordonnées de référence d’entrée
- coords_extentlist, or str
Emprise spatiale : [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max] (for Elias: [3202405.9658273868262768,
4314478.7219533622264862, 2668023.2067883270792663, 2972043.0969522628001869]) -> shape = (35, 22)
or keywords: “Bretagne”, “from_input”
- geohydroconvert.correct_bias(input_file, correct_factor=1, to_dailysum=True, progressive=False)[source]
Fonction plutôt à utiliser sur les données finales formatées correct_factor:
for precipitations (hourly) : 1.8
for precipitations (daily sum): 0.087
for radiations (daily sum): 0.0715 (and progressive = True)
for potential evapotranspiration pos (daily sum): 0.04
- geohydroconvert.format_xy_resolution(*, resolution=None, bounds=None, shape=None)[source]
Format x_res and y_res from a resolution value/tuple/list, or from bounds and shape.
- resolutionnumber | iterable, optional
xy_res or (x_res, y_res). The default is None.
- boundsiterable, optional
(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max). The default is None.
- shapeiterable, optional
(height, width). The default is None.
x_res and y_res
- geohydroconvert.georef(*, data, data_type='other', include_crs=None, export_opt=False, crs=None)[source]
Il est fréquent que les données de source externe présentent des défauts de formattage (SCR non inclus, coordonnées non standard, incompatibilité avec QGIS…). Cette fonction permet de générer un raster ou shapefile standardisé, en particulier du point de vue de ses métadonnées, facilitant ainsi les opérations de géotraitement mais aussi la visualisation sous QGIS.
import geoconvert as gc gc.georef(data = r””,
data_type = ‘CWatM’)
- datastr or xr.Dataset (or xr.DataArray)
Chemin d’accès au fichier à modifier (le fichier original ne sera pas altéré, un nouveau fichier ‘(…)’
sera créé.)
- data_typestr
- Type de données :
‘modflow’ | ‘DRIAS-Climat 2020’ | ‘DRIAS-Eau 2021’ ‘SIM 2021’ | ‘DRIAS-Climat 2022’ ‘Climat 2022’ | ‘DRIAS-Eau 2024’ ‘SIM 2024’ | ‘CWatM’ | ‘autre’ ‘other’ (case insensitive)
- include_crsbool, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is True.
- export_optbool, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is True. Le NetCDF crée est directement enregistré dans le même dossier que le fichier d’origine, en rajoutant ‘georef’ à son nom.
- crsint, optional
Destination CRS, only necessary when data_type == ‘other’ The default is None.
xarray.Dataset or geopandas.GeoDataFrame.
- geohydroconvert.get_filelist(data, filetype='.nc')[source]
This function converts a folder (or a file) in a list of relevant files.
- data: str or iterable
Folder, filepath or iterable of filepaths
- filetype: str
- data_folderstr
Root of the files.
- filelistlist of str
List of files.
- geohydroconvert.gzip(data, complevel=3, shuffle=False)[source]
Quick tool to apply lossless compression on a NetCDF file using gzip.
gc.gzip(filepath_comp99.8, complevel = 4, shuffle = True) gc.gzip(filepath_drias2022like, complevel = 5)
- dataTYPE
- geohydroconvert.hourly_to_daily_old(*, data, mode='mean', **kwargs)[source]
import geoconvert as gc # full example: gc.hourly_to_daily(input_file = r”D:/2011-2021_hourly”,
mode = ‘max’, output_path = r”D:/2011-2021_daily Temperature”, fields = [‘t2m’, ‘tp’])
# input_file can also be a folder: gc.hourly_to_daily(input_file = r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees8- MeteoERA5Brittany est”,
mode = ‘mean’)
- input_filestr, or list of str
Can be a path to a file (or a list of paths), or a path to a folder, in which cas all the files in this folder will be processed.
- modestr, or list of str, optional
= ‘mean’ (default) | ‘max’ | ‘min’ | ‘sum’
- fieldsstr or list of str, optional
e.g: [‘t2m’, ‘tp’, ‘u10’, ‘v10’, …] (if not specified, all fields are considered)
- output_pathstr, optional
e.g: [r”D:/2011-2021_daily Temperature”] (if not specified, output_name is made up according to arguments)
None. Processed files are created in the output destination folder.
- geohydroconvert.load_any(data, name=None, infer_time=False, **xr_kwargs)[source]
This function loads any common spatio-temporal file or variable, without the need to think about the file or variable type.
import geoconvert as gc data_ds = gc.load_any(r’’, decode_times = True, decode_coords = ‘all’)
- dataTYPE
- nameTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is None.
- **xr_kwargs: keyword args
Argument passed to the xarray.open_dataset function call. May contain:
. decode_coords . decode_times . decode_cf > help(xr.open_dataset
- data_dsTYPE
- geohydroconvert.merge_folder(data)[source]
This function merge all NetCDF inside a folder.
- data: str or iterable
Folder, filepath or iterable of filepaths.
Merged xarray.Dataset.
- geohydroconvert.nearest(x=None, y=None, x0=700012.5, y0=6600037.5, res=75)[source]
import geoconvert as gc gc.nearest(x = 210054) gc.nearest(y = 6761020)
- xfloat, optional
Valeur de la coordonnée x (ou longitude). The default is None.
- yfloat, optional
Valeur de la coordonnée y (ou latitude). The default is None.
Par défault, cette fonction retourne la plus proche valeur (de x ou de y) alignée sur la grille des cartes topo IGN de la BD ALTI. Il est possible de changer les valeurs de x0, y0 et res pour aligner sur d’autres grilles.
- geohydroconvert.pack(data, nbits=16)[source]
- dataTYPE
- geohydroconvert.pack_value(unpacked_value, scale_factor, add_offset)[source]
Compute the packed value from the original value, a scale factor and an offset.
- unpacked_valuenumeric
Original value.
- scale_factornumeric
Scale factor, multiplied to the original value.
- add_offsetnumeric
Offset added to the original value.
- numeric
Packed value.
- geohydroconvert.pick_dates_fields(*, input_file, output_format='NetCDF', **kwargs)[source]
% DESCRIPTION: This function extracts the specified dates or fields from NetCDF files that contain multiple dates or fields, and exports it as a single file.
% EXAMPLE: import geoconvert as gc gc.pick_dates_fields(input_file = r”D:/path/”,
dates = [‘2020-10-15’, ‘2021-10-15’])
% OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS: > output_format = ‘NetCDF’ (default) | ‘GeoTIFF’ > kwargs:
> dates = [‘2021-10-15’, ‘2021-10-19’] > fields = [‘T2M’, ‘PRECIP’, …]
- geohydroconvert.process_rht(shp_file, attrs_file, fields='all')[source]
Pour rajouter les attributs dans le shapefile, de anière à pouvoir l’afficher facilement dans QGIS.
- shp_filestr
Chemin vers le fichier shapefile
- attrs_filestr
Chemin vers la table externe d’attributs
- fieldslist
Liste des noms de colonnes que l’on veut insérer dans le shapefile
Create a new file.
- geohydroconvert.remove_double(data_folder, data_type)[source]
The data downloaded from DRIAS website contains some data sets available for different periods (it is the same data, but one version goes from 1950 to 2005, and another from 1970 to 2005). For some models, there are no duplicate of that sort. These duplicates are unnecessary. This script moves these duplicates to a subfolder named “doublons”.
- folder_list = [r”Eau-SWIAV_Saisonnier_EXPLORE2-2024_historical”,
r”Eau-SWIAV_Saisonnier_EXPLORE2-2024_rcp45”, r”Eau-SWIAV_Saisonnier_EXPLORE2-2024_rcp85”]
root_folder = r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees8- MeteoDRIASDRIAS-EauEXPLORE2-SIM2 2024Pays BasqueIndicateurs”
- for folder in folder_list:
base_folder = os.path.join(root_folder, folder) subfolder_list = [os.path.join(base_folder, f)
for f in os.listdir(base_folder) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base_folder, f))]
- for subfolder in subfolder_list:
gc.remove_double(subfolder, data_type = “indicateurs drias eau 2024”)
- geohydroconvert.reproject(data, *, src_crs=None, base_template=None, bounds=None, x0=None, y0=None, mask=None, **rio_kwargs)[source]
Reproject space-time data, using rioxarray.reproject().
- datastr, pathlib.Path, xarray.Dataset or xarra.Dataarray
Data to reproject. Supported file formats are .tif and .nc.
- src_crsint or str or, optional, default None
Source coordinate reference system. For integers, src_crs refers to the EPSG code. For strings, src_crs can be OGC WKT string or Proj.4 string.
- base_templatestr, pathlib.Path, xarra.Dataarray or geopandas.GeoDataFrame, optional, default None
Filepath, used as a template for spatial profile. Supported file formats are .tif, .nc and .shp.
- boundstuple (float, float, float, float), optional, default None
Boundaries of the target domain: (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)
- x0: number, optional, default None
Origin of the X-axis, used to align the reprojection grid.
- y0: number, optional, default None
Origin of the Y-axis, used to align the reprojection grid.
- maskstr or pathlib.Path, optional, default None
Filepath of geopandas.dataframe of mask.
- **rio_kwargskeyword args, optional, defaults are None
Argument passed to the
function call.Note: These arguments are prioritary over
attributes.- May contain:
dst_crs : str
resolution : float or tuple
shape : tuple (int, int)
transform : Affine
nodata : float or None
Reprojected xarray.Dataset.
- geohydroconvert.river_pct(input_file, value)[source]
Creates artificial modflow_river_percentage inputs (in *.nc) to use for drainage.
- input_filestr
Original modflow_river_percentage.tif file to duplicate/modify
- valuefloat
Value to impose on cells (from [0 to 1], not in percentage!) This value is added to original values as a fraction of the remaining “non-river” fraction:
- For example, value = 0.3 (30%):
cells with 0 are filled with 0.3
cells with 1 remain the same
cells with 0.8 take the value 0.86, because 30% of what should
have been capillary rise become baseflow (0.8 + 0.3*(1-0.8)) - cells with 0.5 take the value 0.65 (0.5 + 0.3*(1-0.5))
- geohydroconvert.secondary_era5_climvar(data)[source]
- This function computes the secondary data from ERA5-Land data, such as:
crop and water standard ETP from pan evaporation
wind speed from U- and V-components
relative humidity from T°, P and dewpoint
- datafilepath or xarray.dataset (or xarray.dataarray)
Main dataset used to generate secondary quantities.
None. Generates intended files.
- geohydroconvert.standard_grid_mapping(data, epsg=None)[source]
- QGIS needs a standard structure for grid_mapping information:
grid_mapping info should be in encodings and not in attrs
grid_mapping info should be stored in a coordinate names ‘spatial_ref’
In MeteoFrance data, these QGIS standards are not met. This function standardizes grid_mapping handling, so that it is compatible with QGIS.
- dataTYPE
- epsgTYPE
- data_dsTYPE
- geohydroconvert.time_series(*, input_file, epsg_coords=None, epsg_data=None, coords=None, mode='mean', dates=None, fields=None, cumul=False)[source]
% DESCRIPTION: This function extracts the temporal data in one location given by coordinate.
% EXAMPLE: import geoconvert as gc era5 = gc.time_series(input_file = r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees8- MeteoERA5Brittanydaily/”,
coords = (-2.199337, 48.17824), epsg = 4326, fields = ‘t2m’)
cwatm_ds = gc.time_series(input_file = r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux_CWatM_EBR
coords = (3417964, 2858067), epsg = 3035)
- > coords = coordinates of one point
/!Coordinates should be indicated in (X,Y) or (lon,lat) order (and not (lat,lon) !!!)
- > coords can also indicate a mask:
coords = ‘all’ | filepath to a mask.tiff | filepath to a mask.shp
- > epsg_coords = 4326 | 3035 | 2154 | 27572 | etc.
EPSG of the coords ! Useless if coords is a mask that includes a CRS
> epsg_data = same principle, for data without any included information about CRS > mode = ‘mean’ (standard) | ‘sum’ | ‘max’ | ‘min’
> dates = [‘2021-09’, ‘2021-12-01’ …] > fields = [‘T2M’, ‘PRECIP’, …]
- geohydroconvert.transform_nc(*, input_file, x_shift=0, y_shift=0, x_size=1, y_size=1)[source]
import datatransform as dt dt.transform_nc(input_file = r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux_CWatM_EBRdatainput_1km_LeMeulandsurface”,
x_shift = 200, y_shift = 400)
- geohydroconvert.transform_tif(*, input_file, x_shift=0, y_shift=0, x_size=1, y_size=1)[source]
import datatransform as dt dt.transform_tif(input_file = r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux_CWatM_EBRdatainput_1km_LeMeureamapsmask_cwatm_LeMeu_1km.tif”,
x_shift = 200, y_shift = 300)
- geohydroconvert.tss_to_dataframe(*, input_file, skip_rows, start_date, cumul=False)[source]
base = gc.tss_to_dataframe(input_file = r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux_CWatM_EBR
esults aw_results_prelim_cotech2-03-19_basedischarge_daily.tss”,
skip_rows = 4, start_date = ‘1991-08-01’)
precip = gc.tss_to_dataframe(input_file = r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux_CWatM_EBR
esults aw_results_artif2-03-25_basePrecipitation_daily.tss”,
skip_rows = 4, start_date = ‘2000-01-01’)
precip.val = precip.val*534000000/86400 # (le BV topographique du Meu fait 471 851 238 m2) precip[‘rolling_mean’] = precip[‘val’].rolling(10).mean()
- input_filestr
Chemin d’accès au fichier d’entrée
- skip_rowsint
Nombre de lignes à enlever en tête de fichier. /!ce nombre n’est ‘
- start_datestr ou datetime
Date de la 1re valeur du fichier /!Si str, il faut qu’elle soit au format “%Y-%m-%d”
df : pandas.DataFrame
Récupérer la start_date à partir du fichier de settings indiqué au début du fichier *.tss., et regarder ensuite le SpinUp
- geohydroconvert.unpack_value(packed_value, scale_factor, add_offset)[source]
Retrieve the original value from a packed value, a scale factor and an offset.
- packed_valuenumeric
Value to unpack.
- scale_factornumeric
Scale factor that was multiplied to the original value to retrieve.
- add_offsetnumeric
Offset that was added to the original value to retrieve.
- numeric
Original unpacked value.
- geohydroconvert.unzip(data)[source]
In some cases, especially for loading in QGIS, it is much quicker to load uncompressed netcdf than compressed netcdf. This function only applies to non-destructive compression.
- dataTYPE
- geohydroconvert.use_valid_time(data_ds)[source]
Use ‘valid_time’ as the temporal coordinate. Standardize its names into ‘time’. If not the main time coordinate, swap it with the main time coordinate.
- data_dsxarray.dataset
Dataset whose temporal coordinate should be renamed.
- data_dsxarray.dataset
Dataset with the modified name for the temporal coordinate.
- geohydroconvert.xr_to_pd(xr_data)[source]
Format xr objects (such as those from gc.time_series) into pandas.DataFrames formatted as in gc.tss_to_dataframe.
- xr_dataxarray.DataSet or xarray.DataArary
Initial data to convert into pandas.DataFrame NB: xr_data needs to have only one dimension.
Created on Tue Sep 17 16:58:10 2024
@author: Alexandre Kenshilik Coche @contact:
PAGAIE_interface est une interface regroupant les fonctions de geoconvert pertinentes pour géotraiter les données géographiques dans le cadre de la méthodologie Eau et Territoire ( ). A la difference de geoconvert, trajectoire_toolbox propose une sélection des fonctions disponibles dans geoconvert, ainsi que leur traduction en Français.
- PAGAIE_interface.dezipper(data)[source]
Dans certains cas, notamment pour le chargement des netcdf dans QGIS sous forme de maillage (MESH), il est beaucoup plus rapide de charger un fichier netcdf non compressé qu’un fichier netcdf compressé. Cette fonction ne s’applique que dans le cas d’une compression non destructive.
- PAGAIE_interface.formater(data, data_type, *, mask=None, bounds=None, resolution=None, x0=None, y0=None, base_template=None, **rio_kwargs)[source]
# DEM ttbox.formater(os.path.join(r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees”,
‘BD ALTI’, mask = os.path.join(r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees”,
“15- Territoire Pays Basquemasque_zone_etude.shp”),
resolution = [200, 1000], resampling = 9) # min
- ttbox.formater(os.path.join(r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees”,
‘BD ALTI’, mask = os.path.join(r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees”,
“15- Territoire Pays Basquemasque_zone_etude.shp”),
resolution = [200, 1000], dst_crs = 27572, resampling = 9) # min
# Climatic ttbox.formater(os.path.join(r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees”,
“8- MeteoDRIASDRIAS-ClimatEXPLORE2-Climat2022”, “Model1”, “”),
‘DRIAS 2022’, mask = os.path.join(r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees”,
“15- Territoire Pays Basquemasque_zone_etude.shp”),
resolution = 1000, resampling = 5) # average
- ttbox.formater(data = r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees8- MeteoDRIASDRIAS-ClimatEXPLORE2-Climat2022Model1”,
data_type = ‘DRIAS 2022’, resolution = 1000, resampling = 5, mask = r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees
- Territoire Pays Basquemasque_zone_etude.shp”
- ttbox.formater(data = r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees8- MeteoDRIASDRIAS-ClimatEXPLORE2-Climat2022Model1”,
data_type = ‘DRIAS 2022’, mask = r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees
- Territoire Pays Basquemasque_zone_etude.shp”
- ttbox.formater(data = r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees8- MeteoDRIASDRIAS-ClimatEXPLORE2-Climat2022Model4”,
data_type = ‘DRIAS 2022’, mask = [r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees
- Territoire Pays Basquemasque_zone_etude.shp”,
r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees- Territoire Annecymasque_zone_etude.shp”]
- dataTYPE
- data_typeTYPE
- : TYPE
- maskTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is None.
- resolutionTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is None.
- resamplingTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is None.
- PAGAIE_interface.georeferencer(*, data, data_type='other', include_crs=True, export_opt=False, crs=None)[source]
Il est fréquent que les données de source externe présentent des défauts de formattage (SCR non inclus, coordonnées non standard, incompatibilité avec QGIS…). Cette fonction permet de générer un raster ou shapefile standardisé, en particulier du point de vue de ses métadonnées, facilitant ainsi les opérations de géotraitement mais aussi la visualisation sous QGIS.
- datastr or xarray.dataset
Path (str) to .tif or .nc raster, or xarray.dataset.
- scr_sourceTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is None.
- scr_destTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is None.
- xarray.dataset
- PAGAIE_interface.reprojeter(data, *, src_crs=None, base_template=None, bounds=None, x0=None, y0=None, mask=None, **rio_kwargs)[source]
Created on Mon Mar 21 13:16:05 2022
@author: Alexandre Kenshilik Coche @contact:
- ncplot.plot_time_series(*, figweb=None, data, labels, title='title', linecolors=None, fillcolors=None, cumul=False, date_ini_cumul=None, reference=None, ref_norm=None, mean_norm=False, mean_center=False, legendgroup=None, legendgrouptitle_text=None, stack=False, col=None, row=None, lwidths=None, lstyles=None, yaxis='y1', fill=None, mode='lines', markers=None, showlegend=True, visible=True, bar_widths=None)[source]
This function provides a wrapper to facilitate the use of plotly.graph_objects class. It facilitates the input of several arguments:
data can be passed in any format
colors can be passed in any format (np.arrays, lists of strings…) which makes it possible to use indifferently plotly or matplotlib colormaps functions.
colors can be passed universally as
argument, no matter what graphical function is used then by plotly (for instance go.Bar normally needs colors to be passed in the marker dict whereas go.Scatter needs colors to be passed in the line dict as well as through an fillcolor argument)
- It also offers additional treatments in an easy way:
plot cumulative values
normalized values
This function is particularly appropriate to plot time series.
import cwatplot as cwp [_, _, figweb] = cwp.plot_time_series(data = [dfA, dfV],
labels = [‘Altrui’, ‘Vergogn’])
- figweb: plotly figure
Can plot on top of a previous plotly figure.
- data: array of pandas.DataFrames
Data to plot.
- labels: array of strings
Texts for legend.
- title: string
Title used for the matplotlib figure (fig1, ax1). Not used for plotly figure (figweb).
- linecolors: np.array
Colors are stored in [R, G, B, Alpha]. For instance: linecolors = [[1.0, 0.5, 0.4, 1],[…]].
- cumul: bool
Option to plot cumulated curves (True).
- date_ini_cumul: string
The string should indicate the date in the format ‘YYYY-MM-DD’. (for instance: date_ini_cumul = ‘2000-07-31’) Only used when cumul = True.
- reference: pandas.DataFrame
Used for displaying metrics (NSE, NSElog, VOLerr), computed against the reference data provided here.
- ref_norm: pandas.DataFrame (or xarray.DataSet, beta version…)
Used for plotting values normalized against the provided reference data.
- mean_norm: bool
Option to normalize each curve against its mean (True).
- mean_center: bool
Option to center each curve on its mean (True).
- legendgroup: string
To group curves under the provided group identifier. One group at a time.
- legendgrouptitle_text:
Text associated with the group identifier.
- stack: bool
Option to plot stacked curves (True).
- col: int
Column number for subplots.
- row: int
Row number for subplots.
- visible: {True, False, “legendonly”}, optional, default True
Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If
, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible).- mode: {“markers”, “lines”, “lines+markers”, “bar”}, optional, default “lines”
To select the representation mode.
markers : list of dict
- fig1: matplotlib figure
OBSOLETE: recent developments (normalized curves, stacked curves…) have not been implemented in this figure.
- ax1: matplotlib axis
Related to the previous figure. OBSOLETE.
- figweb: plotly figure
This figure version includes all options.
- ncplot.precip_like_discharge(*, input_file)[source]
% EXEMPLE : import cwatplot as cwp cwp.precip_like_discharge(input_file = input_file)
% ARGUMENTS > input_file = fichier des précipitations > freq = ‘daily’ | ‘monthly’
- ncplot.tss_to_dataframe(*, input_file, skip_rows, start_date)[source]
# Base base = cwp.tss_to_dataframe(input_file = r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux_CWatM_EBR
esults aw_results_prelim_cotech2-03-19_basedischarge_daily.tss”,
skip_rows = 4, start_date = ‘1991-08-01’)
# Virginie virg = cwp.tss_to_dataframe(input_file = r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux_CWatM_EBRdata%ARCHIVE fichiers Virginiesimulationssim0discharge_daily.tss”,
skip_rows = 0, start_date = ‘1991-01-01’)
# Nouvelle base base = cwp.tss_to_dataframe(input_file = r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux_CWatM_EBR
esults aw_results_artif2-03-25_basedischarge_daily.tss”,
skip_rows = 4, start_date = ‘2000-01-01’)
# Données data = cwp.tss_to_dataframe(input_file = r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees- Stations et debitsDebitsHydroDataPyStations_Bretagnemeu_montfort.csv”,
skip_rows = 0, start_date = ‘1969-01-01’)
# Precip precip = cwp.tss_to_dataframe(input_file = r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux_CWatM_EBR
esults aw_results_artif2-03-25_basePrecipitation_daily.tss”,
skip_rows = 4, start_date = ‘2000-01-01’)
precip.val = precip.val*534000000/86400 precip[‘rolling_mean’] = precip[‘val’].rolling(10).mean()
- : TYPE
- input_fileTYPE
- skip_rowsTYPE
- start_dateTYPE
- dfTYPE
- class trajplot.Figure(var: str, root_folder, scenario: str = 'RCP 8.5', epsg_data=None, coords='all', epsg_coords=None, rolling_days: int = 1, period_years: int = 10, annuality='calendar', plot_type: str = None, repres: (None, <class 'str'>) = 'area', cumul: bool = False, relative: bool = False, language: str = 'fr', color='scale', plotsize='wide', name: str = '', credit: (None, <class 'str'>) = 'auto', showlegend: bool = True, shadow: (None, <class 'str'>) = None, verbose: bool = None)[source]
Main data available as Figure attributes
Main variables
List of model names.For example in EXPLORE2 it corresponds to the identifier of theclimatic experiment: ‘Model1’, ‘Model2’, ‘Model3’…, ‘Model17’.self.original_data
List of the pandas.Dataframes retrieved from the NetCDF data,for each model (climatic experiments). NetCDF data are convertedinto time series by considering the spatial average over thecoords
argument (mask).self.relative_ref
Equivalent toself.original_data
, but contains the timeseries used as reference (historic) to compute relativevalues (if user-chosen).self.rea_data
Equivalent toself.original_data
, but contains thereanalysis time series, which are added to the plots inorder to provide a historic reference.self.all_res
List of pd.Dataframes for each period (according toperiod_years
argument), containing timeseries averagedover a year (365 days) for each model (climatic experiments)(one column per model). The year starts on the month defined byannuality
Results formated for the plots.Either in the form of a list of pd.Dataframes, one for eachperiod, each pd.Dataframe containing the aggregated result(min, mean, sum…) fromself.all_res
[in case ofplot_type = 'temporality'
].Or in the form of a single pd.Dataframe containing theaggregated values for each day [in case ofplot_type
isa metric].
from import trajplot as tjp mask = r"D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees- Territoire Annecy\masque_zone_etude.shp" F = tjp.Figure( var = 'T', root_folder = r"E:\Inputs\Climat", scenario = 'rcp8.5', coords = mask, rolling_days = 30, period_years = 10, annuality = 3, name = 'Annecy', ) for m in mask_dict: for scenario in ['SIM2', 'rcp8.5']: figweb, _, _ = tjp.temporality( var = 'PRETOT', scenario = scenario, root_folder = r"E:\Inputs\Climat", coords = mask_dict[m], name = m, period_years = 10, rolling_days = 30, cumul = False, plot_type = 'temporality', annuality = 3, relative = False, language = 'fr', plotsize = 'wide', verbose = True) figweb, _, _ = tjp.temporality( var = 'DRAIN', scenario = scenario, root_folder = r"E:\Inputs\Climat", coords = mask_dict[m], name = m, period_years = 10, rolling_days = 30, cumul = False, plot_type = 'temporality', annuality = 10, relative = False, language = 'fr', plotsize = 'wide', verbose = True) figweb, _, _ = tjp.temporality( var = 'SWI', scenario = scenario, root_folder = r"E:\Inputs\Climat", coords = mask_dict[m], name = m, period_years = 10, rolling_days = 30, cumul = False, plot_type = 'temporality', annuality = 3, relative = False, language = 'fr', plotsize = 'wide', verbose = True) figweb, _, _ = tjp.temporality( var = 'T', scenario = scenario, root_folder = r"E:\Inputs\Climat", coords = mask_dict[m], name = m, period_years = 10, rolling_days = 30, cumul = False, plot_type = 'temporality', annuality = 10, relative = False, language = 'fr', plotsize = 'wide', verbose = True)
- varstr
‘PRETOT’ | ‘PRENEI’ | ‘ETP’ | ‘EVAPC’ | ‘RUNOFFC’ | ‘DRAINC’ | ‘T’ | ‘SWI’ | …
- scenariostr
‘SIM2’ | ‘historical’ | ‘RCP 4.5’ | ‘RCP 8.5’
- root_folderstr, path
- Path to the folder containing climatic data.
r”D:- Postdoc- Travaux- Veille- Donnees8- Meteo” (on my PC) r”E:InputsClimat” (on the external harddrive)
- epsg_dataTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is None.
- coordsTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is ‘all’.
- epsg_coordsTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is None.
- languageTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is ‘fr’.
- plotsizeTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is ‘wide’.
- rolling_daysTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is 1.
- period_yearsTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is 10.
- cumulTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is False.
- plot_typeTYPE
- repres{None, “area” or “bar”}, optional, default None
Only used when plot_type is a metric. Defines the type of graphical representation of the metric plot.
: curves representing rolling averages"bar"
: rectangles representing period averages
- nameint
Suffix to add in the filename. Especially usefull to indicate the name of the site.
- creditstr, optional, default ‘auto’
To display the acknowledgement for data and conception. If
, the standard info about data source and conception author will be displayed. To remove all mention of credits, passcredit=''
.- color‘scale’, ‘discrete’, <colormap> (str) or list of colors, optional, default ‘scale’
Colors for the plots (for now, only for temporality plots)
- relativebool
Whether the values should be computed as absolute or relatively to the reference period.
- showlegendbool, optional, default True
Whether to display the legend or not.
- shadow{None, ‘last’, ‘first’, ‘firstlast’, ‘lastfirst’, ‘all’}, optional, default = None
Whether to display dialy values in grey shadows, and for which period.
- annualityint or str
- Type of year
‘calendar’ | ‘meteorological’ | ‘meteo’ | ‘hydrological’ | ‘hydro’ 1 | 9 | 10
- verbose: bool
Whether or not to display memory diagnotics.
- agg_labels = {'decrease': ['decrease', 'diminution'], 'increase': ['increase', 'augmentation'], 'max': ['maximum', 'maximum'], 'mean': ['mean', 'moyenne'], 'min': ['minimum', 'minimum'], 'range': ['range', 'amplitude'], 'sum': ['sum', 'somme']}
- layout(*, plotsize=None, name=None, credit=None, color=None, language=None, showlegend=None, shadow=None, repres=None, cumul=None)[source]
- load()[source]
This method also update the instance attributes all_res and graph_res, which respectively store the whole results and the final results used for the plot.
This method can lead to memory size issues. It seems to appear when the garbage collector is not doing its job fast enough in the xarray variable data from
To solve this, you might just need to open this folder on Windows.
Examples (pipeline)
import os mask_folder = r”D:2- Postdoc2- Travaux1- Veille4- Donnees15- Territoire Pays Basque” mask_dict = dict() mask_dict[‘cotier’] = os.path.join(mask_folder, r”Sage-cotier-basque.shp”) mask_dict[‘CAPB’] = os.path.join(mask_folder, r”zone_etude_fusion.shp”) mask_dict[‘Nive-Nivelle’] = os.path.join(mask_folder, r”Nive-Nivelle.shp”) for var in [‘PRETOT’, ‘DRAIN’, ‘SWI’, ‘T’]:
- for scenario in [‘SIM2’, ‘rcp8.5’]:
- for m in mask_dict:
- F = tjp.Figure(
var = var, root_folder = r”E:InputsClimat”, scenario = scenario, coords = mask_dict[m], name = m, rolling_days = 30, period_years = 10, )
F.plot(plot_type = ‘annual_sum’) F.plot(plot_type = ‘annual_sum’, period_years = 30) F.plot(plot_type = ‘annual_sum’, period_years = 1) F.plot(plot_type = ‘annual_scatter’, agg_rule = ‘sum’) F.plot(plot_type = ‘15/11’, period_years = 10) F.plot(plot_type = ‘15/05’, period_years = 10) if var == ‘DRAIN’:
F.plot(plot_type = ‘> 1.5’)
- metric_labels = {'annual': ['annual {}', '{} annuelle'], 'date': ['date of {}', 'date de {}']}
- metric_list = ['annual', 'date']
- plot(*, rolling_days=None, period_years=None, annuality=None, plot_type=None, plotsize=None, name=None, credit=None, color=None, language=None, showlegend=None, shadow=None, repres=None, cumul=None)[source]
- F = tjp.Figure(
var = ‘DRAINC’, root_folder = r”E:InputsClimat”, scenario = ‘rcp8.5’, coords = r”C:
- ile.shp”,
rolling_days = 30, annuality = 10, name = ‘myCatchment’, )
F.plot(plot_type = ‘> 1.5’, period_years = 10) F.plot(plot_type = ‘annual_sum’) F.plot(plot_type = ‘annual_sum’, period_years = 30) F.plot(plot_type = ‘annual_scatter’, period_years = 1) F.plot(plot_type = ‘15/11’, period_years = 10)
- plot_typestr
‘temporality’ | ‘annual_sum’
- static timeseries(*, data_type, var, scenario, season, domain='Pays-Basque', epsg_data=None, coords='all', epsg_coords=None, language='fr', plotsize='wide', rolling_window=1, plot_type='2series')[source]
import climatic_plot as tjp
- tjp.timeseries(data_type = “Indicateurs DRIAS-Eau 2024 SWIAV”,
scenario = ‘historical’, season = ‘JJA’, domain = ‘Pays Basque’, rolling_window = 10, plot_type = ‘2series’)
# —- Original and rolled series for SWIAV for season in [‘JJA’, ‘SON’, ‘DJF’, ‘MAM’]:
- for scenario in [‘historical’, ‘rcp45’, ‘rcp85’]:
- for domain in [‘Pays Basque’, ‘Annecy’]:
- tjp.timeseries(data_type = “Indicateurs DRIAS-Eau 2024”,
var = ‘SWIAV’, scenario = scenario, season = season, domain = domain, rolling_window = 10, plot_type = ‘2series’)
# —- Same for SSWI for season in [‘JJA’, ‘SON’, ‘DJF’, ‘MAM’]:
- for scenario in [‘rcp45’, ‘rcp85’]:
- for domain in [‘Pays Basque’, ‘Annecy’]:
- tjp.timeseries(data_type = “Indicateurs DRIAS-Eau 2024”,
var = ‘SSWI’, scenario = scenario, season = season, domain = domain, rolling_window = 10, plot_type = ‘2series’)
# —- All different colors with SIM2 tjp.timeseries(data_type = “Indicateurs DRIAS-Eau 2024”,
var = ‘SWIAV’, scenario = ‘historical’, season = ‘JJA’, domain = ‘Pays Basque’, rolling_window = 10, plot_type = ‘all with sim2’)
# —- Narratifs for season in [‘JJA’, ‘SON’, ‘DJF’, ‘MAM’]:
- for domain in [‘Pays Basque’, ‘Annecy’]:
- tjp.timeseries(data_type = “Indicateurs DRIAS-Eau 2024”,
var = ‘SWIAV’, scenario = ‘rcp85’, season = season, domain = domain, rolling_window = 10, plot_type = ‘narratifs’)
- : TYPE
- root_folderTYPE
- scenariostr
‘historical’ | ‘rcp45’ | ‘rcp85’
- seasonstr
- data_typeTYPE
- epsg_dataTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is None.
- coordsTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is ‘all’.
- epsg_coordsTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is None.
- languageTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is ‘fr’.
- plotsizeTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is ‘wide’.
- rolling_windowTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is 10.
- plot_typeTYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is ‘2series’.
- : TYPE
- update(*, var=None, root_folder=None, scenario=None, epsg_data=None, coords=None, epsg_coords=None, relative=None, rolling_days=None, period_years=None, annuality=None, plot_type=None, repres=None, cumul=None, language=None, plotsize=None, color=None, name=None, credit=None, showlegend=None, shadow=None, verbose=None)[source]
- verbose: bool = False
Created on Thu Sep 5 15:55:24 2024
@author: Alexandre Kenshilik Coche
- cmapgenerator.custom(n_steps, *args)[source]
- args:
color1, color2, color3… en format [Rouge Vert Bleu Alpha] (valeurs entre 0 et 1)
- cmapgenerator.discrete(sequence_name='ibm', alpha=1, black=True, alternate=True, color_format='float')[source]
Generate a standardized colorscale, based on predefined color maps.
- sequence_name{“trio”, “duo”, “uno”, “ibm”, “wong”}, optional, default “ibm”
A flag to choose the colorscale among the available ones.
: a 3x9-color scale (+ grays) based on 9 distinct hues.Two other colorscales can be derived from this one:
: only the dark and light variations of each hue are returned."uno"
: only the middle variation of each hue is returned.
: a 9-color scale (+ black) extended from Wong, adapted for colorblindness."ibm"
: a 6-color scale (+ black) extended from IBM colorscale, adapted for colorblindness.
- alphaNone or float, optional, default 1
Transparency (from 0 to 1). If
, colors are returned without the 4th value.- blackbool, optional, default True
, the black color (and related gray variations) are not included in the colorscale.- alternatebool, optional, default True
, the colorscale is not in rainbow order.- color_format{“float”, “rbg_str”, “rgba_tuple”}, optional, default “float”
The way to define colors:
:[0.22, 0.5, 0.99, 0.85]
:"rgba(56.1, 127.5, 252.45, 0.82)"
:(56.1, 127.5, 252.45, 0.82)
Return a numpy.array where each row is a 1D-array [red, green, blue, alpha], with values between 0 and 1, or corresponding list with values converted to rgba tuples or strings.
- cmapgenerator.to_rgba_str(color)[source]
This function can convert a color variable of any format (
) and any shape (one color or several colors) into a color variable in the'rgba_str'
format, for example:'rgb(239.95, 227.97, 66.045)'
['rgb(239.95, 227.97, 66.045)', 'rgb(135.92, 33.915, 84.915)', 'rgb(188.95, 133.11, 254.49)', 'rgb(212.92, 94.095, 0.51)', 'rgb(120.105, 195.08, 236.895)']
- colorlist, numpy.array, tuple or str
Input color variable to convert.
A color variable similar to the input, but in the
Created on Fri Apr 5 18:08:57 2024
@author: Alexandre Kenshilik Coche @contact:
Based on the work of Ronan Abhervé and Loic Duffar (
- SIM2_tools.folder_to_netcdf(folder)[source]
- folderstr
Folder containing the .csv files.
None. Creates the .nc files in the folder ‘netcdf’
- SIM2_tools.plot_map(var, *, file_folder=None, mode='sum', timemode='annual')[source]
Generates interactive maps from SIM2 data (html).
import SIM2_tools as smt
smt.plot_map(‘PRETOT’, mode = “sum”, timemode = ‘annual’)
- for timemode in [‘JJA’, ‘SON’, ‘DJF’, ‘MAM’]:
smt.plot_map(‘SWI’, mode = “mean”, timemode = timemode, file_folder = folder)
- varstr
- SIM2 variables:
‘ETP’ | ‘EVAP’ | ‘PRELIQ’ | ‘PRENEI’ | ‘PRETOT’ | ‘DRAINC’ | ‘RUNC’ | ‘T’ | ‘TINF_H’ | ‘TSUP_H’ | ‘WG_RACINE’ | ‘WGI_RACINE’ | ‘SWI’ …
- modestr, optional
‘sum’ | ‘min’ | ‘max’ | ‘mean’ | ‘ratio’ | ‘ratio_precip’ | ‘mean_cumdiff’ | ‘sum_cumdiff’ | ‘min_cumdiff’ | ‘max_cumdiff’ ‘mean_cumdiff_ratio’ | ‘sum_cumdiff_ratio’ ‘mean_deficit’ | ‘sum_deficit’ The default is “sum”.
- timemodestr, optional
‘annual’ | ‘ONDJFM’ | ‘AMJJAS’ | ‘DJF’ | ‘MAM’ | ‘JJA’ | ‘SON’. The default is ‘annual’.
None. Creates the html maps.