Source code for geohydroconvert

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu 16 Dec 2021

@author: Alexandre Kenshilik Coche

This module is a collection of tools for manipulating hydrological space-time
data, especially netcdf data. It has been originally developped to provide
preprocessing tools for CWatM ( and HydroModPy
(, but most functions have been
designed to be of general use.


#%% Imports:
import xarray as xr
xr.set_options(keep_attrs = True)
import rioxarray as rio #Not necessary, the rio module from xarray is enough
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import rasterio
import rasterio.features
from affine import Affine
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely.geometry import mapping
import os
import re
import sys
import gc # garbage collector
import pathlib
from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo import osr
from osgeo import ogr
from osgeo import gdalconst
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import fiona
import datetime
import math

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pysheds.grid import Grid  # to compute river network

# import whitebox
# wbt = whitebox.WhiteboxTools()
# wbt.verbose = False

# ---- ° = à garder mais mettre à jour
# ---- * = à inclure dans une autre fonction ou supprimer

[docs]def use_valid_time(data_ds): """ Use 'valid_time' as the temporal coordinate. Standardize its names into 'time'. If not the main time coordinate, swap it with the main time coordinate. Parameters ---------- data_ds : xarray.dataset Dataset whose temporal coordinate should be renamed. Returns ------- data_ds : xarray.dataset Dataset with the modified name for the temporal coordinate. """ # Rename 'valid_time' into 'time' (if necessary) if ('valid_time' in data_ds.coords) | ('valid_time' in data_ds.data_vars): data_ds = data_ds.rename({'valid_time': 'time'}) # Swap the coordinate (if necessary) time_coord = main_time_coord(data_ds) if time_coord != 'time': data_ds = data_ds.swap_dims({time_coord: 'time'}) return data_ds
[docs]def load_any(data, name=None, infer_time=False, **xr_kwargs): # decode_times=True, decode_cf=True, decode_coords='all'): r""" This function loads any common spatio-temporal file or variable, without the need to think about the file or variable type. import geoconvert as gc data_ds = gc.load_any(r'D:\', decode_times = True, decode_coords = 'all') Parameters ---------- data : TYPE DESCRIPTION. name : TYPE, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is None. **xr_kwargs: keyword args Argument passed to the xarray.open_dataset function call. May contain: . decode_coords . decode_times . decode_cf > help(xr.open_dataset Returns ------- data_ds : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ # data is a variable if isinstance(data, xr.Dataset): data_ds = data.copy() # Rename time coord if (not 'time' in data_ds.coords) & (not 'time' in data_ds.data_vars): data_ds = use_valid_time(data_ds) elif isinstance(data, xr.DataArray): if name is None: name = input('Name of main variable: ') data_ds = data.to_dataset(name = name, promote_attrs = True) # Rename time coord if (not 'time' in data_ds.coords) & (not 'time' in data_ds.data_vars): data_ds = use_valid_time(data_ds) elif isinstance(data, gpd.GeoDataFrame): data_ds = data.copy() # data is a string/path elif isinstance(data, (str, pathlib.Path)): print("\nLoading data...") if not os.path.isfile(data): print(" Err: the path provided is not a file") return if os.path.splitext(data)[-1] == '.shp': data_ds = gpd.read_file(data) elif os.path.splitext(data)[-1] == '.nc': try: with xr.open_dataset(data, **xr_kwargs) as data_ds: data_ds.load() # to unlock the resource # Rename time coord if (not 'time' in data_ds.coords) & (not 'time' in data_ds.data_vars): data_ds = use_valid_time(data_ds) except: xr_kwargs['decode_times'] = False if not infer_time: print(" _ decode_times = False") try: with xr.open_dataset(data, **xr_kwargs) as data_ds: data_ds.load() # to unlock the resource except: xr_kwargs['decode_coords'] = False print(" _ decode_coords = False") with xr.open_dataset(data, **xr_kwargs) as data_ds: data_ds.load() # to unlock the resource # Rename time coord if (not 'time' in data_ds.coords) & (not 'time' in data_ds.data_vars): data_ds = use_valid_time(data_ds) if infer_time: print(" _ inferring time axis...") units, reference_date = data_ds.time.attrs['units'].split('since') if units.replace(' ', '').casefold() in ['month', 'months', 'M']: freq = 'M' elif units.replace(' ', '').casefold() in ['day', 'days', 'D']: freq = 'D' start_date = pd.date_range(start = reference_date, periods = int(data_ds.time[0].values)+1, freq = freq) try: data_ds['time'] = pd.date_range(start = start_date[-1], periods = data_ds.sizes['time'], freq = freq) except: # SPECIAL CASE to handle truncated output files from failed CWatM simulations data_ds = data_ds.where(data_ds['time']<1e5, drop = True) data_ds['time'] = pd.date_range(start = start_date[-1], periods = data_ds.sizes['time'], freq = freq) print(f" . initial time = {data_ds.time[0].values.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')} | final time = {data_ds.time[-1].values.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')} | units = {units}") elif os.path.splitext(data)[-1] in ['.tif', '.asc']: xr_kwargs['decode_coords'] = None with xr.open_dataset(data, **xr_kwargs) as data_ds: data_ds.load() # to unlock the resource # Rename time coord if (not 'time' in data_ds.coords) & (not 'time' in data_ds.data_vars): data_ds = use_valid_time(data_ds) if name is None: name = input('Name of main variable: ') data_ds = data_ds.squeeze('band') data_ds = data_ds.drop('band') data_ds = data_ds.rename(band_data = name) # Return return data_ds
[docs]def main_var(data_ds): var = list(set(list(data_ds.data_vars)) - set(['x', 'y', 'X','Y', 'i', 'j', 'lat', 'lon', 'spatial_ref', 'LambertParisII', 'bnds', 'time_bnds', 'valid_time', 'forecast_reference_time', 'forecast_period'])) if len(var) == 1: var = var[0] return var
[docs]def main_space_coords(data_ds): x_var = list(set(list(data_ds.coords)).intersection(set(['x', 'X', 'lon', 'longitude']))) y_var = list(set(list(data_ds.coords)).intersection(set(['y', 'Y', 'lat', 'latitude']))) if len(x_var) == 1: x_var = x_var[0] if len(y_var) == 1: y_var = y_var[0] return x_var, y_var
[docs]def main_time_coord(data_ds): var = list(set(list(data_ds.coords)).intersection(set(['time', 'valid_time', 'forecast_period', # 'time_bnds', # 'forecast_reference_time', ]))) if len(var) == 1: var = var[0] elif len(var) > 1: coords_length = {data_ds[v].size:v for v in var} var = coords_length[max(coords_length.keys())] return var
[docs]def get_filelist(data, filetype = '.nc'): """ This function converts a folder (or a file) in a list of relevant files. Parameters ---------- data: str or iterable Folder, filepath or iterable of filepaths filetype: str Extension. Returns ------- data_folder : str Root of the files. filelist : list of str List of files. """ # ---- Data is a single element # if data is a single string/path if isinstance(data, (str, pathlib.Path)): # if this string points to a folder if os.path.isdir(data): data_folder = data filelist = [f for f in os.listdir(data_folder) if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(data_folder, f)) \ & (os.path.splitext(os.path.join(data_folder, f))[-1] == filetype))] # if this string points to a file else: data_folder = os.path.split(data)[0] # root of the file filelist = [data] # ---- Data is an iterable elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): # [Safeguard] It is assumed that data contains an iterable of files if not os.path.isfile(data[0]): print("Err: Argument should be a folder, a filepath or a list of filepath") return data_folder = os.path.split(data[0])[0] # root of the first element of the list filelist = list(data) return data_folder, filelist
############################################################################### #%%% ° pick_dates_fields
[docs]def pick_dates_fields(*, input_file, output_format = 'NetCDF', **kwargs): """ % DESCRIPTION: This function extracts the specified dates or fields from NetCDF files that contain multiple dates or fields, and exports it as a single file. % EXAMPLE: import geoconvert as gc gc.pick_dates_fields(input_file = r"D:/path/", dates = ['2020-10-15', '2021-10-15']) % OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS: > output_format = 'NetCDF' (default) | 'GeoTIFF' > kwargs: > dates = ['2021-10-15', '2021-10-19'] > fields = ['T2M', 'PRECIP', ...] """ with xr.open_dataset(input_file) as _dataset: _dataset.load() # to unlock the resource #% Get arguments (and build output_name): # --------------------------------------- _basename = os.path.splitext(input_file)[0] # Get fields: if 'fields' in kwargs: fields = kwargs['fields'] if isinstance(fields, str): fields = [fields] else: fields = list(fields) # in case fields are string or tuple else: fields = list(_dataset.data_vars) # if not input_arg, fields = all # Get dates: if 'dates' in kwargs: dates = kwargs['dates'] if isinstance(dates, str): output_file = '_'.join([_basename, dates, '_'.join(fields)]) dates = [dates] else: dates = list(dates) # in case dates are tuple output_file = '_'.join([_basename, dates[0], 'to', dates[-1], '_'.join(fields)]) else: dates = ['alldates'] # if not input_arg, dates = all output_file = '_'.join([_basename, '_'.join(fields)]) #% Standardize terms: # ------------------- if 't' in list(_dataset.dims): print('Renaming time coordinate') _dataset = _dataset.rename(t = 'time') if 'lon' in list(_dataset.dims) or 'lat' in list(_dataset.dims): print('Renaming lat/lon coordinates') _dataset = _dataset.rename(lat = 'latitude', lon = 'longitude') # Change the order of coordinates to match QGIS standards: _dataset = _dataset.transpose('time', 'latitude', 'longitude') # Insert georeferencing metadata to match QGIS standards:"epsg:4326", inplace = True) # Insert metadata to match Panoply standards: _dataset.longitude.attrs = {'units': 'degrees_east', 'long_name': 'longitude'} _dataset.latitude.attrs = {'units': 'degrees_north', 'long_name': 'latitude'} if 'X' in list(_dataset.dims) or 'Y' in list(_dataset.dims): print('Renaming X/Y coordinates') _dataset = _dataset.rename(X = 'x', Y = 'y') # Change the order of coordinates to match QGIS standards: _dataset = _dataset.transpose('time', 'y', 'x') # Insert metadata to match Panoply standards: _dataset.x.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_x_coordinate', 'long_name': 'x coordinate of projection', 'units': 'Meter'} _dataset.y.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_y_coordinate', 'long_name': 'y coordinate of projection', 'units': 'Meter'} # ============================================================================= # # Rename coordinates (ancienne version): # try: # _dataset.longitude # except AttributeError: # _dataset = _dataset.rename({'lon':'longitude'}) # try: # _dataset.latitude # except AttributeError: # _dataset = _dataset.rename({'lat':'latitude'}) # try: # _dataset.time # except AttributeError: # _dataset = _dataset.rename({'t':'time'}) # ============================================================================= #% Extraction and export: # ----------------------- # Extraction of fields: _datasubset = _dataset[fields] # Extraction of dates: if dates != 'alldates': _datasubset = _datasubset.sel(time = dates) if output_format == 'NetCDF': _datasubset.attrs = {'Conventions': 'CF-1.6'} # I am not sure... # Export: _datasubset.to_netcdf(output_file + '.nc') elif output_format == 'GeoTIFF': + '.tiff')
#%% GEOREFERENCING ############################################################################### # Georef (ex-decorate_NetCDF_for_QGIS)
[docs]def georef(*, data, data_type = 'other', include_crs = None, export_opt = False, crs = None): r""" Description ----------- Il est fréquent que les données de source externe présentent des défauts de formattage (SCR non inclus, coordonnées non standard, incompatibilité avec QGIS...). Cette fonction permet de générer un raster ou shapefile standardisé, en particulier du point de vue de ses métadonnées, facilitant ainsi les opérations de géotraitement mais aussi la visualisation sous QGIS. Exemple ------- import geoconvert as gc gc.georef(data = r"D:\CWatM\raw_results\test1\", data_type = 'CWatM') Parametres ---------- data : str or xr.Dataset (or xr.DataArray) Chemin d'accès au fichier à modifier (le fichier original ne sera pas altéré, un nouveau fichier '(...)' sera créé.) data_type : str Type de données : 'modflow' | 'DRIAS-Climat 2020' | 'DRIAS-Eau 2021' \ 'SIM 2021' | 'DRIAS-Climat 2022' \ 'Climat 2022' | 'DRIAS-Eau 2024' \ 'SIM 2024' | 'CWatM' | 'autre' \ 'other' (case insensitive) include_crs : bool, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is True. export_opt : bool, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is True. Le NetCDF crée est directement enregistré dans le même dossier que le fichier d'origine, en rajoutant 'georef' à son nom. crs : int, optional Destination CRS, only necessary when data_type == 'other' The default is None. Returns ------- xarray.Dataset or geopandas.GeoDataFrame. """ if include_crs is None: if crs is not None: include_crs = True # ---- NetCDF de ModFlow # -------------------- if data_type.casefold() == 'modflow': # Load data_ds = load_any(data, decode_coords = 'all', decode_times = False) print("\nFormatting data...") # Add standard attributes for coordinates (mandatory for QGIS to correctly read data) data_ds.x.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_x_coordinate', 'long_name': 'x coordinate of projection', 'units': 'Meter'} data_ds.y.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_y_coordinate', 'long_name': 'y coordinate of projection', 'units': 'Meter'} print(" _ Standard attributes added for coordinates x and y") # Add CRS data_epsg = 2154 # Lambert 93 crs_suffix = '' if include_crs:, inplace = True) print(f' _ Coordinates Reference System (epsg:{data_epsg}) included.') else: print(f' _ Coordinates Reference System not included. {data_epsg} has to be manually specified in QGIS') crs_suffix = 'nocrs' # ========== USELESS ========================================================== # data_ds = data_ds.transpose('time', 'y', 'x') # ============================================================================= # ---- NetCDF de CWatM # Inclusion du SCR # ------------------ elif data_type.casefold() == 'cwatm'.casefold(): # Load data_ds = load_any(data, decode_coords = 'all', decode_times = False) print("\nFormatting data...") # Add CRS data_epsg = 2154 # Lambert 93 crs_suffix = '' if include_crs:, inplace = True) print(f' _ Coordinates Reference System (epsg:{data_epsg}) included.') else: print(f' _ Coordinates Reference System not included. {data_epsg} has to be manually specified in QGIS') crs_suffix = 'nocrs' # ---- NetCDF de la DRIAS-Climat 2020 et de la DRIAS-Eau 2021 # Données SAFRAN (tas, prtot, rayonnement, vent... ) "DRIAS-2020" # ainsi que : # Données SURFEX (evapc, drainc, runoffc, swe, swi...) "EXPLORE2-SIM2 2021" # ------------------------------------------------------------ if data_type.replace(" ", "").casefold() in ['drias2020', 'drias-climat2020', 'sim2021', 'drias-eau2021']: # Load data_ds = load_any(decode_coords = 'all') print("\nFormating data...") # Create X and Y coordinates if necessary, from i and j list_var_lowcase = [v.casefold() for v in list(data_ds.coords) + list(data_ds.data_vars)] if 'x' not in list_var_lowcase: data_ds = data_ds.assign_coords( X = ('i', 52000 + data_ds.i.values*8000)) print(" _ X values created from i") if 'y' not in list_var_lowcase: data_ds = data_ds.assign_coords( Y = ('j', 1609000 + data_ds.j.values*8000)) print(" _ Y values created from j") # Replace X and Y as coordinates, and rename them data_ds = data_ds.swap_dims(i = 'X', j = 'Y') print(" _ Coordinates i and j replaced with X and Y") data_ds = data_ds.rename(X = 'x', Y = 'y') print(" _ Coordinates renamed as lowcase x and y [optional]") # Get main variable var = main_var(data_ds) print(f" _ Main variable is: {var}") # Ensure that lat, lon, i and j will be further loaded by xarray as coords data_ds[var].attrs['coordinates'] = 'x y i j lat lon' print(" _ x, y, i, j, lat, lon ensured to be read as coordinates") # ============== USELESS ====================================================== # # Reorder data, to ensure QGIS Mesh detects the correct data set # data_ds = data_ds[[var, 'x', 'y', 'time']] # print(" _ Data reordered [safety]") # ============================================================================= # ============== USELESS ====================================================== # # To avoid conflicts with missing values # data_ds[var].encoding.pop('missing_value') # data_ds['lat'].encoding.pop('missing_value') # # data_ds['lat'].encoding['_FillValue'] = np.nan # data_ds['lon'].encoding.pop('missing_value') # # data_ds['lon'].encoding['_FillValue'] = np.nan # ============================================================================= # Add standard attributes for coordinates (mandatory for QGIS to correctly read data) data_ds.x.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_x_coordinate', 'long_name': 'x coordinate of projection', 'units': 'Meter'} data_ds.y.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_y_coordinate', 'long_name': 'y coordinate of projection', 'units': 'Meter'} print(" _ Standard attributes added for coordinates x and y") # Add CRS data_epsg = 27572 # Lambert zone II crs_suffix = '' if include_crs:, inplace = True) print(f' _ Coordinates Reference System (epsg:{data_epsg}) included. (NB: This might alter Panoply georeferenced vizualisation)') else: print(f' _ Coordinates Reference System not included. {data_epsg} has to be manually specified in QGIS') crs_suffix = 'nocrs' # Incompatibilité QGIS - Panoply : # Pour une raison inconnue, l'inclusion du CRS 27572 ("Lambert # Zone II" / "NTF (Paris)" pose problème pour le géo-référencement # dans Panoply (c'est comme si Panoply prenait {lat = 0 ; lon = 0} # comme origine de la projection). Sans 'spatial_ref' incluse dans le # netCDF, Panoply géo-référence correctement les données, probablement # en utilisant directement les variables 'lat' et 'lon'. # ---- NetCDF de la DRIAS-Climat 2022 # Données SAFRAN (tas, prtot, rayonnement, vent... ) "EXPLORE2-Climat 2022" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif data_type.replace(" ", "").casefold() in ['drias2022', 'climat2022', 'drias-climat2022']: # Load data_ds = load_any(data, decode_cf = False) print("\nFormating data...") # Correcting the spatial_ref # ============================================================================= # data_ds['LambertParisII'] = xr.DataArray( # data = np.array(-2147220352.0), # coords = {'LambertParisII': -2147220352.0}, # attrs = {'grid_mapping_name': 'lambert_conformal_conic_1SP', # 'latitude_of_origin': 52.0, # 'central_meridian': 0.0, # 'false_easting': 600000.0, # 'false_northing': 2200000.0, # 'epsg': 27572, # 'references': ''}) # crs_suffix = 'georef' # ============================================================================= data_epsg = 27572 # Lambert zone II if include_crs: # data_ds = data_ds.drop('LambertParisII') #'epsg:{data_epsg}', inplace = True) data_ds = standard_grid_mapping(data_ds, data_epsg) print(f' _ Coordinates Reference System (epsg:{data_epsg}) included. (NB: This might alter Panoply georeferenced vizualisation)') crs_suffix = '' else: print(f' _ Coordinates Reference System not included. {data_epsg} has to be manually specified in QGIS') crs_suffix = 'nocrs' # Get main variable var = main_var(data_ds) print(f" _ Main variable is: {var}") # Ensure that lat, and lon will be further loaded by xarray as coords data_ds[var].encoding['coordinates'] = 'x y lat lon' if 'coordinates' in data_ds[var].attrs: data_ds[var].attrs.pop('coordinates')['grid_mapping'] = data_ds[var].encoding['grid_mapping'] data_ds.lon.encoding['grid_mapping'] = data_ds[var].encoding['grid_mapping'] print(" _ x, y, lat, lon ensured to be read as coordinates [safety]") # Remove grid_mapping in attributes (it is already in encoding) if 'grid_mapping' in data_ds[var].attrs: data_ds[var].attrs.pop('grid_mapping') # ---- NetCDF de la DRIAS-Eau 2024 # Données SURFEX (evapc, drainc, runoffc, swe, swi...) "EXPLORE2-SIM2 2024" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif data_type.replace(" ", "").replace("-", "").casefold() in [ 'sim2024', 'driaseau2024']: # Load data_ds = load_any(data, decode_cf = False) print("\nFormating data...") # Correcting the spatial_ref # ============================================================================= # data_ds['LambertParisII'] = xr.DataArray( # data = np.array(-2147220352.0), # coords = {'LambertParisII': -2147220352.0}, # attrs = {'grid_mapping_name': 'lambert_conformal_conic_1SP', # 'latitude_of_origin': 52.0, # 'central_meridian': 0.0, # 'false_easting': 600000.0, # 'false_northing': 2200000.0, # 'epsg': 27572, # 'references': ''}) # crs_suffix = '' # ============================================================================= data_epsg = 27572 # Lambert zone II if include_crs: # if ('LambertParisII' in data_ds.coords) | ('LambertParisII' in data_ds.data_vars): # data_ds = data_ds.drop('LambertParisII') #, inplace = True) data_ds = standard_grid_mapping(data_ds, data_epsg) print(f' _ Coordinates Reference System (epsg:{data_epsg}) included. (NB: This might alter Panoply georeferenced vizualisation)') crs_suffix = '' else: print(f' _ Coordinates Reference System not included. {data_epsg} has to be manually specified in QGIS') crs_suffix = 'nocrs' # Create X and Y coordinates if necessary, from i and j list_var_lowcase = [v.casefold() for v in list(data_ds.coords) + list(data_ds.data_vars)] data_ds = data_ds.assign_coords( X = ('x', 52000 + data_ds.x.values*8000)) print(" _ X values corrected from erroneous x") data_ds = data_ds.assign_coords( Y = ('y', 1609000 + data_ds.y.values*8000)) print(" _ Y values corrected from erroneous y") # Replace X and Y as coordinates, and rename them data_ds = data_ds.swap_dims(x = 'X', y = 'Y') print(" _ Coordinates x and y replaced with X and Y") data_ds = data_ds.drop(['x', 'y']) print(" _ Previous coordinates x and y removed") data_ds = data_ds.rename(X = 'x', Y = 'y') print(" _ Coordinates renamed as lowcase x and y [optional]") # Get main variable var = main_var(data_ds) print(f" _ Main variable is: {var}") # Ensure that lat, and lon will be further loaded by xarray as coords data_ds[var].encoding['coordinates'] = 'x y lat lon' if 'coordinates' in data_ds[var].attrs: data_ds[var].attrs.pop('coordinates') # Reporting grid_mapping to coords/vars that should not be displayed in QGIS: for c in ['lat', 'lon']: if (c in data_ds.coords) | (c in data_ds.data_vars): data_ds[c].encoding['grid_mapping'] = data_ds[var].encoding['grid_mapping'] print(" _ x, y, lat, lon ensured to be read as coordinates [safety]") # ======== USELESS ============================================================ # for c in ['lat', 'lon', 'time_bnds']: # if c in data_ds.data_vars: # data_ds = data_ds.set_coords([c]) # ============================================================================= # Remove grid_mapping in attributes (it is already in encoding) if 'grid_mapping' in data_ds[var].attrs: data_ds[var].attrs.pop('grid_mapping') # ============== USELESS ====================================================== # # Reorder data, to ensure QGIS Mesh detects the correct data set # data_ds = data_ds[[var, 'x', 'y', 'time']] # print(" _ Data reordered [safety]") # ============================================================================= # ============== USELESS ====================================================== # # To avoid conflicts with missing values # data_ds[var].encoding.pop('missing_value') # data_ds['lat'].encoding.pop('missing_value') # # data_ds['lat'].encoding['_FillValue'] = np.nan # data_ds['lon'].encoding.pop('missing_value') # # data_ds['lon'].encoding['_FillValue'] = np.nan # ============================================================================= # Add standard attributes for coordinates (mandatory for QGIS to correctly read data) data_ds.x.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_x_coordinate', 'long_name': 'x coordinate of projection', 'units': 'metre'} data_ds.y.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_y_coordinate', 'long_name': 'y coordinate of projection', 'units': 'metre'} print(" _ Standard attributes added for coordintes x and y") # ---- Autres fichiers ou variables # Inclusion du SCR # ------------------ # ============================================================================= # elif data_type.casefold() in ['autre', 'other']: # ============================================================================= else: # Load data_ds = load_any(data, decode_times = True, decode_coords = 'all') x_var, y_var = main_space_coords(data_ds) time_coord = main_time_coord(data_ds) # Standardize spatial coords # ============================================================================= # if 'X' in data_ds.coords: # data_ds = data_ds.rename({'X': 'x'}) # if 'Y' in data_ds.coords: # data_ds = data_ds.rename({'Y': 'y'}) # if 'latitude' in data_ds.coords: # data_ds = data_ds.rename({'latitude': 'lat'}) # if 'longitude' in data_ds.coords: # data_ds = data_ds.rename({'longitude': 'lon'}) # ============================================================================= if x_var == 'X': data_ds = data_ds.rename({'X': 'x'}) if y_var == 'Y': data_ds = data_ds.rename({'Y': 'y'}) if y_var == 'latitude': data_ds = data_ds.rename({'latitude': 'lat'}) if x_var == 'longitude': data_ds = data_ds.rename({'longitude': 'lon'}) # Standardize time coord data_ds = data_ds.rename({time_coord: 'time'}) if isinstance(data_ds, gpd.GeoDataFrame): print("\nFormatting data...") # Add CRS crs_suffix = '' if include_crs: if crs is not None: data_epsg = crs else: print(" _ Err: it is required to pass the crs argument") return # data_ds.set_crs(epsg = data_epsg, # inplace = True, # allow_override = True) data_ds = standard_grid_mapping(data_ds, data_epsg) print(f' _ Coordinates Reference System (epsg:{data_epsg}) included.') else: print(' _ Coordinates Reference System not included.') crs_suffix = 'nocrs' elif isinstance(data_ds, xr.Dataset): print("\nFormatting data...") # Add CRS crs_suffix = '' if include_crs: if crs is not None: data_epsg = crs else: print(" _ Err: it is required to pass the crs argument") return, inplace = True) print(f' _ Coordinates Reference System (epsg:{data_epsg}) included.') else: print(' _ Coordinates Reference System not included.') crs_suffix = 'nocrs' # Add standard attributes for coordinates (mandatory for QGIS to correctly read data) if ('x' in list(data_ds.coords)) & ('y' in list(data_ds.coords)): data_ds.x.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_x_coordinate', 'long_name': 'x coordinate of projection', 'units': 'metre'} data_ds.y.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_y_coordinate', 'long_name': 'y coordinate of projection', 'units': 'metre'} print(" _ Standard attributes added for coordinates x and y") elif ('lon' in list(data_ds.coords)) & ('lat' in list(data_ds.coords)): data_ds.lon.attrs = {'standard_name': 'longitude', 'long_name': 'longitude', 'units': 'degrees_east'} = {'standard_name': 'latitude', 'long_name': 'latitude', 'units': 'degrees_north'} print(" _ Standard attributes added for coordinates lat and lon") # ---- Export # --------- if export_opt == True: print('\nExporting...') # Output filepath if isinstance(data, (str, pathlib.Path)): (folder_name, _basename) = os.path.split(data) (file_name, file_extension) = os.path.splitext(_basename) output_file = os.path.join(folder_name, f"{'_'.join([file_name, 'georef', crs_suffix])}{file_extension}") else: print(" _ As data input is not a file, the result is exported to a standard directory") output_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f"{'_'.join(['data', 'georef', crs_suffix])}.nc") # Export export(data_ds, output_file) # ---- Return variable return data_ds
# ========================================================================= #% Mémos / Corrections bugs # ========================================================================= # Si jamais il y a un problème de variable qui se retrouve en 'data_var' # au lieu d'etre en 'coords' : # data_ds = data_ds.set_coords('i') # S'il y a un problème d'incompatibilité 'missing_value' / '_FillValue' : # data_ds['lon'] = data_ds.lon.fillna(np.nan) # data_ds['lat'] = # Si jamais une variable non essentielle pose problème à l'export : # data_ds = data_ds.drop('lon') # data_ds = data_ds.drop('lat') # Pour trouver les positions des valeurs nan : # np.argwhere(np.isnan(data_ds.lon.values)) # Pour reconvertir la date # units, reference_date = ds.time.attrs['units'].split('since') # ds['time'] = pd.date_range(start = reference_date, # periods = ds.sizes['time'], freq = 'MS') # ========================================================================= # Créer les coordonnées 'x' et 'y'... # ============================================================================= # # ... à partir des : # # LAISSÉ TOMBÉ, PARCE QUE LEURS VALEURS DE LATITUDE SONT FAUSSES [!] # coords_xy = rasterio.warp.transform(, #, # np.array(data_ds.lon).reshape((data_ds.lon.size), order = 'C'), # np.array(, order = 'C')) # # # data_ds['x'] = np.round(coords_xy[0][0:data_ds.lon.shape[1]], -1) # # # Arrondi à la dizaine à cause de l'approx. initiale sur les lat/lon : # x = np.round(coords_xy[0], -1).reshape(data_ds.lon.shape[0], # data_ds.lon.shape[1], # order = 'C') # # donne un motif qui se répète autant de fois qu'il y a de latitudes # y = np.round(coords_xy[1], -1).reshape(data_ds.lon.shape[1], # data_ds.lon.shape[0], # order = 'F') # # donne un motif qui se répète autant de fois qu'il y a de longitudes # # # data_ds['x'] = x[0,:] # # data_ds['y'] = y[0,:] # data_ds = data_ds.assign_coords(x = ('i', x[0,:])) # data_ds = data_ds.assign_coords(y = ('j', y[0,:])) # ============================================================================= ###############################################################################
[docs]def standard_grid_mapping(data, epsg = None): """ QGIS needs a standard structure for grid_mapping information: - grid_mapping info should be in encodings and not in attrs - grid_mapping info should be stored in a coordinate names 'spatial_ref' - ... In MeteoFrance data, these QGIS standards are not met. This function standardizes grid_mapping handling, so that it is compatible with QGIS. Parameters ---------- data : TYPE DESCRIPTION. epsg : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- data_ds : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ # ---- Load data_ds = load_any(data) # Get main variable var = main_var(data_ds) # ---- Get the potential names of grid_mapping variable and clean all # grid_mapping information # Remove all the metadata about grid_mapping, and save grid_mapping names names = set() if 'grid_mapping' in data_ds.attrs: names.add(data_ds.attrs['grid_mapping']) data_ds.attrs.pop('grid_mapping') if "grid_mapping" in data_ds.encoding: names.add(data_ds.encoding['grid_mapping']) data_ds.encoding.pop('grid_mapping') if 'grid_mapping' in data_ds[var].attrs: names.add(data_ds[var].attrs['grid_mapping']) data_ds[var].attrs.pop('grid_mapping') if "grid_mapping" in data_ds[var].encoding: names.add(data_ds[var].encoding['grid_mapping']) data_ds[var].encoding.pop('grid_mapping') # Drop all variable or coord corresponding to the previously founded # grid_mapping names for n in list(names): if n in data_ds.data_vars: temp = data_ds[n] data_ds = data_ds.drop(n) if n in data_ds.coords: temp = data_ds[n] data_ds = data_ds.reset_coords(n, drop = True) if epsg is None: # Use the last grid_mapping value as the standard spatial_ref dummy_epsg = 2154, inplace = True) # creates the spatial_ref structure and mapping data_ds['spatial_ref'] = temp else:, inplace = True) return data_ds
[docs]def standard_fill_value(*, data_ds, attrs, encod): var = main_var(data_ds) # Clean all fill_value info if '_FillValue' in data_ds[var].attrs: data_ds[var].attrs.pop('_FillValue') if 'missing_value' in data_ds[var].attrs: data_ds[var].attrs.pop('missing_value') if 'missing_value' in data_ds[var].attrs: data_ds[var].attrs.pop('missing_value') # Set the fill_value, according to a hierarchical rule if '_FillValue' in encod: data_ds[var].encoding['_FillValue'] = encod['_FillValue'] elif '_FillValue' in attrs: data_ds[var].encoding['_FillValue'] = attrs['_FillValue'] elif 'missing_value' in encod: data_ds[var].encoding['_FillValue'] = encod['missing_value'] elif 'missing_value' in attrs: data_ds[var].encoding['_FillValue'] = attrs['missing_value'] else: data_ds[var].encoding['_FillValue'] = np.nan return data_ds
#%% FILE MANAGEMENT ###############################################################################
[docs]def merge_folder(data): """ This function merge all NetCDF inside a folder. Parameters ---------- data: str or iterable Folder, filepath or iterable of filepaths. Returns ------- Merged xarray.Dataset. """ # ---- Load file list data_folder, filelist = get_filelist(data, filetype = '.nc') c = 0 ds_list = [] if len(filelist) > 1: print("Merging files...") # ---- Append all xr.Datasets in a list for f in filelist: ds_list.append(load_any(os.path.join(data_folder, f), decode_coords = 'all', decode_times = True)) print(f" . {f} ({c}/{len(filelist)})") c += 1 # ---- Backup of attributes and encodings var = main_var(ds_list[0]) # ========== useless ========================================================== # attrs = ds_list[0][var].attrs.copy() # ============================================================================= encod = ds_list[0][var].encoding.copy() # ---- Merge merged_ds = xr.merge(ds_list) # Note: works only when doublons are identical # ========== wrong ============================================================ # merged_ds = xr.concat(ds_list, dim = 'time') # ============================================================================= # ========== useless ========================================================== # merged_ds = merged_ds.sortby('time') # In case the files are not loaded in time order # ============================================================================= # ---- Transferring encodings (_FillValue, compression...) merged_ds[var].encoding = encod return merged_ds else: print("Err: Only one NetCDF file was found.") return
############################################################################### # Shorten names
[docs]def shortname(data, data_type, ext = 'nc'): """ ext : str """ if ext is not None: ext = ext.replace('.', '') if os.path.isfile(data): root_folder = os.path.split(data)[0] else: root_folder = data if os.path.isdir(data): content_list = [os.path.join(data, f) for f in os.listdir(data)] else: content_list = [data] # ---- DRIAS-Eau 2024 Indicateurs (netcdf) # Indicateurs SAFRAN (SWIAV, SSWI-3...) "EXPLORE2-SIM2 2024" if data_type.casefold().replace(' ', '').replace('-', '') in [ 'indicateursim2024', 'indicateurssim2024','indicateurdriaseau2024', 'indicateursdriaseau2024']: folder_pattern = re.compile('Indicateurs_(.*Annuel|.*Saisonnier)_(.*)_MF_ADAMONT_(.*)_SIM2') for elem in content_list: # Raccourcir le nom if os.path.isdir(elem): res = folder_pattern.findall(elem) if len(res) > 0: outpath = '_'.join(res[0]) os.rename(elem, os.path.join(root_folder, outpath)) # ---- Remove custom added date-time elif data_type.casefold().replace(' ', '').replace('-', '') in [ 'removedate']: # This option enables to remove the '2024-11-06_12h53'-like suffixes # that I have added to file names (in order to trace the date of creation, # but it is unnecessary and causes file names to be too long for Windows). datetime_pattern = re.compile('(.*)_\d{4,4}-\d{2,2}-\d{2,2}_\d{2,2}h\d{2,2}.'+f'{ext}') for elem in content_list: if len(datetime_pattern.findall(elem)) > 0: os.rename(os.path.join(root_folder, elem), os.path.join(root_folder, datetime_pattern.findall(elem)[0] + f'.{ext}')) elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(root_folder, elem)): shortname(os.path.join(root_folder, elem), data_type = data_type, ext = ext)
[docs]def remove_double(data_folder, data_type): """ The data downloaded from DRIAS website contains *some* data sets available for different periods (it is the same data, but one version goes from 1950 to 2005, and another from 1970 to 2005). For some models, there are no duplicate of that sort. These duplicates are unnecessary. This script moves these duplicates to a subfolder named "doublons". Example ------- folder_list = [r"Eau-SWIAV_Saisonnier_EXPLORE2-2024_historical", r"Eau-SWIAV_Saisonnier_EXPLORE2-2024_rcp45", r"Eau-SWIAV_Saisonnier_EXPLORE2-2024_rcp85"] root_folder = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\1- Veille\4- Donnees\8- Meteo\DRIAS\DRIAS-Eau\EXPLORE2-SIM2 2024\Pays Basque\Indicateurs" for folder in folder_list: base_folder = os.path.join(root_folder, folder) subfolder_list = [os.path.join(base_folder, f) for f in os.listdir(base_folder) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base_folder, f))] for subfolder in subfolder_list: gc.remove_double(subfolder, data_type = "indicateurs drias eau 2024") """ # ---- DRIAS-Eau 2024 Indicateurs (netcdf) # Indicateurs SAFRAN (SWIAV, SSWI-3...) "EXPLORE2-SIM2 2024" if data_type.casefold().replace(' ', '').replace('-', '') in [ 'indicateursim2024', 'indicateurssim2024','indicateurdriaseau2024', 'indicateursdriaseau2024']: content_list = [os.path.join(data_folder, f) for f in os.listdir(data_folder) if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(data_folder, f)) \ & (os.path.splitext(os.path.join(data_folder, f))[-1] == '.nc'))] model_pattern = re.compile("(.*)_(\d{4,4})-(\d{4,4})_(historical|rcp45|rcp85)_(.*)_(SIM2.*)") model_dict = {} # List all models for elem in content_list: filename = os.path.split(elem)[-1] var, date, datef, scenario, model, creation_date = model_pattern.findall(filename)[0] date = int(date) if model in model_dict: model_dict[model].append(date) else: model_dict[model] = [date] # Move duplicates if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(data_folder, "doublons")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(data_folder, "doublons")) for model in model_dict: if len(model_dict[model]) > 1: filename = '_'.join([var, f"{max(model_dict[model])}-{datef}", scenario, model, creation_date]) os.rename( os.path.join(data_folder, filename), os.path.join(data_folder, 'doublons', filename) )
[docs]def name_xml_attributes(*, output_file, fields): band_str_open = '\t<PAMRasterBand band="{}">\t\t<Description>{}' band_str_close = '</Description>\t</PAMRasterBand>\n</PAMDataset>' base_str = ''.join(['<PAMDataset>\n', '\t<Metadata>\n', '\t\t<MDI key="CRS">epsg:27572</MDI>\n', '\t</Metadata>\n', len(fields) * (band_str_open + band_str_close)]) band_ids = [str(item) for item in list(range(1, len(fields)+1))] # Create a string list of indices: '1', '2', '3' ... addstr = [item for pair in zip(band_ids, fields) for item in pair] # Create a list alternating indices and names: '1', 'CLDC', '2', 'T2M' ... file_object = open(output_file + '.aux.xml', 'w') file_object.write(base_str.format(*addstr)) file_object.close()
#%% REPROJECTION ###############################################################################
[docs]def reproject(data, *, src_crs=None, base_template=None, bounds=None, x0=None, y0=None, mask=None, **rio_kwargs): r""" Reproject space-time data, using rioxarray.reproject(). Parameters ---------- data : str, pathlib.Path, xarray.Dataset or xarra.Dataarray Data to reproject. Supported file formats are .tif and .nc. src_crs : int or str or, optional, default None Source coordinate reference system. For *integers*, src_crs refers to the EPSG code. For *strings*, src_crs can be OGC WKT string or Proj.4 string. base_template : str, pathlib.Path, xarra.Dataarray or geopandas.GeoDataFrame, optional, default None Filepath, used as a template for spatial profile. Supported file formats are .tif, .nc and .shp. bounds : tuple (float, float, float, float), optional, default None Boundaries of the target domain: (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) x0: number, optional, default None Origin of the X-axis, used to align the reprojection grid. y0: number, optional, default None Origin of the Y-axis, used to align the reprojection grid. mask : str or pathlib.Path, optional, default None Filepath of geopandas.dataframe of mask. **rio_kwargs : keyword args, optional, defaults are None Argument passed to the ```` function call. **Note**: These arguments are prioritary over ``base_template`` attributes. May contain: - dst_crs : str - resolution : float or tuple - shape : tuple (int, int) - transform : Affine - resampling - nodata : float or None - see ``help(`` Returns ------- Reprojected xarray.Dataset. """ #%%%% Load data, base and mask # =========================== data_ds = load_any(data, decode_times = True, decode_coords = 'all') base_ds = None if base_template is not None: base_ds = load_any(base_template, decode_times = True, decode_coords = 'all') if mask is not None: mask_ds = load_any(mask, decode_times = True, decode_coords = 'all') if src_crs is not None:, inplace = True) # Identify spatial coord names for yname in ['latitude', 'lat', 'y', 'Y']: if yname in data_ds.coords: yvar = yname for xname in ['longitude', 'lon', 'x', 'X']: if xname in data_ds.coords: xvar = xname # Initialize x0 and y0 if None x_res, y_res = if x0 is None: x0 = data[xvar][0].item() + x_res/2 if y0 is None: y0 = data[yvar][0].item() + y_res/2 #%%%% Compute parameters # ===================== print("\nComputing parameters...") # ---- Safeguards against redundant arguments # ------------------------------------------- if ('transform' in rio_kwargs) & ('shape' in rio_kwargs) & (bounds is not None): print(" _ Err: bounds cannot be passed alongside with both transform and shape") return if 'resolution' in rio_kwargs: if ('shape' in rio_kwargs) | ('transform' in rio_kwargs): # safeguard to avoid RioXarrayError print(" _ Err: resolution cannot be used with shape or transform.") return if (bounds is not None) & (mask is not None): print(" _ Err: bounds and mask cannot be passed together") return # ---- Backup of rio_kwargs # ------------------------- rio_kwargs0 = rio_kwargs.copy() # Info message if ('transform' in rio_kwargs) & (bounds is not None): if (bounds[0] != rio_kwargs['transform'][2]) | (bounds[3] != rio_kwargs['transform'][5]): print(" _ ...") # ---- No base_template # --------------------- if base_ds is None: ### Retrieve <dst_crs> (required parameter) if 'dst_crs' not in rio_kwargs: rio_kwargs['dst_crs'] = # ---- Base_template # ------------------ # if there is a base, it will be used after being updated with passed parameters else: base_kwargs = {} ### 1. Retrieve all the available info from base: if isinstance(base_ds, xr.Dataset): # A- Retrieve <dst_crs> (required parameter) if 'dst_crs' not in rio_kwargs: try: rio_kwargs['dst_crs'] = except: rio_kwargs['dst_crs'] = # B- Retrieve <shape> and <transform> base_kwargs['shape'] = base_kwargs['transform'] = # Note that <resolution> is ignored from base_ds elif isinstance(base_ds, gpd.GeoDataFrame): # A- Retrieve <dst_crs> (required parameter) if 'dst_crs' not in rio_kwargs: try: rio_kwargs['dst_crs'] = except: rio_kwargs['dst_crs'] = # B- Retrieve <shape> and <transform> if 'resolution' in rio_kwargs: # The bounds of gpd base are used with the user-defined resolution # in order to compute 'transform' and 'shape' parameters: x_res, y_res = format_xy_resolution( resolution = rio_kwargs['resolution']) shape, x_min, y_max = get_shape( x_res, y_res, base_ds.total_bounds, x0, y0) base_kwargs['transform'] = Affine(x_res, 0.0, x_min, 0.0, y_res, y_max) base_kwargs['shape'] = shape else: print(" _ Err: resolution needs to be passed when using a vector base") return ### 2. Update <base_kwargs> with <rio_kwargs> for k in rio_kwargs: base_kwargs[k] = rio_kwargs[k] # Replace rio_kwargs with the updated base_kwargs rio_kwargs = base_kwargs # ---- Mask # --------- # <mask> has priority over bounds or rio_kwargs if mask is not None: # Reproject the mask if isinstance(mask_ds, gpd.GeoDataFrame): mask_ds.to_crs(crs = rio_kwargs['dst_crs'], inplace = True) bounds_mask = mask_ds.total_bounds elif isinstance(mask_ds, xr.Dataset): mask_ds = = rio_kwargs['dst_crs']) bounds_mask = ([0],[3],[2],[1]) else: bounds_mask = None # ---- Bounds # ----------- # <bounds> has priority over rio_kwargs if (bounds is not None) | (bounds_mask is not None): if bounds is not None: print(" _ Note that bounds should be in the format (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)") elif bounds_mask is not None: bounds = bounds_mask ### Apply <bounds> values to rio arguments if ('shape' in rio_kwargs0): # resolution will be defined from shape and bounds x_res, y_res = format_xy_resolution(bounds = bounds, shape = rio_kwargs['shape']) rio_kwargs['transform'] = Affine(x_res, 0.0, bounds[0], 0.0, y_res, bounds[3]) elif ('resolution' in rio_kwargs0): # shape will be defined from resolution and bounds x_res, y_res = format_xy_resolution( resolution = rio_kwargs['resolution']) shape, x_min, y_max = get_shape( x_res, y_res, bounds, x0, y0) rio_kwargs['transform'] = Affine(x_res, 0.0, x_min, 0.0, y_res, y_max) rio_kwargs['shape'] = shape # elif ('transform' in rio_kwargs0): else: # shape will be defined from transform and bounds if not 'transform' in rio_kwargs: rio_kwargs['transform'] = x_res, y_res = format_xy_resolution( resolution = (rio_kwargs['transform'][0], rio_kwargs['transform'][4])) shape, x_min, y_max = get_shape( x_res, y_res, bounds, x0, y0) rio_kwargs['transform'] = Affine(x_res, 0.0, x_min, 0.0, y_res, y_max) rio_kwargs['shape'] = shape # ---- Resolution # --------------- if ('resolution' in rio_kwargs) and ('transform' in rio_kwargs): x_res, y_res = format_xy_resolution( resolution = rio_kwargs['resolution']) transform = list(rio_kwargs['transform']) transform[0] = x_res transform[4] = y_res rio_kwargs['transform'] = Affine(*transform[0:6]) rio_kwargs.pop('resolution') # ---- Resampling # --------------- if 'resampling' not in rio_kwargs: # by default, resampling is 5 (average) instead of 0 (nearest) rio_kwargs['resampling'] = rasterio.enums.Resampling(5) #%%%% Reproject # =========== print("\nReprojecting...") var = main_var(data_ds) # Backup of attributes and encodings attrs = data_ds[var].attrs.copy() encod = data_ds[var].encoding.copy() # Handle timedelta, as they are not currently supported ( NaT = False if isinstance(data_ds[var].values[0, 0, 0], (pd.Timedelta, np.timedelta64)): NaT = True data_ds[var] = data_ds[var].dt.days data_ds[var].encoding = encod if ('x' in list(data_ds.coords)) & ('y' in list(data_ds.coords)) & \ (('lat' in list(data_ds.coords)) | ('lon' in list(data_ds.coords))): # if lat and lon are among coordinates, they should be temporarily moved # to variables to be reprojected data_ds = data_ds.reset_coords(['lat', 'lon']) data_reprj =**rio_kwargs) data_reprj = data_reprj.set_coords(['lat', 'lon']) else: data_reprj =**rio_kwargs) # ======= NOT FINISHED ======================================================== # # Handle timedelta # if NaT: # val = pd.to_timedelta(data_reprj[var].values.flatten(), unit='D').copy() # data_reprj[var] = val.to_numpy().reshape(data_reprj[var].shape) # # It is still required to precise the dimensions... # ============================================================================= # Correct _FillValues data_reprj = standard_fill_value( data_ds = data_reprj, encod = encod, attrs = attrs) return data_reprj
############################################################################### #%%% * Clip # ============================================================================= # def clip(data, mask, src_crs=None, dst_crs=None): # """ # The difference between clipping with clip() and with reproject() is that # clip() keeps the same grid as input, whereas reproject() aligns on the # passed x0 and y0 values (by default x0=0 and y0=0). # # Parameters # ---------- # data : TYPE # DESCRIPTION. # mask : TYPE # DESCRIPTION. # src_crs : TYPE, optional # DESCRIPTION. The default is None. # dst_crs : TYPE, optional # DESCRIPTION. The default is None. # # Returns # ------- # TYPE # DESCRIPTION. # # """ # kwargs = {} # if dst_crs is not None: # kwargs['dst_crs'] = dst_crs # # x_res, y_res = # x0 = data.x[0].item() + x_res/2 # y0 = data.y[0].item() + y_res/2 # # return reproject(data, src_crs = src_crs, mask = mask, # x0 = x0, y0 = y0, **kwargs) # ============================================================================= ############################################################################### #%%% Align on the closest value
[docs]def nearest(x = None, y = None, x0 = 700012.5, y0 = 6600037.5, res = 75): """ Exemple ------- import geoconvert as gc gc.nearest(x = 210054) gc.nearest(y = 6761020) Parameters ---------- x : float, optional Valeur de la coordonnée x (ou longitude). The default is None. y : float, optional Valeur de la coordonnée y (ou latitude). The default is None. Returns ------- Par défault, cette fonction retourne la plus proche valeur (de x ou de y) alignée sur la grille des cartes topo IGN de la BD ALTI. Il est possible de changer les valeurs de x0, y0 et res pour aligner sur d'autres grilles. """ # ---- Paramètres d'alignement : # --------------------------- # ============================================================================= # # Documentation Lambert-93 # print('\n--- Alignement d'après doc Lambert-93 ---\n') # x0 = 700000 # origine X # y0 = 6600000 # origine Y # res = 75 # résolution # ============================================================================= # Coordonnées des cartes IGN BD ALTI v2 if (x0 == 700012.5 or y0 == 6600037.5) and res == 75: print('\n--- Alignement sur grille IGN BD ALTI v2 (defaut) ---') closest = [] if x is not None and y is None: # print('x le plus proche = ') if (x0-x)%res <= res/2: closest = x0 - (x0-x)//res*res elif (x0-x)%res > res/2: closest = x0 - ((x0-x)//res + 1)*res elif y is not None and x is None: # print('y le plus proche = ') if (y0-y)%res <= res/2: closest = y0 - (y0-y)//res*res elif (y0-y)%res > res/2: closest = y0 - ((y0-y)//res + 1)*res else: print('Err: only one of x or y parameter should be passed') return return closest
############################################################################### #%%% Format x_res and y_res
[docs]def format_xy_resolution(*, resolution=None, bounds=None, shape=None): """ Format x_res and y_res from a resolution value/tuple/list, or from bounds and shape. Parameters ---------- resolution : number | iterable, optional xy_res or (x_res, y_res). The default is None. bounds : iterable, optional (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max). The default is None. shape : iterable, optional (height, width). The default is None. Returns ------- x_res and y_res """ if (resolution is not None) & ((bounds is not None) | (shape is not None)): print("Err: resolution cannot be specified alongside with bounds or shape") return if resolution is not None: if isinstance(resolution, (tuple, list)): x_res = abs(resolution[0]) y_res = -abs(resolution[1]) else: x_res = abs(resolution) y_res = -abs(resolution) if ((bounds is not None) & (shape is None)) | ((bounds is None) & (shape is not None)): print("Err: both bounds and shape need to be specified") if (bounds is not None) & (shape is not None): (height, width) = shape (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) = bounds x_res = (x_max - x_min) / width y_res = -(y_max - y_min) / height return x_res, y_res
############################################################################### #%%% Get shape
[docs]def get_shape(x_res, y_res, bounds, x0=0, y0=0): # bounds should be xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax # aligne sur le 0, arrondit, et tutti quanti (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) = bounds x_min2 = nearest(x = x_min, res = x_res, x0 = x0) if x_min2 > x_min: x_min2 = x_min2 - x_res y_min2 = nearest(y = y_min, res = y_res, y0 = y0) if y_min2 > y_min: y_min2 = y_min2 - abs(y_res) x_max2 = nearest(x = x_max, res = x_res, x0 = x0) if x_max2 < x_max: x_max2 = x_max2 + x_res y_max2 = nearest(y = y_max, res = y_res, y0 = y0) if y_max2 < y_max: y_max2 = y_max2 + abs(y_res) width = (x_max2 - x_min2)/x_res height = -(y_max2 - y_min2)/y_res if (int(width) == width) & (int(height) == height): shape = (int(height), int(width)) else: print("Err: shape values are not integers") return shape, x_min2, y_max2
#%% COMPRESS & UNCOMPRESS ###############################################################################
[docs]def unzip(data): """ In some cases, especially for loading in QGIS, it is much quicker to load uncompressed netcdf than compressed netcdf. This function only applies to non-destructive compression. Parameters ---------- data : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- None. """ # Load data_ds = load_any(data, decode_times = True, decode_coords = 'all') # Get main variable var = main_var(data_ds) # Deactivate zlib data_ds[var].encoding['zlib'] = False # Return return data_ds
# Export # ============================================================================= # outpath = '_'.join([ # os.path.splitext(data)[0], # '', # ]) # export(data_ds, outpath) # ============================================================================= ###############################################################################
[docs]def gzip(data, complevel = 3, shuffle = False): """ Quick tool to apply lossless compression on a NetCDF file using gzip. examples -------- gc.gzip(filepath_comp99.8, complevel = 4, shuffle = True) gc.gzip(filepath_drias2022like, complevel = 5) Parameters ---------- data : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- None. """ # Load data_ds = load_any(data, decode_times = True, decode_coords = 'all') # Get main variable var = main_var(data_ds) # Activate zlib data_ds[var].encoding['zlib'] = True data_ds[var].encoding['complevel'] = complevel data_ds[var].encoding['shuffle'] = shuffle data_ds[var].encoding['contiguous'] = False # Return return data_ds
# Export # ============================================================================= # outpath = '_'.join([ # os.path.splitext(data)[0], # '', # ]) # export(data_ds, outpath) # ============================================================================= ###############################################################################
[docs]def pack(data, nbits = 16): """ examples -------- Parameters ---------- data : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- None. """ if (nbits != 16) & (nbits != 8): print("Err: nbits should be 8 or 16") return nval = {8: 256, 16: 65536} # Load data_ds = load_any(data, decode_times = True, decode_coords = 'all') # Get main variable var = main_var(data_ds) # Determine if there are negative and positive values or not if ((data_ds[var]>0).sum().item() > 0) & ((data_ds[var]<0).sum().item() > 0): rel_val = True else: rel_val = False # Compress bound_min = data_ds[var].min().item() bound_max = data_ds[var].max().item() # Add an increased max bound, that will be used for _FillValue bound_max = bound_max + (bound_max - bound_min + 1)/nval[nbits] scale_factor, add_offset = compute_scale_and_offset( bound_min, bound_max, nbits) data_ds[var].encoding['scale_factor'] = scale_factor if rel_val: data_ds[var].encoding['dtype'] = f'int{nbits}' data_ds[var].encoding['_FillValue'] = nval[nbits]//2-1 data_ds[var].encoding['add_offset'] = add_offset else: data_ds[var].encoding['dtype'] = f'uint{nbits}' data_ds[var].encoding['_FillValue'] = nval[nbits]-1 data_ds[var].encoding['add_offset'] = 0 print(" Compression (lossy)") # Prevent _FillValue issues if ('missing_value' in data_ds[var].encoding) & ('_FillValue' in data_ds[var].encoding): data_ds[var].encoding.pop('missing_value') # Return return data_ds
# Export # ============================================================================= # outpath = '_'.join([ # os.path.splitext(data)[0], # 'pack' + os.path.splitext(data)[-1], # ]) # export(data_ds, outpath) # ============================================================================= #%%% Packing netcdf (previously """ Created on Wed Aug 24 16:48:29 2022 @author: script based on James Hiebert's work (2015): RAPPEL des dtypes : uint8 (unsigned int.) 0 to 255 uint16 (unsigned int.) 0 to 65535 uint32 (unsigned int.) 0 to 4294967295 uint64 (unsigned int.) 0 to 18446744073709551615 int8 (Bytes) -128 to 127 int16 (short integer) -32768 to 32767 int32 (integer) -2147483648 to 2147483647 int64 (integer) -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 float16 (half precision float) 10 bits mantissa, 5 bits exponent (~ 4 cs ?) float32 (single precision float) 23 bits mantissa, 8 bits exponent (~ 8 cs ?) float64 (double precision float) 52 bits mantissa, 11 bits exponent (~ 16 cs ?) """ ###############################################################################
[docs]def compute_scale_and_offset(min, max, n): """ Computes scale and offset necessary to pack a float32 (or float64?) set of values into a int16 or int8 set of values. Parameters ---------- min : float Minimum value from the data max : float Maximum value from the data n : int Number of bits into which you wish to pack (8 or 16) Returns ------- scale_factor : float Parameter for netCDF's encoding add_offset : float Parameter for netCDF's encoding """ # stretch/compress data to the available packed range scale_factor = (max - min) / (2 ** n - 1) # translate the range to be symmetric about zero add_offset = min + 2 ** (n - 1) * scale_factor return (scale_factor, add_offset)
[docs]def pack_value(unpacked_value, scale_factor, add_offset): """ Compute the packed value from the original value, a scale factor and an offset. Parameters ---------- unpacked_value : numeric Original value. scale_factor : numeric Scale factor, multiplied to the original value. add_offset : numeric Offset added to the original value. Returns ------- numeric Packed value. """ print(f'math.floor: {math.floor((unpacked_value - add_offset) / scale_factor)}') return (unpacked_value - add_offset) / scale_factor
[docs]def unpack_value(packed_value, scale_factor, add_offset): """ Retrieve the original value from a packed value, a scale factor and an offset. Parameters ---------- packed_value : numeric Value to unpack. scale_factor : numeric Scale factor that was multiplied to the original value to retrieve. add_offset : numeric Offset that was added to the original value to retrieve. Returns ------- numeric Original unpacked value. """ return packed_value * scale_factor + add_offset
#%% EXPORT ###############################################################################
[docs]def export(data, output_filepath): extension_dst = os.path.splitext(output_filepath)[-1] data_ds = load_any(data, decode_times = True, decode_coords = 'all') if isinstance(data_ds, gpd.GeoDataFrame): if extension_dst == '.shp': print("\nExporting...") data_ds.to_file(output_filepath) print(f" _ Success: The data has been exported to the file '{output_filepath}'") elif extension_dst in ['.nc', '.tif']: print("Err: To convert vector to raster, use geoconvert.reproject() instead") return if isinstance(data_ds, xr.Dataset): print("\nExporting...") if extension_dst == '.nc': data_ds.to_netcdf(output_filepath) elif extension_dst in ['.tif', '.asc']: print(f" _ Success: The data has been exported to the file '{output_filepath}'")
#%% OPERATIONS ###############################################################################
[docs]def hourly_to_daily(data, mode = 'sum'): # ---- Process data #% Load data: data_ds = load_any(data, decode_coords = 'all', decode_times = True) var = main_var(data_ds) time_coord = main_time_coord(data_ds) #% Resample: print(" _ Resampling time...") if mode == 'mean': datarsmpl = data_ds.resample({time_coord: '1D'}).mean(dim = time_coord, keep_attrs = True) elif mode == 'max': datarsmpl = data_ds.resample({time_coord: '1D'}).max(dim = time_coord, keep_attrs = True) elif mode == 'min': datarsmpl = data_ds.resample({time_coord: '1D'}).min(dim = time_coord, keep_attrs = True) elif mode == 'sum': datarsmpl = data_ds.resample({time_coord: '1D'}).sum(dim = time_coord, skipna = False, keep_attrs = True) # ---- Preparing export # Transfer encodings for c in list(datarsmpl.coords): datarsmpl[c].encoding = data_ds[c].encoding datarsmpl[c].attrs = data_ds[c].attrs datarsmpl[time_coord].encoding['units'] = datarsmpl[time_coord].encoding['units'].replace('hours', 'days') datarsmpl[var].encoding = data_ds[var].encoding # Case of packing if ('scale_factor' in datarsmpl[var].encoding) | ('add_offset' in datarsmpl[var].encoding): # Packing (lossy compression) induces a loss of precision of # apprx. 1/1000 of unit, for a quantity with an interval of 150 # units. The packing is initially used in some original ERA5-Land data. if mode == 'sum': print(" Correcting packing encodings...") datarsmpl[var].encoding['scale_factor'] = datarsmpl[var].encoding['scale_factor']*24 datarsmpl[var].encoding['add_offset'] = datarsmpl[var].encoding['add_offset']*24 return datarsmpl
[docs]def to_instant(data, derivative = False): data_ds = load_any(data, decode_coords = 'all', decode_times = True) time_coord = main_time_coord(data_ds) if derivative: inst_ds = data_ds.diff(dim = time_coord)/data_ds[time_coord].diff(dim = time_coord) else: inst_ds = data_ds.diff(dim = time_coord) return inst_ds
############################################################################### # Convert to CWatM (ex Prepare CWatM inputs)
[docs]def convert_to_cwatm(data, data_type, reso_m = None, EPSG_out=None, EPSG_in = None, coords_extent = 'Bretagne'): # ============================================================================= # previously prepare_CWatM_input(*, data, data_type, reso_m = None, # EPSG_out, EPSG_in = None, # coords_extent = 'Bretagne'): # ============================================================================= """ Example ------- # Standard: ds = gc.prepare_CWatM_input(data = r"", data_type = 'DRIAS', reso_m = 8000, EPSG_out = 3035) # Crop coefficients: gc.prepare_CWatM_input(data = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\3_CWatM_EBR\data\input_1km_LeMeu\landcover\grassland\", data_type = "crop coeff", reso_m = 1000, EPSG_out = 3035, EPSG_in = 4326) Parameters ---------- data : str Fichier à convertir. data_type : str Type de données : 'ERA5' | 'mask' | 'soil depth' | 'DRIAS' reso_m : float Résolution de sortie [m] : 75 | 1000 | 5000 | 8000 EPSG_out : int Système de coordonnées de référence de sortie : 2154 | 3035 | 4326... EPSG_in : int Système de coordonnées de référence d'entrée coords_extent : list, or str Emprise spatiale : [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max] (for Elias: [3202405.9658273868262768, 4314478.7219533622264862, 2668023.2067883270792663, 2972043.0969522628001869]) -> shape = (35, 22) or keywords: "Bretagne", "from_input" Returns ------- None. """ # ====== Ancienne version du script =========================================== # (input_folder, _file_name) = os.path.split(data) # (file_name, file_extension) = os.path.splitext(_file_name) # ============================================================================= #%%% ERA5 if data_type.casefold().replace('-', '') in ["era5", "era5land", "era"]: # ---- Merge files # Usually ERA5-Land files are too big to be downloaded for the full period. # Here the first step is to merge the available files. merged_ds = merge_folder(data) var = main_var(data) # ---- Convert hourly to daily print(" _ Converting hourly to daily...") modelist = { # to differentiate extensive from intensive quantities 'ro': 'sum', 'sro': 'sum', 'ssro': 'sum', 'evavt': 'sum', 'evatc': 'sum', 'pev': 'sum', 'tp': 'sum', 'fal': 'mean', 'rh': 'mean', 'ssrd': 'mean', 'strd': 'mean', 'sp': 'mean', 't2m': 'mean', 'd2m': 'mean', 'u10': 'mean', 'v10': 'mean', 'wind_speed': 'mean'} daily_ds = hourly_to_daily(merged_ds, mode = modelist[var]) # ---- Convert units when needed if var in ['ssrd', 'strd']: print(" _ Converting radiation units from J/m²/h to W/m²") daily_ds = convert_downwards_radiation(daily_ds) elif var == 'pev': print(" _ Converting negative potential evapotranspiration to positive") # Backup of attributes and encodings attrs = daily_ds[var].attrs.copy() encod = daily_ds[var].encoding.copy() daily_ds[var] = daily_ds[var]*-1 # Transferring attributes and encodings daily_ds[var].encoding = encod daily_ds[var].attrs = attrs # Case of packing if ('scale_factor' in daily_ds[var].encoding) | ('add_offset' in daily_ds[var].encoding): # Packing (lossy compression) induces a loss of precision of # apprx. 1/1000 of unit, for a quantity with an interval of 150 # units. The packing is initially used in some original ERA5-Land data. print(" . Correcting packing encodings...") daily_ds[var].encoding['add_offset'] = daily_ds[var].encoding['add_offset']*-1 return daily_ds #%%% IGN BD ALTI 25m (DEM) elif data_type.casefold().replace(' ', '') in ["alti", "bdalti", "ignalti"]: data_folder, filelist = get_filelist(data, filetype = '.asc') c = 0 ds_list = [] for f in filelist: ds_list.append(load_any(os.path.join(data_folder, f), name = 'elev')) print(c) c += 1 if c == 10: ds_list = [xr.merge(ds_list)] c = 0 merged_ds = xr.merge(ds_list) # Replace 0 with NaN merged_ds['elev'] = merged_ds['elev'].where(merged_ds['elev'] != 0) # Encodings (_FillValue, compression...) temp = load_any(filelist[0], name = 'elev') merged_ds['elev'].encoding = temp['elev'].encoding return merged_ds # export(merged_ds, os.path.join(data_folder, 'MNT_fusion.asc')) #%%% ° Maskmap elif data_type.casefold() in ["mask", "areamaps"]: print("\nNB : Conversion à titre illustratif. Pour convertir proprement le masque, il convient d'utiliser le LDD\n") with xr.open_dataset(data) as mask_ds: mask_ds.load() # to unlock the resource mask_ds = mask_ds.squeeze().drop("band") if 'spatial_ref' in mask_ds.coords or 'spatial_ref' in mask_ds.data_vars: # _motif = re.compile('"EPSG","\d+"') # _substr = _motif.findall(mask_ds.spatial_ref.crs_wkt)[-1] # _epsg_motif = re.compile('\d+') # _mask_epsg = int( _mask_epsg = int( else: print('\nFor transforming, mask needs to have a CRS associated.') return #% Reprojection of the mask in the CRS and the resolution of the data: print('\nReprojecting...') print(' from epsg:{} to epsg:{}'.format(str(_mask_epsg), str(EPSG_out))) if reso_m//1000 == 0: print(' resolution: {} m'.format(reso_m)) else: print(' resolution: {} km'.format(reso_m/1000)) mask_coords_conv = rasterio.warp.transform(,, [mask_ds.x.values.min()], [mask_ds.y.values.max()]) reso_input = abs(mask_ds.x.values[1] - mask_ds.x.values[0]) print(' resolution input: {} m'.format(reso_input)) if reso_m == 75: x_min = nearest(x = mask_coords_conv[0][0] - reso_input) y_max = nearest(x = mask_coords_conv[1][0] + reso_input) else: x_min = (mask_coords_conv[0][0] - reso_input) // reso_m * reso_m - reso_m/2 y_max = (mask_coords_conv[1][0] + reso_input) // reso_m * reso_m + reso_m/2 # mask_coords_conv = rasterio.warp.transform(, #, # [mask_ds.x.values.min()], [mask_ds.y.values.min()]) # y_min = mask_coords_conv[1][0]//reso_m*reso_m - reso_m/2 transform_ = Affine(reso_m, 0.0, x_min, 0.0, -reso_m, y_max) width_ = int(mask_ds.x.shape[0] * reso_input / reso_m //1 +1) height_ = int(mask_ds.y.shape[0] * reso_input / reso_m //1 +1) mask_reprj = = 'epsg:'+str(EPSG_out), transform = transform_, resampling = rasterio.enums.Resampling(5), shape = (height_, width_), ) #"epsg:"+str(EPSG_out), inplace = True) #% Export : print('\nCompressing and saving...') print(' output file type: *{}'.format(file_extension)) output_file = os.path.join(input_folder, ' '.join([file_name, 'res='+str(reso_m)+'m', 'CRS='+str(EPSG_out), ]) + file_extension) if file_extension == '.nc': var = main_var(mask_reprj) # mask_reprj[var].encoding['_FillValue'] = None # ou np.nan ? # ERREUR : mask_reprj.to_netcdf(output_file, encoding = {var: {'zlib': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'scale_factor': 0.00000001, '_FillValue': np.nan}}) mask_reprj.to_netcdf(output_file) elif file_extension == '.tif': ### Version courte ### ### Version longue ### # ============================================================================= # # Ouvrir le fichier : # _data_tmp =, 'r') # # Récupérer le profil : # profile_ = _data_tmp.profile # # Mettre à jour le profil # profile_.update(transform = transform_, # dtype = str(mask_reprj.band_data.dtype), # crs = 'epsg:'+str(EPSG_out), # width = width_, # height = height_, # ) # _data_tmp.close() # # with, 'w', **profile_) as out_f: # out_f.write_band(1, mask_reprj.band_data) # ============================================================================= return mask_reprj #%%% ° Soil depth elif data_type.casefold() in ["soil depth", "soildepth", "ucs_pp_bzh"]: data_df = gpd.read_file(data) # data_df = soil depth data_epsg = #% Calcul des profondeurs locales moyennes pondérées print('\nComputing local weighted depth averages...') soil_depth_limit = 140 # valeur semi-arbitraire class_depth_convert = {'0':0, '1':soil_depth_limit - (soil_depth_limit-100)/2, '2':90, '3':70, '4':50, '5':30, '6':10, } data_df['EPAIS_1_NUM'] = [class_depth_convert[val] for val in data_df['EPAIS_DOM'].values] data_df['EPAIS_2_NUM'] = [class_depth_convert[val] for val in data_df['EPAIS_2'].values] data_df['EPAIS_1_2'] = (data_df['EPAIS_1_NUM'] * data_df['P_EPAISDOM'] + data_df['EPAIS_2_NUM'] * data_df['P_EPAIS2']) / (data_df['P_EPAISDOM'] + data_df['P_EPAIS2']) data_df['EPAIS_1_2'] = data_df['EPAIS_1_2']/100 # Convertir cm vers m #% Reprojection dans le CRS voulu print('\nReprojecting...') print(' from epsg:{} to epsg:{}'.format(str(data_epsg), str(EPSG_out))) data_df.to_crs('epsg:'+str(EPSG_out), inplace = True) #% Rasterisation print('\nRasterizing...') x_min = 74000 y_max = 6901000 bounds_conv = rasterio.warp.transform(,, [74000], [6901000]) # Limites (larges) de la Bretagne en L93 x_min = bounds_conv[0][0] // reso_m * reso_m y_max = bounds_conv[1][0] // reso_m * reso_m # Décalage d'un demi pixel if reso_m == 75: x_min = nearest(x = x_min) - 75/2 y_max = nearest(x = y_max) + 75/2 else: x_min = x_min - reso_m/2 y_max = y_max + reso_m/2 transform_ = Affine(reso_m, 0.0, x_min, 0.0, -reso_m, y_max) # ============================================================================= # transform_ = Affine(reso_m, 0.0, x_min, # 0.0, reso_m, 670500) # ============================================================================= width_ = 377000 // reso_m + 1 height_ = 227000 // reso_m + 1 raster_data = rasterio.features.rasterize( [(val['geometry'], val['EPAIS_1_2']) for i, val in data_df.iterrows()], out_shape = (height_, width_), transform = transform_, fill = np.NaN, all_touched = True) #% Convertir en DataSet print('\nConverting into xarray.Dataset...') # Converting to xarray dataarray: dataarray_ = xr.DataArray(raster_data, coords = [np.arange(y_max, y_max - reso_m * height_, -reso_m).astype(np.float32), np.arange(x_min, x_min + reso_m * width_, reso_m).astype(np.float32)], dims = ['y', 'x']) # NB : La fonction 'range()' est évitée car elle renvoie des entiers # QGIS n'arrive pas à détecter le CRS lorsque les axes sont des entiers # ============================================================================= # dataarray_ = xr.DataArray(raster_data.transpose(), # coords = [range(x_min, # x_min + reso_m * width_, # reso_m), # range(y_max, # y_max - reso_m * height_, # -reso_m)], # dims = ['x', 'y']) # ============================================================================= # Converting to xarray dataset: dataset_ = dataarray_.to_dataset(name = 'soildepth') # Adding attributes:"epsg:"+str(EPSG_out), inplace = True) dataset_.x.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_x_coordinate', 'long_name': 'x coordinate of projection', 'units': 'Meter'} dataset_.y.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_y_coordinate', 'long_name': 'y coordinate of projection', 'units': 'Meter'} dataset_.soildepth.attrs = {'grid_mapping': "spatial_ref"} # A supprimer ??? # dataset_.assign_coords(spatial_ref = dataset_.spatial_ref) #"epsg:"+str(EPSG_out), inplace = True) #% Export : print('\nCompressing and saving...') full_file_name = ' '.join([file_name, 'res='+str(reso_m)+'m', 'CRS='+str(EPSG_out), 'lim='+str(soil_depth_limit), ]) output_file = os.path.join(input_folder, full_file_name + '.nc') print(' --> result exported to:\n --> ' + output_file) var = main_var(dataset_) # dataset_[var].encoding['_FillValue'] = None # ou np.nan ? # ERREUR : dataset_.to_netcdf(output_file, encoding = {var: {'zlib': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'scale_factor': 0.00000001, '_FillValue': np.nan},}) dataset_.to_netcdf(output_file) #% Fichiers pour CWatM topsoil_ds = dataset_.where(dataset_['soildepth']<0.30, 0.30) topsoil_ds = topsoil_ds.where(~np.isnan(dataset_), np.nan) # topsoil_ds = topsoil_ds.where(~np.isnan(dataset_), 0) subsoil_ds = dataset_ - topsoil_ds output_top = os.path.join(input_folder, 'soildepth1_' + full_file_name + '.nc') output_sub = os.path.join(input_folder, 'soildepth2_' + full_file_name + '.nc') # topsoil_ds.to_netcdf(output_top, encoding = {var: {'zlib': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'scale_factor': 0.00000001, '_FillValue': np.nan},}) topsoil_ds.to_netcdf(output_top) # subsoil_ds.to_netcdf(output_sub, encoding = {var: {'zlib': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'scale_factor': 0.00000001, '_FillValue': np.nan},}) subsoil_ds.to_netcdf(output_sub) """ La compression (27x plus petit) fait planter CWatM lorsqu'il utilise l'option use_soildepth_as_GWtop """ return dataset_ #%%% DRIAS-Climat 2022 (netcdf) # Données SAFRAN (tas, prtot, rayonnement, vent... ) "EXPLORE2-Climat 2022" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif data_type.replace(" ", "").casefold() in ['drias2022', 'climat2022', 'drias-climat2022']: # Load data_ds = load_any(data) # Get main variable var = main_var(data_ds) print(f" _ Main variable is: {var}") # Backup of attributes and encodings attrs = data_ds[var].attrs.copy() encod = data_ds[var].encoding.copy() # If it contains time_bnds (periods time) if ('time_bnds' in data_ds.coords) | ('time_bnds' in data_ds.data_vars): # The closing bounds is used for time coordinates attributes = data_ds['time'].attrs.copy() data_ds['time'] = data_ds.time_bnds.loc[{'bnds': 1}] data_ds['time'].attrs = attributes # time_bnds and bnds are removed data_ds = data_ds.drop_dims('bnds') print(" _ 'time_bnds' and 'bnds' removed") # Convert units if var in ['evspsblpotAdjust', 'prsnAdjust', 'prtotAdjust']: data_ds[var] = data_ds[var]/1000*(60*60*24) # conversion from mm.s-1 to m.d-1 data_ds[var].attrs = attrs data_ds[var].attrs['units'] = 'm.d-1' data_ds[var].encoding = encod print(' _ Units converted from mm/s to m/d') # ============================================================================= # # Remove compression (too long to load in QGIS otherwise) # data_ds[var].encoding['zlib'] = False # ============================================================================= return data_ds #%%% DRIAS-Eau 2024 (netcdf) # Données SURFEX (evapc, drainc, runoffc, swe, swi...) "EXPLORE2-SIM2 2024" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif data_type.replace(" ", "").casefold() in ['sim2024', 'drias-eau2024', 'driaseau2024']: # Load xr_kwargs = {} # ============================================================================= # # Particular case for SSWI (grid_mapping is bugged) # sswi_pattern = re.compile('.*(SSWI).*') # if len(sswi_pattern.findall(data)) > 0: # xr_kwargs['drop_variables'] = 'LambertParisII' # ============================================================================= xr_kwargs['drop_variables'] = 'LambertParisII' data_ds = load_any(data, **xr_kwargs) # Get main variable var = main_var(data_ds) print(f" _ Main variable is: {var}") # Backup of attributes and encodings attrs = data_ds[var].attrs.copy() encod = data_ds[var].encoding.copy() # If it contains time_bnds (periods time) if ('time_bnds' in data_ds.coords) | ('time_bnds' in data_ds.data_vars): # The closing bounds is used for time coordinates attributes = data_ds['time'].attrs.copy() data_ds['time'] = data_ds.time_bnds.loc[{'bnds': 1}] data_ds['time'].attrs = attributes # time_bnds and bnds are removed data_ds = data_ds.drop_dims('bnds') print(" _ 'time_bnds' and 'bnds' removed") # Convert units if var in ['DRAINC', 'EVAPC', 'RUNOFFC']: data_ds[var] = data_ds[var]/1000 # conversion from mm.d-1 to m.d-1 data_ds[var].attrs = attrs data_ds[var].attrs['units'] = 'm.d-1' data_ds[var].encoding = encod print(' _ Units converted from mm/d to m/d') # ============================================================================= # # Particular case for SSWI (_FillValue is wrong) # if ('missing_values' in data_ds[var].encoding) \ # & ('_FillValue' in data_ds[var].encoding): # print(data_ds[var].encoding['missing_value']) # print(data_ds[var].encoding['_FillValue']) # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # data_ds[var].encoding['_FillValue'] = 999999 # data_ds[var].encoding.pop('missing_value') # ============================================================================= # ======= NOT ACCURATE ENOUGH ================================================= # # Also, if SSWI and seasonal, dates should be shifted 45 days back # sswi_season_pattern = re.compile('.*(SSWI_seas).*') # if len(sswi_season_pattern.findall(data)) > 0: # encodings = data_ds['time'].encoding.copy() # data_ds['time'] = data_ds['time'] - pd.Timedelta(days = 45) # data_ds['time'].encoding = encodings # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # # Remove compression (too long to load in QGIS otherwise) # data_ds[var].encoding['zlib'] = False # ============================================================================= return data_ds #%%% C3S seasonal forecast # elif data_type.casefold() in ["c3s"]: data_ds = load_any(data, # decode_times = True, # decode_coords = 'all' ) # Get main variable var = main_var(data_ds) print(f" _ Main variables are: {', '.join(var)}") # Backup of attributes and encodings attrs = dict() encod = dict() for v in var: attrs[v] = data_ds[v].attrs.copy() encod[v] = data_ds[v].encoding.copy() # Format time coordinate if ('forecast_reference_time' in data_ds.coords) | ('forecast_reference_time' in data_ds.data_vars): data_ds = data_ds.squeeze('forecast_reference_time').drop('forecast_reference_time') if ('forecast_period' in data_ds.coords) | ('forecast_period' in data_ds.data_vars): data_ds = data_ds.drop('forecast_period') # =========== implemented in load_any ========================================= # data_ds = use_valid_time(data_ds) # ============================================================================= return data_ds #%%% TEMP elif data_type.casefold() in []: 0 #%%% * DRIAS elif data_type.casefold() in ["drias"]: print(f'\nProcessed file = {data}') with xr.open_dataset(data, decode_coords = 'all') as data_ds: data_ds.load() # to unlock the resource #% Formating # ----------- print('\nPre-formating...') # Drop useless variables data_ds = data_ds.drop(['i', 'j', 'lat', 'lon']) print(' _ Additional coords (i, j, lat, lon) dropped') # Add CRS if not EPSG_in: # EPSG = None, by default if 'spatial_ref' not in list(data_ds.coords) + list(data_ds.data_vars): EPSG_in = 27572"epsg:{EPSG_in}", inplace = True) print(f" _ The Coordinates Reference System is not indicated in the original file. By default, epsg:{EPSG_in} is used") else: EPSG_in = # ============================================================================= # data_ds = data_ds.rename(prtotAdjust = 'pr') # print(f" _ Precipitation variable name modified: prtotAdjust -> pr") # ============================================================================= # Get main variable var = main_var(data_ds) print(f" _ Main variable is: {var}") data_ds[var] = data_ds[var]/1000*(60*60*24) # conversion from from mm.s-1 to m.d-1 data_ds[var].attrs['units'] = 'm.d-1' print(' _ Units converted from mm/s to m/d') #% Reproject in defined CRS # ------------------------- print('\nReprojecting...') print(' _ From epsg:{} to epsg:{}'.format(str(EPSG_in), str(EPSG_out))) # Resolution coord1 = list(data_ds.coords)[1] coord2 = list(data_ds.coords)[2] if reso_m is None: print(' _ Input resolution is taken as output resolution based on {}'.format(coord1)) reso = float(data_ds[coord1][1] - data_ds[coord1][0]) if data_ds[coord1].units[0:6].casefold() == 'degree': reso_m = round(reso*111200) elif data_ds[coord1].units[0:1].casefold() == 'm': reso_m = reso print(' _ Resolution: {} km'.format(reso_m/1000)) # ============================================================================= # data_coords_conv = rasterio.warp.transform(, #, # [data_ds.x.values.min()], [data_ds.y.values.max()]) # if reso_m == 75: # x_min = ac.nearest(x = data_coords_conv[0][0] - reso_input) # y_max = ac.nearest(x = data_coords_conv[1][0] + reso_input) # else: # x_min = (data_coords_conv[0][0] - reso_input) // reso_m * reso_m - reso_m/2 # y_max = (data_coords_conv[1][0] + reso_input) // reso_m * reso_m + reso_m/2 # ============================================================================= if coords_extent == 'from_input': reprj_ds = dst_crs = 'epsg:'+str(EPSG_out), resampling = rasterio.enums.Resampling(5), ) print(' _ Data reprojected based on the extent and resolution of input data') print(' (user-defined resolution is not taken into account)') else: # In all other cases, x_min, x_max, y_max and y_min will be determined before .rio.reproject() if type(coords_extent) == str & coords_extent.casefold() in ["bretagne", "brittany"]: # Emprise sur la Bretagne if EPSG_out == 3035: #LAEA x_min = 3164000 x_max = 3572000 y_max = 2980000 y_min = 2720000 elif EPSG_out == 2154: #Lambert-93 x_min = 70000 x_max = 460000 y_max = 6909000 y_min = 6651000 elif EPSG_out == 4326: #WGS84 x_min = -5.625 x_max = -0.150 y_max = 49.240 y_min = 46.660 print(' _ Extent based on Brittany') elif type(coords_extent) == list: [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max] = coords_extent print(' _ User-defined extent') # Alignement des coordonnées selon la résolution (valeurs rondes) x_min = nearest(x = x_min, res = reso_m, x0 = 0) x_max = nearest(x = x_max, res = reso_m, x0 = 0) y_max = nearest(y = y_max, res = reso_m, y0 = 0) y_min = nearest(y = y_min, res = reso_m, y0 = 0) print(" _ Bounds:") print(" {}".format(y_max)) print(" {} {}".format(x_min, x_max)) print(" {}".format(y_min)) transform_ = Affine(reso_m, 0.0, x_min, 0.0, -reso_m, y_max) # ============================================================================= # width_ = int(data_ds.x.shape[0] * reso_input / reso_m //1 +1) # height_ = int(data_ds.y.shape[0] * reso_input / reso_m //1 +1) # ============================================================================= dst_height = (y_max - y_min)//reso_m dst_width = (x_max - x_min)//reso_m reprj_ds = dst_crs = 'epsg:'+str(EPSG_out), shape = (dst_height, dst_width), transform = transform_, resampling = rasterio.enums.Resampling(5), # nodata = np.nan, ) # ============================================================================= # # Adding attributes: #"epsg:"+str(EPSG_out), inplace = True) # ds_reprj.x.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_x_coordinate', # 'long_name': 'x coordinate of projection', # 'units': 'Meter'} # ds_reprj.y.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_y_coordinate', # 'long_name': 'y coordinate of projection', # 'units': 'Meter'} # ds_reprj.soildepth.attrs = {'grid_mapping': "spatial_ref"} # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # #% Convert values units : # # from [kg m-2s-1] to [mm d-1] # ds_reprj[var] = ds_reprj[var] *60*60*24 #['units'] = 'mm.d-1' # # -> plutôt appliquer un facteur de conversion dans les settings de CWatM # ============================================================================= #% Export : print("\nPreparing export, formating encodings and attributes...") print(' _ Output file type: {}'.format(file_extension)) reprj_ds[coord1].encoding = data_ds[coord1].encoding reprj_ds[coord2].encoding = data_ds[coord2].encoding print(" _ Coords attributes transferred") if 'original_shape' in reprj_ds[var].encoding.keys(): reprj_ds[var].encoding.pop('original_shape') reprj_ds[coord1].encoding.pop('original_shape') reprj_ds[coord2].encoding.pop('original_shape') print(" _ 'original_shape' has been removed") # If it is the PrecipitationMaps, it is necessary to erase the x and y # '_FillValue' encoding, because precipitation inputs are taken as # format model by CWatM if var == 'tp': reprj_ds.x.encoding['_FillValue'] = None reprj_ds.y.encoding['_FillValue'] = None print(" _ Fill Value removed from x and y") # reprj_ds.x.encoding['_FillValue'] = None # reprj_ds.y.encoding['_FillValue'] = None # reprj_ds[var].encoding['_FillValue'] = np.nan # Compression (not lossy) reprj_ds[var].encoding['zlib'] = True reprj_ds[var].encoding['complevel'] = 4 reprj_ds[var].encoding['contiguous'] = False reprj_ds[var].encoding['shuffle'] = True print(' _ Compression x4 without loss (zlib)') output_file = os.path.join(input_folder, ' '.join([file_name, 'res='+str(reso_m)+'m', 'CRS='+str(EPSG_out), ]) + file_extension) reprj_ds.to_netcdf(output_file) """ La compression (2x plus petit) fait planter QGIS lorsqu'il essaye de lire le fichier comme un maillage. Il est nécessaire d'effacer la _FillValue des coordonnées x et y. """ print('\n -> Successfully exported to:\n' + output_file) return reprj_ds #%%% ° CORINE Land Cover elif data_type.casefold() in ["corine", "cld", "corine land cover"]: (folder_name, file_name) = os.path.split(data) (file_name, extension) = os.path.splitext(file_name) data_years = [1990, 2000, 2006, 2012, 2018] y = data_years[4] land_convert = [ [23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29], # 1. forests [12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22], # 2. grasslands and non-irrigated crops [14], # 3. rice fields [13, ], # 4. irrigated crops [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], # 5. sealed lands [40, 41, 42, 43], # 6. water surfaces # [7, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39], # x. sol nu ] # ============================================================================= # with xr.open_dataset(data) as data_ds: # data_ds.load() # to unlock the resource # ============================================================================= #%%%% Découpe du fichier (mondial) sur la Bretagne # ----------------------------------------------- with, 'r') as data: # data_profile = data.profile # data_crs = # epsg:3035 # data_val =[0] # np.ndarray # # 46000 lignes # # 65000 colonnes # data_dtype = data.dtypes[0] # int8 # Définition du périmètre de découpe # ============================================================================= # shapes = Polygon([ # (3188000, 2960000), # (3188000 + 364000, 2960000), # (3188000 + 364000, 2960000 - 231000), # (3188000, 2960000 - 231000), # (3188000, 2960000)]) # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # shapes = rasterio.warp.transform_geom( # {'init': 'epsg:3035'}, #, # {'type': 'Polygon', # 'coordinates': [[ # (3188000, 2960000), # (3188000 + 364000, 2960000), # (3188000 + 364000, 2960000 - 231000), # (3188000, 2960000 - 231000), # (3188000, 2960000)]]} # ) # ============================================================================= with"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\2- Suivi\2- CWatM\2022-01-12) Synthèse inputs\Mask_Bretagne_3035_1km.shp", "r") as shapefile: shapes = [feature["geometry"] for feature in shapefile] # Découpe out_raster, out_transform = rasterio.mask.mask(data, shapes, crop = True) crp_data = out_raster[0] # Mise à jour des attributs # data_profile = data.meta data_profile = data.profile data_profile.update({ # "driver": "Gtiff", "height": crp_data.shape[0], "width": crp_data.shape[1], # "nodata": -128, "transform": out_transform}) # Export (fichier facultatif) output_file = os.path.join(folder_name, file_name + '_Brittany.tif') with, 'w', **data_profile) as output_f: output_f.write_band(1, crp_data) print('\nCropped file has been successfully exported') #%%%% Extraction des types d'occupation du sol # ------------------------------------------- data_profile['dtype'] = 'float32' # pour limiter la taille sur disque for i in range(0,6): # Création d'une carte de mêmes dimensions, avec la valeur 1 sur # les pixels correspondant au landcover voulu, et 0 sur les autres print('\nClass ' + str(i+1) + ":") count = np.zeros(crp_data.shape, dtype = data_profile['dtype']) count = count.astype('float32') # pour limiter la taille sur disque for code in land_convert[i]: # count[crp_data == code] += 1 # Normalement ça ne dépasse jamais 1 count[crp_data == code] = 1 # Export en résolution initiale (fichiers facultatifs) output_file = os.path.join(folder_name, file_name + '_class' + str(i+1) + '.tif') with, 'w', **data_profile) as output_f: output_f.write_band(1, count) print(' - Successfully exported into initial-resolution *.tif') # Reprojection and conversion of counts into percentages # dst_trsfm = Affine(1000, 0, 900000, # 0, -1000, 5500000) # dst_trsfm = Affine(1000, 0, 3188000, # 0, -1000, 2960000) dst_trsfm = Affine(1000, 0, 3165000, 0, -1000, 2954000) # data_reprj = np.zeros((4600, 6500), dtype = np.float32) # data_reprj = np.zeros((231, 364), dtype = np.float32) data_reprj = np.zeros((258, 407), dtype = np.float32) dst_data_profile = data_profile.copy() dst_data_profile.update({ "height": data_reprj.shape[0], "width": data_reprj.shape[1], "transform": dst_trsfm, "nodata": np.nan}) rasterio.warp.reproject(count, destination = data_reprj, src_transform = data_profile['transform'], src_crs = data_profile['crs'], src_nodata = data_profile['nodata'], dst_transform = dst_data_profile['transform'], dst_crs = dst_data_profile['crs'], dst_nodata = dst_data_profile['nodata'], resampling = rasterio.enums.Resampling(5), ) # Export en résolution finale (fichiers intermédiaires nécessaires) output_file = os.path.join(folder_name, '_'.join([file_name, '_class' + str(i+1), '1000m.tif']) ) with, 'w', **dst_data_profile) as output_f: output_f.write_band(1, data_reprj) print(' - Successfully exported into coarse-resolution *.tif') #%%%% Conversion des derniers fichiers créés (*.tif) en *.nc # --------------------------------------------------------- var_names = [ 'fracforest', 'fracgrassland', 'fracirrNonPaddy', 'fracirrPaddy', 'fracsealed', 'fracwater', ] # Initialization: i = 0 with xr.open_dataset(os.path.join(folder_name, '_'.join([file_name, '_class' + str(i+1), '1000m.tif']))) as data_ds: data_ds.load() # data_ds = data_ds.squeeze('band').drop('band') data_ds = data_ds.rename(band = 'time') # data_ds = data_ds.reindex(time = [datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 31)]) data_ds = data_ds.assign_coords({'time': ('time', [datetime.datetime(y, 1, 31)])}) data_ds = data_ds.rename(band_data = var_names[i]) for i in range(1,6): with xr.open_dataset(os.path.join(folder_name, '_'.join([file_name, '_class' + str(i+1), '1000m.tif']))) as data_tmp: data_tmp.load() # data_tmp = data_tmp.squeeze('band').drop('band') data_tmp = data_tmp.rename(band = 'time') # data_tmp = data_tmp.reindex(time = [datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 31)]) data_tmp = data_tmp.assign_coords({'time': ('time', [datetime.datetime(y, 1, 31)])}) data_tmp = data_tmp.rename(band_data = var_names[i]) data_ds[var_names[i]] = data_tmp[var_names[i]] # Rectification de la normalisation des pourcentages # ============================================================================= # # data_ds.fillna(0) # sum_norm = data_ds[var_names[0]]+data_ds[var_names[1]]+data_ds[var_names[2]]+data_ds[var_names[3]]+data_ds[var_names[4]]+data_ds[var_names[5]] # for i in range(0,6): # data_ds[var_names[i]] = data_ds[var_names[i]]/sum_norm # ============================================================================='epsg:3035', inplace = True) data_ds.x.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_x_coordinate', 'long_name': 'x coordinate of projection', 'units': 'Meter'} data_ds.y.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_y_coordinate', 'long_name': 'y coordinate of projection', 'units': 'Meter'} output_file = os.path.join(folder_name, 'fractionLandcover_Bretagne_CORINE_{}.nc'.format(str(y))) # NB : Il est nécessaire de faire disparaître les valeurs nan # ============================================================================= # data_ds['fracforest'].encoding['_FillValue'] = 0 # ou None ?? # data_ds['fracgrassland'].encoding['_FillValue'] = 0 # ou None ?? # data_ds['fracirrNonPaddy'].encoding['_FillValue'] = 0 # ou None ?? # data_ds['fracirrPaddy'].encoding['_FillValue'] = 0 # ou None ?? # data_ds['fracsealed'].encoding['_FillValue'] = 0 # ou None ?? # data_ds['fracwater'].encoding['_FillValue'] = 0 # ou None ?? # ============================================================================= data_ds.to_netcdf(output_file) #%%% ° Observatoire botanique de Brest (2018-2019) elif data_type.casefold() in ["observatoire", "obb"]: land_convert = [ [0, 0, 0], # 1. forests [0, 0, 0], # 2. grasslands and non-irrigated crops [0, 0, 0], # 3. rice fields [0, 0, 0], # 4. irrigated crops [0, 0, 0], # 5. sealed lands [0, 0, 0], # 6. water surfaces # [7, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39], # x. sol nu ] return 'Pas encore implémenté' #%%% ° CES OSO elif data_type.casefold() in ['ces oso', 'oso', 'ces']: return 'Pas encore implémenté' #%%% ° Crop coefficients, version "better" elif data_type.casefold() in ['crop', 'crop coeff', 'crop coefficient']: #%%%% Initialization: landcover_motif = re.compile('cropCoefficient[a-zA-Z]*') pos = landcover = file_name[15:pos[1]] name = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0][0:pos[1]] print(f'\nProcessed landcover = {landcover}') print("___________________") with xr.open_dataset( data, decode_coords = 'all', ) as data: data.load() #%%%% Reprojection: print('\nReprojecting...') if not EPSG_in: # EPSG = None, by default if 'spatial_ref' not in list(data.coords) + list(data.data_vars): print(" Le SCR n'est pas renseigné dans les données initiales. Par défaut, le WGS84 est utilisé") EPSG_in = 4326 else: EPSG_in = print(" From epsg:{} to espg:{}".format(EPSG_in, EPSG_out))"epsg:{}".format(EPSG_in), inplace = True) # Emprise sur la Bretagne if EPSG_out == 3035: #LAEA x_min = 3164000 x_max = 3572000 y_max = 2980000 y_min = 2720000 elif EPSG_out == 2154: #Lambert-93 x_min = 70000 x_max = 460000 y_max = 6909000 y_min = 6651000 # ============================================================================= # # To properly implement management of lat/lon, reso_m should be upgraded # # with a system including reso_deg (future developments) # elif EPSG_out == 4326: #WGS84 (in this case, reso_m should be in ° instead of m) # x_min = -5.625 # x_max = -0.150 # y_max = 49.240 # y_min = 46.660 # ============================================================================= # Alignement des coordonnées selon la résolution (valeurs rondes) x_min = nearest(x = x_min, res = reso_m, x0 = 0) x_max = nearest(x = x_max, res = reso_m, x0 = 0) y_max = nearest(y = y_max, res = reso_m, y0 = 0) y_min = nearest(y = y_min, res = reso_m, y0 = 0) print(" Final bounds:") print(" {}".format(y_max)) print(" {} {}".format(x_min, x_max)) print(" {}".format(y_min)) # Reproject if reso_m is None: coord1 = list(data.coords)[1] print('NB : La resolution est déterminée à partir des {}\n'.format(coord1)) reso = float(data[coord1][1] - data[coord1][0]) if data[coord1].units[0:6].casefold() == 'degree': reso_m = round(reso*111200) elif data[coord1].units[0:1].casefold() == 'm': reso_m = reso print(' Resolution: {} km'.format(str(reso_m/1000))) dst_height = (y_max - y_min)//reso_m dst_width = (x_max - x_min)//reso_m data_reprj = dst_crs = 'epsg:'+str(EPSG_out), # resolution = (1000, 1000), shape = (dst_height, dst_width), transform = Affine(reso_m, 0.0, x_min, 0.0, -reso_m, y_max), resampling = rasterio.enums.Resampling(5), nodata = np.nan) #%%%% Preparing export: print("\nPreparing export...") # ============================================================================= # # Change the order of coordinates to match QGIS standards: # # Normally, not necessary # data_reprj = data_reprj.transpose('time', 'y', 'x') # print(" order of coordinates = 'time', 'y', 'x'") # ============================================================================= # Formatting to match standards (encodings and attributes) print(" Formating encodings and attributes") # ============================================================================= # for c in ['time', 'latitude', 'longitude']: # data_reprj[c].attrs = data[c].attrs # data_reprj[c].encoding = data[c].encoding # for f in _fields_intersect: # data_reprj[f].attrs = data[f].attrs # data_reprj[f].encoding = data[f].encoding # ============================================================================= # Insert georeferencing metadata to match QGIS standards: #"epsg:4326", inplace = True) # print(" CRS set to epsg:4326") data_reprj.x.encoding = data.lon.encoding data_reprj.y.encoding = data_reprj.x.encoding.pop('original_shape') data_reprj.y.encoding.pop('original_shape') var = main_var(data) # If it is the PrecipitationMaps, it is necessary to erase the x and y # '_FillValue' encoding, because precipitation inputs are taken as # format model by CWatM if var == 'tp': # if name == 'Total precipitation daily_mean': data_reprj.x.encoding['_FillValue'] = None data_reprj.y.encoding['_FillValue'] = None # Compression (not lossy) data_reprj[var].encoding = data[var].encoding data_reprj[var].encoding.pop('chunksizes') data_reprj[var].encoding.pop('original_shape') # ============================================================================= # data_reprj[var].encoding['zlib'] = True # data_reprj[var].encoding['complevel'] = 4 # data_reprj[var].encoding['contiguous'] = False # data_reprj[var].encoding['shuffle'] = True # ============================================================================= # NB: The packing induces a loss of precision of apprx. 1/1000 of unit, # for a quantity with an interval of 150 units. The packing is # initially used in the original ERA5-Land data. print(" All attributes and encodings transfered") #%%%% Export : print('\nSaving...') output_file = os.path.join(input_folder, '_'.join([file_name, 'res='+str(reso_m)+'m', 'epsg'+str(EPSG_out), ]) + '.nc') data_reprj.to_netcdf(output_file) print("\nLe resultat a bien été exporté dans le fichier : {}".format(output_file)) return data_reprj
############################################################################### #%%% * Formate les données RHT
[docs]def process_rht(shp_file, attrs_file, fields = 'all'): """ Pour rajouter les attributs dans le shapefile, de anière à pouvoir l'afficher facilement dans QGIS. Parameters ---------- shp_file : str Chemin vers le fichier shapefile attrs_file : str Chemin vers la table externe d'attributs fields : list Liste des noms de colonnes que l'on veut insérer dans le shapefile Returns ------- Create a new file. """ # Inputs # ------ gdf_in = gpd.read_file(shp_file) df_attrs = pd.read_csv(attrs_file, sep = r";", header = 0, skiprows = 0) if fields == 'all': fields = list(df_attrs.columns) if not isinstance(fields, list): fields = [fields] if 'id_drain' not in fields: fields.append('id_drain') print('Fields :\n{}'.format(fields)) # Fusion # ------ gdf_out = gdf_in.merge(df_attrs[fields], left_on = "ID_DRAIN", right_on = "id_drain") # Export # ------ out_name = os.path.splitext(shp_file)[0] + '_merged.shp' gdf_out.to_file(out_name) return gdf_out
############################################################################### #%%% * convert_from_h5_newsurfex (with recessions)
[docs]def convert_from_h5_newsurfex(*, input_file, mesh_file, scenario = 'historic', output_format = 'NetCDF', **kwargs): r""" % DESCRIPTION: This function converts Ronan *.h5 files from SURFEX into NetCDF files, or GeoTIFF images, in order to make output files readable by QGIS. % EXAMPLE: >> import geoconvert as gc >> gc.convert_from_h5_newsurfex(input_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\1- Veille\4- Donnees\8- Meteo\Surfex\BZH\REA.h5", mesh_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\1- Veille\4- Donnees\8- Meteo\Surfex\BZH\shapefile\maille_meteo_fr_pr93.shp", output_format = "NetCDF", fields = ["REC", "TAS"]) % ARGUMENTS: > % OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS: > output_format = 'NetCDF' (défault) | 'GeoTIFF' > scenario = 'historic' | 'RCP2.6' | 'RCP4.5' | 'RCP8.5' > kwargs: > fields = variable(s) to conserve (among all attributes in input file) = ['ETP', 'PPT', 'REC', 'RUN', 'TAS'] (One file per variable will be created.) > dates = for instance : ['2019-01-01', '2019-01-02', ...] (If no date is specified, all dates from input file are considered) """ #% Get fields argument: # --------------------- if 'fields' in kwargs: fields = kwargs['fields'] if isinstance(fields, str): fields = [fields] else: fields = list(fields) # in case fields are string or tuple else: print('\n/!\ Fields need to be specified\n') for _field in fields: print('Processing ' + _field + '...') print(' Loading data...') #% Load data sets: # ---------------- # _data contains the values, loaded as a pandas dataframe _data = pd.read_hdf(input_file, _field + '/' + scenario) _data.index.freq = 'D' # Correct the frequency of timestamp, because it # is altered during importation _data = _data.iloc[:, 0:-1] # Get rid of the last 'MEAN' column _data = _data.transpose() # _dataset contains the spatial metadata, and will be used as the # final output structure _dataset = gpd.read_file(mesh_file) _dataset.num_id = _dataset.num_id.astype(int) # Convert 'num_id' (str) # into integer # Only cells present in _data are considered: _datasubset = _dataset[_dataset.num_id.isin(_data.index)] _datasubset = _datasubset.merge(_data, left_on = "num_id", right_index = True) _datasubset.index = _datasubset.num_id # replace indexes by id_values #% Get dates argument: (and build output_name) # -------------------- _basename = os.path.splitext(input_file)[0] if 'dates' in kwargs: dates = kwargs['dates'] if isinstance(dates, str): output_file = '_'.join([_basename, dates, _field]) dates = [dates] else: dates = list(dates) # in case dates are tuple output_file = '_'.join([_basename, dates[0], 'to', dates[-1], _field]) else: dates = _data.columns # if not input_arg, dates = all output_file = '_'.join([_basename, scenario, _field]) #% Exports: # --------- profile_base = {'driver': 'NetCDF', 'dtype': 'float32', 'nodata': None, 'width': 37, 'height': 23, 'count': 1, # 'count': len(dates), 'crs':, 'transform': Affine(8000, 0.0, 56000, 0.0, 8000, 2261000), # values deducted from Xlamb and Ylamb # can also be found from QGIS: "X (ou Y) du sommet le plus proche" 'tiled': False, 'interleave': 'band'} # ============================================================================= # # Getting bounds from polygons is less precise: # _datasubset.geometry.total_bounds[0:1] # # >> [ 107438.43514434074, 6697835.528522245 ] in epsg:2154 # Affine(8000, 0.0, 56092.06862427108, 0.0, 8000, 2260917.5598924947) # # more precise values: 57092.06862427143, 2259917.559892499 # # --> does not improve much... # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # # Using polygon limits instead of polygon centers is less precise: # rasterized_data = rasterio.features.rasterize( # [(_dataval.loc['geometry'], _dataval.loc[pd.to_datetime(_date)]) for i, _dataval in _datasubset.to_crs(27572).iterrows()], # out_shape = (profile_base['height'], profile_base['width']), # transform = profile_base['transform'], # fill = 0, # all_touched = True) # # dtype = rasterio.uint8 # ============================================================================= #% Add coordinates of the center of each polygon, as a POINT object: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ _datasubset['centers'] = [Point(x_y) for x_y in zip(_datasubset.loc[:, 'Xlamb'], _datasubset.loc[:, 'Ylamb'])] # NB: Coordinates are here in Lambert Zone II (epsg:27572) # ============================================================================= # #{a} # Previous version, creating a raster per date (very slow): # rasterized_data = rasterio.features.rasterize( # [(_dataval.loc['centers'], _dataval.loc[pd.to_datetime(_date)]) # for i, _dataval in _datasubset.iterrows()], # out_shape = (profile_base['height'], profile_base['width']), # transform = profile_base['transform'], # fill = np.NaN, # all_touched = True) # # dtype = rasterio.uint8 # ============================================================================= #% Create a raster mask: # --------------------- rasterized_mask = rasterio.features.rasterize( [(_dataval.loc['centers'], _dataval.loc['num_id']) for i, _dataval in _datasubset.iterrows()], out_shape = (profile_base['height'], profile_base['width']), transform = profile_base['transform'], fill = np.NaN, all_touched = True) # dtype = rasterio.uint16 # ============================================================================= # #% Apercu visuel rapide : # plt.imshow(rasterized_mask, origin = 'lower') # ============================================================================= #% Build a xarray based on the previous mask: # ------------------------------------------- print(' Building an xarray...') # Initialization: array3D = np.full((len(dates), profile_base['height'], profile_base['width']), np.nan) # Filling: for (_y, _x), _id_val in np.ndenumerate(rasterized_mask): if not np.isnan(_id_val): array3D[:, _y, _x] = _datasubset.loc[_id_val].iloc[10:-1] # Converting to xarray dataarray: dataarray = xr.DataArray(array3D, coords = [dates, np.arange(2265000, 2265000 + 8000*profile_base['height'], 8000).astype(np.float32), np.arange(60000, 60000 + 8000*profile_base['width'], 8000).astype(np.float32)], # NB : La fonction 'range()' est évitée car elle renvoie des entiers # QGIS n'arrive pas à détecter le CRS lorsque les axes sont des entiers dims = ['time', 'y', 'x']) # Converting to xarray dataset: dataset = dataarray.to_dataset(name = _field) # Adding attributes:"epsg:27572", inplace = True) dataset.x.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_x_coordinate', 'long_name': 'x coordinate of projection', 'units': 'Meter'} dataset.y.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_y_coordinate', 'long_name': 'y coordinate of projection', 'units': 'Meter'} # Export: # ------- if output_format.casefold() in ['nc', 'netcdf']: dataset.to_netcdf(output_file + '.nc') (folder_name, file_name) = os.path.split(output_file + '.nc') print(" The dataset has been successfully exported to the file '{}' in the folder '{}'\n".format(file_name, folder_name)) elif output_format.casefold() in ['tif', 'tiff', 'geotiff']: with + '.tiff', 'w', **profile_base) as out_f: for i, d in enumerate(dates): out_f.write_band(i, dataset.sel(time = d)) (folder_name, file_name) = os.path.split(output_file + '.nc') print(" The dataset has been successfully exported to the file '{}' in the folder '{}'\n".format(file_name, folder_name)) return fields
# ============================================================================= # #- - - - - - SANDBOX - - - - - # #% Single day: # # date = _data.loc[:,_data.columns == '2019-10-15'].columns.values # date = _data.loc[:,_data.columns == _date].columns[0] # _datasingleday = _datasubset.loc[:, date] # # #% Matplot: # _datasubset.plot(column = date, cmap = 'RdYlBu_r', vmin = 10.5, vmax = 15) # ============================================================================= #%%% * convert_from_h5_oldsurfex (data from Quentin) ###############################################################################
[docs]def convert_from_h5_oldsurfex(*, output_format = 'csv', **kwargs): r""" % DESCRIPTION : Cette fonction formate les fichiers Surfex de Quentin en fichiers *.csv organisés par dates (lignes) et identifiants de mailles (colonnes). % EXEMPLES : >> import surfexconvert as sc #(NB : il faut au préalable que le dossier soit ajouté dans le PYTHONPATH)) >> sc.convert_from_h5_oldsurfex(output_format = "csv", start_years = list(range(2005, 2011, 1)), variables = ['DRAIN', 'ETR']) >> sc.convert_from_oldsurfex(output_format = "nc", mesh_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\1- Veille\4- Donnees\8- Meteo\Surfex\BZH\shapefile\maille_meteo_fr_pr93.shp") % ARGUMENTS (OPTIONNELS) : > output_format = 'csv' (défault) | 'NetCDF' | 'GeoTIFF' > kwargs: > input_folder = dossier contenant les fichiers à traiter. Si rien n'est spécifié, le dossier du script est pris en compte > variables = variable(s) à traiter (parmi DRAIN, ETR, PRCP et RUNOFF) Si ce n'est pas spécifié, toutes les variables sont considérées > start_years = années à traiter (par ex : 2012 correspond au fichier blabla_2012_2013) Si rien n'est spécifié, toutes les années sont considérées > mesh_file = chemin d'accès au fichier de correspondances entre les id des tuiles et leurs coordonnées (nécessaire uniquement pour NetCDF et GeoTIFF) """ # ---- RECUPERATION DES INPUTS #-------------------------- if 'input_folder' in kwargs: input_folder = kwargs['input_folder'] else: input_folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # Si 'variables' est renseigné, il est converti en liste de strings. # Sinon, toutes les variables sont prises en compte (DRAIN, ETR, PRCP...). if 'variables' in kwargs: variables = kwargs['variables'] if isinstance(variables, str): variables = [variables] else: variables = list(variables) else: variables = ['DRAIN', 'ETR', 'PRCP', 'RUNOFF'] print('> variables = ' + ', '.join(variables)) # Si 'start_years' est renseigné, il est converti en liste de strings. # Sinon, toutes les années sont considérées (1970-1971 -> 2011-2012). if 'start_years' in kwargs: start_years = kwargs['start_years'] if isinstance(start_years, str): start_years = [start_years] else: start_years = list(start_years) start_years = [str(y) for y in start_years] else: start_years = [str(y) for y in range(1970, 2012, 1)] print("> années de départ = " + ', '.join(start_years)) if 'mesh_file' in kwargs: mesh_file = kwargs['mesh_file'] #% Localisation des dossiers et fichiers de base : #------------------------------------------------- idlist_file = os.path.join(input_folder, r"numero_mailles_bretagne_etendue.txt") # (= fichier des identifiants des mailles) mesh_indexes = np.loadtxt(idlist_file, dtype = int) # ---- TRAITEMENT DES DONNEES for _variable in variables: print("Traitement de " + _variable + "...") dataset_allyears = pd.DataFrame(columns = mesh_indexes) #(initialisation) for _year in start_years: print(_year) input_file = os.path.join(input_folder, "_".join([_variable, _year, str(int(_year)+1)])) # (= fichier de données) #% Importation : #--------------- raw_data = pd.read_table(input_file, delimiter = " ", engine = 'python', header = None) # Redimensionnement : #-------------------- if pd.to_datetime(str(int(_year) + 1)).is_leap_year: n_days = 366 else: n_days = 365 reshp_array = np.array(raw_data).reshape((n_days, 610), order = 'C') reshp_array = reshp_array[:, 0:-6] # Array de 365 lignes et 604 col # Ajout des étiquettes : #----------------------- _start_date = _year + '-07-31' date_indexes = pd.date_range(start = _start_date, periods = n_days, freq = '1D') dataframe_1y = pd.DataFrame(data = reshp_array, index = date_indexes, columns = mesh_indexes, copy = True) dataset_allyears = dataset_allyears.append(dataframe_1y) # ================================================================= # #% Rajouter des moyennes ou sommes annuelles comme sur les # précédentes données Surfex : # T['mean'] = T.mean(axis = 1) # T['sum'] = T.sum(axis = 1) # ================================================================= # ---- EXPORTATION output_file = os.path.join(input_folder, "_".join([_variable, start_years[0], str(int(start_years[-1])+1)] ) ) #% Export en CSV : #----------------- if output_format in ['csv', 'CSV']: dataset_allyears.to_csv(output_file + ".csv", sep = '\t', header = True) (folder_name, file_name) = os.path.split(output_file + ".csv") print("> Le fichier \'{}\' a été créé dans le dossier \'{}\'.".format( file_name, folder_name)) #% Export en NetCDF ou TIFF : #---------------------------- elif output_format in ['NetCDF', 'nc', 'TIFF', 'tiff', 'tif', 'GeoTIFF']: #% Géoréférencement des données / formatage print("Formatage...") # (NB : dataset_allyears sera écrasé plus tard) all_date_indexes = dataset_allyears.index n_dates = len(all_date_indexes) _data = dataset_allyears.transpose(copy = True) _geodataset = gpd.read_file(mesh_file) _geodataset.num_id = _geodataset.num_id.astype(int) _geodataset = _geodataset[_geodataset.num_id.isin(_data.index)] _geodataset = _geodataset.merge(_data, left_on = "num_id", right_index = True) res_x = 8000 # résolution Surfex [m] res_y = 8000 n_x = len(pd.unique(_geodataset.loc[:, 'Xlamb'])) n_y = len(pd.unique(_geodataset.loc[:, 'Ylamb'])) x_min = min(_geodataset.loc[:, 'Xlamb']) - res_x/2 #NB : not 56000 y_min = min(_geodataset.loc[:, 'Ylamb']) - res_y/2 profile_base = {'driver': 'NetCDF', 'dtype': 'float64', 'nodata': None, # 'time': n_dates, 'height': n_y, #23 'width': n_x, #37 'count': n_dates, 'crs':, 'transform': Affine(res_x, 0.0, x_min, 0.0, res_y, y_min), # values deducted from Xlamb and Ylamb and QGIS 'tiled': False, 'interleave': 'band'} _geodataset['centers'] = [Point(x_y) for x_y in zip(_geodataset.loc[:, 'Xlamb'], _geodataset.loc[:, 'Ylamb'])] # NB: Coordinates are here in Lambert Zone II (epsg:27572) raster_data_allyears = np.empty(shape = (n_dates, profile_base['height'], profile_base['width'])) print(" Rasterisation... ({} éléments. Peut prendre plusieurs minutes)".format(len(all_date_indexes))) for d, _date in enumerate(all_date_indexes): _raster_data = rasterio.features.rasterize( [(_dataval.loc['centers'], _dataval.loc[pd.to_datetime(_date)]) for i, _dataval in _geodataset.iterrows()], out_shape = (profile_base['height'], profile_base['width']), transform = profile_base['transform'], fill = np.NaN, all_touched = True) raster_data_allyears[d, :, :] = _raster_data #*** Est-ce que cette étape peut être faite telle quelle avec # des données incluant tous les temps ?*** print(" xarray...") dataarray_allyears = xr.DataArray( raster_data_allyears, #raster_data_allyears.astype('float32'), coords = [all_date_indexes, np.sort(pd.unique(_geodataset.loc[:, 'Ylamb'])), np.sort(pd.unique(_geodataset.loc[:, 'Xlamb']))], # <!> NB <!> Il est extrêmement important de trier les # indices dans l'ordre croissant !!! (ils sont désordonnés dans # _geodataset). Sinon QGIS n'arrive pas à lire les fichiers ! dims = ['time', 'y', 'x']) # ============================================================================= # # [AVANT : dims = ['time', 'latitude', 'longitude'])] # ============================================================================= # L'ordre conseillé des dimensions est t, lat, lon, mais ça n'a # pas d'incidence. # Conversion en Dataset : dataset_allyears = dataarray_allyears.to_dataset(name = _variable) print("Exportation...") if output_format in ['NetCDF', 'nc']: #% Pour NetCDF : # - - - - - - - - # Formatage des attributs selon les conventions QGIS : # Insert georeferencing metadata :"epsg:27572", inplace = True) dataset_allyears.x.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_x_coordinate', 'long_name': 'x coordinate of projection', 'units': 'Meter'} dataset_allyears.y.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_y_coordinate', 'long_name': 'y coordinate of projection', 'units': 'Meter'} # ============================================================================= # # AVANT : # dataset_allyears.longitude.attrs = {'units': 'degrees_east', # 'long_name': 'longitude'} # dataset_allyears.latitude.attrs = {'units': 'degrees_north', # 'long_name': 'latitude'} # ============================================================================= # dataset_allyears.time.attrs = {'units': 'days since 1970-01-01', # 'calendar': 'gregorian', # 'long_name': 'time'} dataset_allyears.attrs = {'Conventions': 'CF-1.6'} dataset_allyears.to_netcdf(output_file + ".nc") (folder_name, file_name) = os.path.split(output_file + ".nc") print("> Le fichier \'{}\' a été créé dans le dossier \'{}\'.".format( file_name, folder_name)) else: #% Pour TIFF : # - - - - - - - dataset_allyears[_variable].rio.to_raster(output_file + '.tiff') # ============================================================================= # # Méthode sans rioxarray : # # (Problème : les valeurs des coordonnées semblent désordonnées) # with + ".tiff", 'w', # **profile_base) as out_f: # for d, _date in enumerate(all_date_indexes): # # out_f.write_band(d + 1, raster_data_allyears[d, :, :]) # out_f.write_band(d + 1, # dataset_allyears[_variable].sel(time = _date)) # ============================================================================= (folder_name, file_name) = os.path.split(output_file + ".tiff") print("> Le fichier \'{}\' a été créé dans le dossier \'{}\'.".format( file_name, folder_name)) return dataset_allyears
############################################################################### #%%% correct biaises: Corrige les précipitations, rayonnements, ETP... de ERA5-Land
[docs]def correct_bias(input_file, correct_factor = 1, to_dailysum = True, progressive = False): """ Fonction plutôt à utiliser sur les données finales formatées correct_factor: - for precipitations (hourly) : 1.8 - for precipitations (daily sum): 0.087 - for radiations (daily sum): 0.0715 (and progressive = True) - for potential evapotranspiration pos (daily sum): 0.04 """ print("\nLoading...") with xr.open_dataset(input_file, decode_coords = 'all') as ds: ds.load() # to unlock the resource ds2 = ds.copy(deep = True) print("\nCorrecting values: multiply by {}...".format(correct_factor)) if not progressive: # constant correction for any day var = main_var(ds) suffix = f"{correct_factor}" ds2[var] = ds2[var]*correct_factor correct_factor_max = correct_factor elif progressive: # varying correction along the year (stronger in summer, weaker in winter) var = main_var(ds) suffix = f"{correct_factor}P1" monthly_correction = np.array([0.74130111, 0.6586179, 1.04861236, 0.98615636, 0.96493336, 1.15048825, 1.06386533, 1.16570181, 1.001253, 0.81417812, 0.71620761, 0.76901861]) * correct_factor # Redefinition of correct_factor as a monthly correction: # correct_factor = ds2.mean(dim = ['latitude', 'longitude']).groupby("time.month").mean() # correct_factor[var] = monthly_correction correct_factor_monthly = xr.DataArray(monthly_correction, dims = 'month', coords = {'month': list(range(1,13))}) ds2[var] = ds2[var].groupby('time.month', squeeze = False)*correct_factor_monthly ds2 = ds2.drop("month") correct_factor_max = float(correct_factor_monthly.max()) # ============================================================================= # # Pipeline pour calculer les coefficients # month_length = ds.time.dt.days_in_month # weights = ( # month_length.groupby("time.month") / month_length.groupby("time.month").sum()) # # Pour vérifier que la somme des pondérations fait bien 1 pour chaque mois # np.testing.assert_allclose(weights.groupby("time.month").sum().values, np.ones(12)) # ds_weighted = (ds * weights).groupby("time.month").sum(dim="time") # ds_weighted.mean(dim = ['longitude', 'latitude']) # # Référence (visuelle, d'après # [20, 30, 90, 125, 145, 170, 165, 155, 100, 50, 25, 20] # kWh/m²/month # [2322581, 3857143, 10451613, 15000000, 16838710, 20400000, # 19161290, 18000000, 12000000, 5806452, 3000000, 2322581] # J/m²/d # ============================================================================= unit_factor = 1 if to_dailysum: # Si les données d'entrée sont des moyennes en m/h : print("\nCorrecting units:") print(" input values are in .../h") print(" multiply by 24 --> .../d") ds2[var] = ds2[var]*24 unit_factor = 24 print("\nCorrecting encodings...") ds2[var].encoding = ds[var].encoding ds2[var].encoding['scale_factor'] = ds[var].encoding['scale_factor']*correct_factor_max*unit_factor ds2[var].encoding['add_offset'] = ds[var].encoding['add_offset']*correct_factor_max*unit_factor ds2.x.encoding['_FillValue'] = None ds2.y.encoding['_FillValue'] = None print("\nExporting...") output_file = os.path.splitext(input_file)[0] + f" x{suffix}.nc" ds2.to_netcdf(output_file)
############################################################################### #%%% * hourly_to_daily (OLD)
[docs]def hourly_to_daily_old(*, data, mode = 'mean', **kwargs): # Cette version précédente (mise à jour) gère des dossiers """ Example ------- import geoconvert as gc # full example: gc.hourly_to_daily(input_file = r"D:/2011-2021_hourly", mode = 'max', output_path = r"D:/2011-2021_daily Temperature", fields = ['t2m', 'tp']) # input_file can also be a folder: gc.hourly_to_daily(input_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\1- Veille\4- Donnees\8- Meteo\ERA5\Brittany\test", mode = 'mean') Parameters ---------- input_file : str, or list of str Can be a path to a file (or a list of paths), or a path to a folder, in which cas all the files in this folder will be processed. mode : str, or list of str, optional = 'mean' (default) | 'max' | 'min' | 'sum' **kwargs -------- fields : str or list of str, optional e.g: ['t2m', 'tp', 'u10', 'v10', ...] (if not specified, all fields are considered) output_path : str, optional e.g: [r"D:/2011-2021_daily Temperature"] (if not specified, output_name is made up according to arguments) Returns ------- None. Processed files are created in the output destination folder. """ # ---- Get input file path(s) data_folder, filelist = get_filelist(data, filetype = '.nc') #% Safeguard for output_names: if len(filelist) > 1 and 'output_path' in kwargs: print('Warning: Due to multiple output, names of the output files are imposed.') # ---- Format modes if isinstance(mode, str): mode = [mode] else: mode = list(mode) if len(mode) != len(filelist): if (len(mode) == 1) & (len(filelist)>1): mode = mode*len(filelist) else: print("Error: lengths of input file and mode lists do not match") return # ---- Process data for i, f in enumerate(filelist): print(f"\n\nProcessing file {i+1}/{len(filelist)}: {f}...") print("-------------------") #% Load data: data_ds = load_any(os.path.join(data_folder, f), decode_coords = 'all', decode_times = True) #% Get fields: if 'fields' in kwargs: fields = kwargs['fields'] if isinstance(fields, str): fields = [fields] else: fields = list(fields) # in case fields are string or tuple else: fields = list(data_ds.data_vars) # if not input_arg, fields = all #% Extract subset according to fields fields_intersect = list(set(fields) & set(data_ds.data_vars)) data_subset = data_ds[fields_intersect] print(" _ Extracted fields are {}".format(fields_intersect)) if fields_intersect != fields: print('Warning: ' + ', '.join(set(fields) ^ set(fields_intersect)) + ' absent from ' + data) #% Resample: print(" _ Resampling time...") if mode[i] == 'mean': datarsmpl = data_subset.resample(time = '1D').mean(dim = 'time', keep_attrs = True) elif mode[i] == 'max': datarsmpl = data_subset.resample(time = '1D').max(dim = 'time', keep_attrs = True) elif mode[i] == 'min': datarsmpl = data_subset.resample(time = '1D').min(dim = 'time', keep_attrs = True) elif mode[i] == 'sum': datarsmpl = data_subset.resample(time = '1D').sum(dim = 'time', skipna = False, keep_attrs = True) #% Build output name(s): if len(filelist) > 1 or not 'output_path' in kwargs: basename = os.path.splitext(f)[0] output_name = os.path.join( data_folder, 'daily', basename + ' daily_' + mode[i] + '.nc') ## Regex solution, instead of splitext: # _motif = re.compile('.+[^\w]') # _basename =[0:-1] if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(data_folder, 'daily')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(data_folder, 'daily')) else: output_name = kwargs['output_path'] # ---- Preparing export # Transfer encodings for c in list(datarsmpl.coords): datarsmpl[c].encoding = data_ds[c].encoding for f in fields_intersect: datarsmpl[f].encoding = data_ds[f].encoding # Case of packing if ('scale_factor' in datarsmpl[f].encoding) | ('add_offset' in datarsmpl[f].encoding): # Packing (lossy compression) induces a loss of precision of # apprx. 1/1000 of unit, for a quantity with an interval of 150 # units. The packing is initially used in some original ERA5-Land data. if mode[i] == 'sum': print(" Correcting packing encodings...") datarsmpl[f].encoding['scale_factor'] = datarsmpl[f].encoding['scale_factor']*24 datarsmpl[f].encoding['add_offset'] = datarsmpl[f].encoding['add_offset']*24 #% Export export(datarsmpl, output_name)
#%% EXTRACTIONS ############################################################################### #%%% ° times_series
[docs]def time_series(*, input_file, epsg_coords = None, epsg_data = None, coords = None, mode = 'mean', dates = None, fields = None, cumul = False): """ % DESCRIPTION: This function extracts the temporal data in one location given by coordinate. % EXAMPLE: import geoconvert as gc era5 = gc.time_series(input_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\1- Veille\4- Donnees\8- Meteo\ERA5\Brittany\daily/", coords = (-2.199337, 48.17824), epsg = 4326, fields = 't2m') cwatm_ds = gc.time_series(input_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\3_CWatM_EBR\results\raw_results\005_calib_groundwater\01_base_Ronan\", coords = (3417964, 2858067), epsg = 3035) % OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS: > coords = coordinates of one point /!\ Coordinates should be indicated in (X,Y) or (lon,lat) order (and not (lat,lon) !!!) > coords can also indicate a mask: coords = 'all' | filepath to a mask.tiff | filepath to a mask.shp > epsg_coords = 4326 | 3035 | 2154 | 27572 | etc. EPSG of the coords ! Useless if coords is a mask that includes a CRS > epsg_data = same principle, for data without any included information about CRS > mode = 'mean' (standard) | 'sum' | 'max' | 'min' > dates = ['2021-09', '2021-12-01' ...] > fields = ['T2M', 'PRECIP', ...] """ _dataset = load_any(input_file, decode_times = True, decode_coords = 'all') #% Get and process arguments: # --------------------------- if epsg_coords is not None: if isinstance(epsg_coords, str): if epsg_coords.casefold()[0:5] == 'epsg:': epsg_coords = int(epsg_coords[5:]) if fields is not None: if isinstance(fields, str): fields = [fields] else: fields = list(fields) # in case fields are string or tuple else: fields = list(_dataset.data_vars) # if not input_arg, fields = all if dates is not None: if not isinstance(dates, tuple): fields = tuple(fields) # in case dates are a list instead of a tuple if not isinstance(coords, str): # if coords is not None: if not isinstance(coords, tuple): coords = tuple(coords) # in case coords are a list instead of a tuple #% Standardize terms: # ------------------- # ============================================================================= # if 'lon' in list(_dataset.dims) or 'lat' in list(_dataset.dims): # print('Renaming lat/lon coordinates') # _dataset = _dataset.rename(lat = 'latitude', lon = 'longitude') # ============================================================================= if 'lon' in list(_dataset.dims) or 'lat' in list(_dataset.dims): print('Renaming lat/lon coordinates') _dataset = _dataset.rename(lat = 'y', lon = 'x') if 'longitude' in list(_dataset.dims) or 'latitude' in list(_dataset.dims): print('Renaming lat/lon coordinates') _dataset = _dataset.rename(latitude = 'y', longitude = 'x') if 'X' in list(_dataset.dims) or 'Y' in list(_dataset.dims): print('Renaming X/Y coordinates') _dataset = _dataset.rename(X = 'x', Y = 'y') _dataset.x.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_x_coordinate', 'long_name': 'x coordinate of projection', 'units': 'Meter'} _dataset.y.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_y_coordinate', 'long_name': 'y coordinate of projection', 'units': 'Meter'} # ============================================================================= # #% Convert temperature: # for _field in fields: # if 'units' in _dataset[_field].attrs: # if _dataset[_field].units == 'K': # _dataset[_field] = _dataset[_field]-273.15 # # _datasubset[_field].units = '°C' # ============================================================================= print('Fields = {}'.format(str(fields))) if not isinstance(coords, str): if epsg_coords is not None: 0 # print('Coordinates = {} in epsg:{}'.format(str(coords), str(epsg_coords))) else: print('For numerical coords, it is necessary to indicate their CRS, by using the *epsg_coords* argument.') return #% Convert into appropriate CRS = CRS from the data: if epsg_data is not None: # 1re méthode de conversion : (x,y) ou (lon,lat) : coords_conv = rasterio.warp.transform(,, [coords[0]], [coords[1]]) coords_conv = (coords_conv[0][0], coords_conv[1][0]) # (pour convertir une tuple de arrays en tuple) # ============================================================================= # # 2e méthode de conversion : (x,y) ou (lat,lon) : # coords_conv = convert_coord(coords[0], coords[1], # inputEPSG = epsg_coords, # outputEPSG = epsg_data) # ============================================================================= print('Coordinates = {} in epsg:{}'.format(str(coords_conv), str(epsg_data))) elif 'spatial_ref' in _dataset.coords or 'spatial_ref' in _dataset.data_vars: # _motif = re.compile('"EPSG","\d+"') # _substr = _motif.findall(_dataset.spatial_ref.crs_wkt)[-1] # _epsg_motif = re.compile('\d+') # epsg_data = int( epsg_data = int( coords_conv = rasterio.warp.transform(,, [coords[0]], [coords[1]]) coords_conv = (coords_conv[0][0], coords_conv[1][0]) print('Coordinates = {} in epsg:{}'.format(str(coords_conv), str(epsg_data))) else: print("'spatial_ref' is not indicated in the data file, and the argument *epsg_data* is not used. Be sure to use the same CRS as in the data.") coords_conv = coords #% Extract data: _dataset = _dataset[fields] if dates is not None: _dataset = _dataset.sel(time = slice(dates[0], dates[1])) if 'longitude' in list(_dataset.dims) or 'latitude' in list(_dataset.dims): results = _dataset.sel(longitude = coords_conv[0], latitude = coords_conv[1], method = 'nearest') elif 'x' in list(_dataset.dims) or 'y' in list(_dataset.dims): results = _dataset.sel(x = coords_conv[0], y = coords_conv[1], method = 'nearest') del _dataset # memory cleaning else: # elif isinstance(coords, str): # Dans ce cas, 'coords' indique un masque if coords.casefold() == 'all': print('All cells are considered') else: # coords is a file_path #% Get CRS from the data: if 'spatial_ref' in _dataset.coords or 'spatial_ref' in _dataset.data_vars: # _motif = re.compile('"EPSG","\d+"') # _substr = _motif.findall(_dataset.spatial_ref.crs_wkt)[-1] # _epsg_motif = re.compile('\d+') # epsg_data = int( epsg_data = int( elif epsg_data is None: print('Data file has no associated CRS.') return _mask_extension = os.path.splitext(coords)[-1] if _mask_extension in ['.tif', '.tiff', '.nc']: # If the mask is a geotiff or a netcdf if _mask_extension in ['.tif', '.tiff']: with xr.open_dataset(coords) as mask_ds: mask_ds.load() mask_ds = mask_ds.squeeze('band').drop('band') # NB: mask_ds.y.values are decreasing elif _mask_extension in ['.nc']: with xr.open_dataset(coords, decode_coords = 'all') as mask_ds: mask_ds.load() mask_ds = mask_ds.rename({list(mask_ds.data_vars)[0]: 'band_data'}) if 'spatial_ref' in mask_ds.coords or 'spatial_ref' in mask_ds.data_vars: # _motif = re.compile('"EPSG","\d+"') # _substr = _motif.findall(mask_ds.spatial_ref.crs_wkt)[-1] # _epsg_motif = re.compile('\d+') # epsg_coords = int( epsg_coords = int( else: if epsg_coords is not None:'epsg:' + str(epsg_coords), inplace = True) print('For clipping/masking, epsg:' + str(epsg_coords) + ' will be used.') else: print('For clipping/masking, mask needs to have a CRS associated.') return # Reprojection of the mask in the CRS of the data: res_x = float(_dataset.x[1] - _dataset.x[0]) res_y = float(_dataset.y[1] - _dataset.y[0]) # mask_ds['x'] = np.sort(mask_ds.x) # mask_ds['y'] = np.sort(mask_ds.y) mask_coords_conv = rasterio.warp.transform(,, [mask_ds.x.values.min()], [mask_ds.y.values.max()]) idx_x = (np.abs(_dataset.x.values - mask_coords_conv[0][0])).argmin() # if idx_x > 0: idx_x = idx_x - 1 x_min = float(_dataset.x[idx_x]) - res_x/2 idx_y = (np.abs(_dataset.y.values - mask_coords_conv[1][0])).argmin() # if idx_y > 0: idx_y = idx_y - 1 y_max = float(_dataset.y[idx_y]) + res_y/2 mask_proj ='epsg:' + str(epsg_data), transform = Affine(res_x, 0.0, x_min, 0.0, -res_y, y_max), resampling = rasterio.enums.Resampling(5)) _dataset = _dataset.where(mask_proj.band_data == 1, drop = True)"epsg:"+str(epsg_data), inplace = True) elif _mask_extension in ['.shp']: # If the mask is a shapefile mask_df = gpd.read_file(coords) if epsg_coords is not None: mask_df.set_crs('epsg:' + str(epsg_coords)) else: try: epsg_coords = except AttributeError: print('For clipping/masking, mask needs to have a CRS associated.') return print('For clipping/masking, epsg:' + str(epsg_coords) + ' will be used.') _dataset =,, all_touched = True) print('Data CRS is {}. Mask CRS is {}.'.format(epsg_data, epsg_coords)) #% Extract data: if mode == 'mean': # results = _dataset.mean(dim = list(_dataset.dims)[-2:], # skipna = True, keep_attrs = True) results = _dataset.mean(dim = ['x', 'y'], skipna = True, keep_attrs = True) elif mode == 'sum': results = _dataset.sum(dim = ['x', 'y'], skipna = True, keep_attrs = True) elif mode == 'max': results = _dataset.max(dim = ['x', 'y'], skipna = True, keep_attrs = True) elif mode == 'min': results = _dataset.min(dim = ['x', 'y'], skipna = True, keep_attrs = True) # memory cleaning del _dataset gc.collect() if cumul: print('\ncumul == True') timespan = results['time' ].diff( dim = 'time', label = 'lower')/np.timedelta64(1, 'D') _var = main_var(results) results[_var][dict(time = slice(0, timespan.size)) ] = (results[_var][dict(time = slice(0, timespan.size)) ] * timespan.values).cumsum(axis = 0) # Last value: results[_var][-1] = np.nan # Convert to pandas.dataframe results = results.drop('spatial_ref').to_dataframe() return results
############################################################################### #%%% * xr.DataSet to DataFrame
[docs]def xr_to_pd(xr_data): """ Format xr objects (such as those from gc.time_series) into pandas.DataFrames formatted as in gc.tss_to_dataframe. Parameters ---------- xr_data : xarray.DataSet or xarray.DataArary Initial data to convert into pandas.DataFrame NB: xr_data needs to have only one dimension. Returns ------- Pandas.DataFrame """ print("\n_Infos...") if type(xr_data) == xr.core.dataset.Dataset: main_var = main_var(xr_data) print(f" Data is a xr.Dataset, with '{main_var}' as the main variable") xr_data = xr_data[main_var] elif type(xr_data) == xr.core.dataarray.DataArray: print(" Data is a xr.Dataarray") res = xr_data.to_dataframe(name = 'val') res = res[['val']] res['time'] = pd.to_datetime(res.index) if not print(" The timezone is not defined") # res['time'] = res.time.dt.tz_localize('UTC') res.index = range(0, res.shape[0]) # ============================================================================= # res['id'] = res.index # ============================================================================= print('') # newline return res
############################################################################### #%%% ° tss_to_dataframe
[docs]def tss_to_dataframe(*, input_file, skip_rows, start_date, cumul = False): """ Example ------- base = gc.tss_to_dataframe(input_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\3_CWatM_EBR\results\raw_results\001_prelim_cotech\2022-03-19_base\discharge_daily.tss", skip_rows = 4, start_date = '1991-08-01') precip = gc.tss_to_dataframe(input_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\3_CWatM_EBR\results\raw_results\003_artif\2022-03-25_base\Precipitation_daily.tss", skip_rows = 4, start_date = '2000-01-01') precip.val = precip.val*534000000/86400 # (le BV topographique du Meu fait 471 851 238 m2) precip['rolling_mean'] = precip['val'].rolling(10).mean() Parameters ---------- input_file : str Chemin d'accès au fichier d'entrée skip_rows : int Nombre de lignes à enlever en tête de fichier. /!\ ce nombre n'est ' start_date : str ou datetime Date de la 1re valeur du fichier /!\ Si str, il faut qu'elle soit au format "%Y-%m-%d" Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame Implémentations futures ----------------------- Récupérer la start_date à partir du fichier de settings indiqué au début du fichier *.tss., et regarder ensuite le SpinUp """ #%% Récupération des inputs : # --------------------------- if start_date == 'std': print('> Pas encore implémenté...') # récupérer la start_date du fichier de settings else: start_date = pd.to_datetime(start_date) # print('> start_date = ' + str(start_date)) #%% Création des dataframes : # --------------------------- # df = pd.read_csv(input_file, sep = r"\s+", header = 0, names = ['id', 'val'], skiprows = skip_rows) if skip_rows == 0: # Cas des fichiers de débits *.css, sans lignes d'info, # avec seulement un header _fields = [''] n_col = 1 else: # Cas des outputs *.tss avec plusieurs lignes d'info, la 2e ligne # indiquant le nombre de colonnes. Dans ce cas, skip_rows doit être # égal à 2. with open(input_file) as temp_file: # temp_file.readline() # n_col = int(temp_file.readline()[0]) content = temp_file.readlines() n_col = int(content[skip_rows-1][0]) _fields = [str(n) for n in range(1, n_col)] _fields[0] = '' df = pd.read_csv(input_file, sep = r"\s+", header = 0, skiprows = skip_rows -1 + n_col, names = ['id'] + ['val' + ending for ending in _fields], ) # Si la colonne id contient déjà des dates (au format texte ou datetime) : if type([0]) in [str, pd.core.indexes.datetimes.DatetimeIndex, pd._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp]: df['time'] = pd.to_datetime( # Sinon (= si la colonne id contient des indices), il faut reconstruire les dates : else: date_indexes = pd.date_range(start = start_date, periods = df.shape[0], freq = '1D') df['time'] = date_indexes if cumul: print('\ncumul == True') # Values are expected to be expressed in [.../d] # Cumsum is applied on all columns with values ('val', 'val2', 'val3', ...) timespan = df.loc[ :, df.columns == 'time' ].diff().shift(-1, fill_value = 0)/np.timedelta64(1, 'D') # timespan = df.loc[ # :, df.columns == 'time' # ].diff()/np.timedelta64(1, 'D') df.iloc[ :].loc[:, (df.columns != 'id') * (df.columns != 'time') ] = (df.iloc[ :].loc[:, (df.columns != 'id') * (df.columns != 'time') ] * timespan.values).cumsum(axis = 0) # Last value # df.iloc[-1].loc[:, (df.columns != 'id') * (df.columns != 'time')] = np.nan # np.diff(df.time)/np.timedelta64(1, 'D') return df
#%% WATERSHED OPERATIONS ############################################################################### #%%% ° Extract watershed
[docs]def extract_watershed(d8_path, outlets_file, method): #%%% Vérification de la compatibilité des CRS with as d8: crs_d8 = d8.read_crs() print() gdf = gpd.read_file(outlets_file) crs_outlets = if crs_d8 == crs_outlets: print('Le SCR du d8 et des exutoires est EPSG:{}'.format(crs_d8.to_epsg())) else: print('ATTENTION : Le SCR détecté du d8 est EPSG:{} tandis que le SCR détecté des exutoires est EPSG:{}'.format(crs_d8.to_epsg(), crs_outlets.to_epsg())) print('Si les SCR sont différents, le résultat sera faux.') #%%% Avec pysheds if method.casefold() in ["pyshed", "pysheds"]: print('\nMéthode choisie : pysheds') #%%% Avec WhiteToolBox elif method.casefold() in ["wtb", "whitetoolbox"]: print('\nMéthode choisie : WhiteToolBox') wbt.watershed( d8_path, outlets_file, os.path.join(os.path.split(d8_path)[0], "mask_bassin_xxx_wbt.tif"), esri_pntr = True, ) print(' Masque créé')
############################################################################### #%%% ° Compute LDD
[docs]def compute_ldd(dem_path, method): """ dem_path = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\1- Veille\4- Donnees\0- MNT\IGN\MNT_fusion\RGEALTI_FXX_1m_0318_6774_0340_6781_MNT_LAMB93_IGN69.tif" """ #%%% Avec pysheds if method.casefold() in ["pyshed", "pysheds"]: print('Méthode choisie : pysheds') # Compute the river network grid = Grid.from_raster(dem_path, data_name = 'dem') dem = grid.read_raster(dem_path) # Fill depressions in DEM print('dem no data is ', grid.nodata) flooded_dem = grid.fill_depressions(dem) # Resolve flats in DEM inflated_dem = grid.resolve_flats(flooded_dem) # Specify directional mapping dirmap = (64, 128, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32) #D8 system # dirmap = (8, 9, 6, 3, 2, 1, 4, 7) #LDD system # Compute flow directions direc = grid.flowdir(inflated_dem, dirmap=dirmap) dem = read(dem_file) dem_corrected = wbt.BreachDepressionsLeastCost(dem) # dem_corrected = wbt.FillDepressions(dem) #%%% Avec WhiteToolBox elif method.casefold() in ["wtb", "whitetoolbox"]: print('Méthode choisie : WhiteToolBox') dist_ = 10 # Breach depressions wbt.breach_depressions_least_cost( dem_path, os.path.splitext(dem_path)[0] + "_breached{}[wtb].tif".format(dist_), dist_) print(' Fichier intermédiaire créé') # ============================================================================= # # Fill depression (alternative) # wbt.fill_depressions( # dem_path, # os.path.splitext(dem_path)[0] + "_filled[wtb].tif", # 10) # ============================================================================= # Creation du D8 suffix = "breached{}[wtb]".format(dist_) wbt.d8_pointer( os.path.splitext(dem_path)[0] + "_" + suffix + ".tif", os.path.join(os.path.split(dem_path)[0], "D8_xxx_" + suffix + "_wtb.tif"), esri_pntr = True) print(' LDD "D8 ESRI" créé')
############################################################################### #%%% ° Convert LDD code """ To switch between different direction mappings """
[docs]def switch_direction_map(input_file, input_mapping, output_mapping): #%%% Inputs mapping = [input_mapping, output_mapping] position = ['entrée', 'sortie'] print("") for i in [0, 1]: if mapping[i].casefold().replace("_", "").replace(" ", "") in ["ldd","localdraindirections"]: mapping[i] = "LDD" elif mapping[i].casefold().replace("_", "").replace(" ", "") in ["d8", "esri", "d8esri", "esrid8", "d8standard", "standardd8"]: mapping[i] = "D8 ESRI" elif mapping[i].casefold().replace("_", "").replace(" ", "") in ["wtb", "whitetoolbox", "d8whitetoolbox", "d8wtb", "wtbd8"]: mapping[i] = "WTB" else: mapping[i] = "/!\ non reconnu /!\ " print("Direction mapping en {} : {}".format(position[i], mapping[i])) if "/!\ non reconnu /!\ " in mapping: return "error" #%%% Conversion # Chargement des données data_in =, 'r') data_profile = data_in.profile val = data_in.close() # Conversion # rows: 0:'LDD', 1:'D8', 2:'WTB' col = ['LDD', 'D8 ESRI', 'WTB'] keys_ = np.array( [[8, 64, 128,],#N [9, 128, 1,], #NE [6, 1, 2,], #E [3, 2, 4,], #SE [2, 4, 8,], #S [1, 8, 16,], #SO [4, 16, 32,], #O [7, 32, 64,], #NO [5, 0, 0,]]) #- for d in range(0, 9): val[val == keys_[d, col.index(mapping[0]) ] ] = -keys_[d, col.index(mapping[1])] val = -val # On passe par une valeur négative pour éviter les redondances # du type : 3 --> 2, 2 --> 4 #%%% Export output_file = os.path.splitext(input_file)[0] + "_{}.tif".format(mapping[1]) with, 'w', **data_profile) as output_f: output_f.write(val) print("\nFichier créé.")
############################################################################### #%%% ° Alter modflow_river_percentage
[docs]def river_pct(input_file, value): """ Creates artificial modflow_river_percentage inputs (in *.nc) to use for drainage. Parameters ---------- input_file : str Original modflow_river_percentage.tif file to duplicate/modify value : float Value to impose on cells (from [0 to 1], not in percentage!) This value is added to original values as a fraction of the remaining "non-river" fraction: For example, value = 0.3 (30%): - cells with 0 are filled with 0.3 - cells with 1 remain the same - cells with 0.8 take the value 0.86, because 30% of what should have been capillary rise become baseflow (0.8 + 0.3*(1-0.8)) - cells with 0.5 take the value 0.65 (0.5 + 0.3*(1-0.5)) Returns ------- None. """ #%% Loading # --------- if os.path.splitext(input_file)[-1] == '.tif': with xr.open_dataset(input_file, # .tif decode_times = True, ) as ds: ds.load() elif os.path.splitext(input_file)[-1] == '.nc': with xr.open_dataset(input_file, decode_times = True, decode_coords = 'all', ) as ds: ds.load() #%% Computing # ----------- # ds['band_data'] = ds['band_data']*0 + value ds_ones = ds.copy(deep = True) ds_ones['band_data'] = ds_ones['band_data']*0 + 1 #% modflow_river_percentage_{value}.nc: ds1 = ds.copy(deep = True) ds1['band_data'] = ds1['band_data'] + (ds_ones['band_data'] - ds1['band_data'])*value #% drainage_river_percentage_{value}.nc : ds2 = ds1 - ds #%% Formatting # ------------, inplace = True) ds1.x.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_x_coordinate', 'long_name': 'x coordinate of projection', 'units': 'Meter'} ds1.y.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_y_coordinate', 'long_name': 'y coordinate of projection', 'units': 'Meter'} # To avoid conflict when exporting to netcdf: ds1.x.encoding['_FillValue'] = None ds1.y.encoding['_FillValue'] = None, inplace = True) ds2.x.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_x_coordinate', 'long_name': 'x coordinate of projection', 'units': 'Meter'} ds2.y.attrs = {'standard_name': 'projection_y_coordinate', 'long_name': 'y coordinate of projection', 'units': 'Meter'} # To avoid conflict when exporting to netcdf: ds2.x.encoding['_FillValue'] = None ds2.y.encoding['_FillValue'] = None #%% Exporting # ----------- (folder, file) = os.path.split(input_file) (file, extension) = os.path.splitext(file) output_file1 = os.path.join(folder, "_".join([file, str(value)]) + '.nc') ds1.to_netcdf(output_file1) output_file2 = os.path.join(folder, "_".join(['drainage_river_percentage', str(value)]) + '.nc') ds2.to_netcdf(output_file2)
#%% QUANTITIES OPERATIONS ############################################################################### # Calcule ETref et EWref à partir de la "pan evaporation" de ERA5-Land
[docs]def compute_Erefs_from_Epan(input_file): print("\nDeriving standard grass evapotranspiration and standard water evapotranspiration from pan evaporation...") Epan = load_any(input_file, decode_coords = 'all', decode_times = True) var = main_var(Epan) print(" _ Computing ETref (ET0) from Epan...") ETref = Epan.copy() ETref[var] = ETref[var]*0.675 print(" _ Computing EWref from Epan...") EWref = Epan.copy() EWref[var] = EWref[var]*0.75 print(" _ Transferring encodings...") ETref[var].encoding = Epan[var].encoding EWref[var].encoding = Epan[var].encoding # Case of packing if ('scale_factor' in Epan[var].encoding) | ('add_offset' in Epan[var].encoding): # Packing (lossy compression) induces a loss of precision of # apprx. 1/1000 of unit, for a quantity with an interval of 150 # units. The packing is initially used in some original ERA5-Land data ETref[var].encoding['scale_factor'] = ETref[var].encoding['scale_factor']*0.675 ETref[var].encoding['add_offset'] = ETref[var].encoding['add_offset']*0.675 EWref[var].encoding['scale_factor'] = EWref[var].encoding['scale_factor']*0.75 EWref[var].encoding['add_offset'] = EWref[var].encoding['add_offset']*0.75 return ETref, EWref
[docs]def compute_wind_speed(u_wind_data, v_wind_data): """ U-component of wind is parallel to the x-axis V-component of wind is parallel to the y-axis """ # ============================================================================= # print("\nIdentifying files...") # U_motif = re.compile('U-component') # U_match = U_motif.findall(input_file) # V_motif = re.compile('V-component') # V_match = V_motif.findall(input_file) # # if len(U_match) > 0: # U_input_file = '%s' % input_file # to copy the string # V_input_file = '%s' % input_file # V_input_file = V_input_file[[0]] + 'V' + V_input_file[[0]+1:] # elif len(V_match) > 0: # V_input_file = '%s' % input_file # to copy the string # U_input_file = '%s' % input_file # U_input_file = U_input_file[[0]] + 'U' + U_input_file[[0]+1:] # ============================================================================= print("\nComputing wind speed from U- and V-components...") U_ds = load_any(u_wind_data, decode_coords = 'all', decode_times = True) V_ds = load_any(v_wind_data, decode_coords = 'all', decode_times = True) wind_speed_ds = U_ds.copy() wind_speed_ds = wind_speed_ds.rename(u10 = 'wind_speed') wind_speed_ds['wind_speed'] = np.sqrt(U_ds.u10*U_ds.u10 + V_ds.v10*V_ds.v10) # nan remain nan print(" _ Transferring encodings...") wind_speed_ds['wind_speed'].encoding = V_ds.v10.encoding wind_speed_ds['wind_speed'].attrs['long_name'] = '10 metre wind speed' # Case of packing if ('scale_factor' in V_ds.v10.encoding) | ('add_offset' in V_ds.v10.encoding): # Packing (lossy compression) induces a loss of precision of # apprx. 1/1000 of unit, for a quantity with an interval of 150 # units. The packing is initially used in some original ERA5-Land data # Theoretical max wind speed: max_speed = 56 # m/s = 201.6 km/h (scale_factor, add_offset) = compute_scale_and_offset(-max_speed, max_speed, 16) # Out: (0.0017090104524299992, 0.0008545052262149966) wind_speed_ds['wind_speed'].encoding['scale_factor'] = scale_factor wind_speed_ds['wind_speed'].encoding['add_offset'] = add_offset # wind_speed_ds['wind_speed'].encoding['FillValue_'] = -32767 # To remain the same as originally # Corresponds to -55.99829098954757 m/s return wind_speed_ds
[docs]def compute_relative_humidity(*, dewpoint_input_file, temperature_input_file, pressure_input_file, method = "Penman-Monteith"): """ cf formula on gc.compute_relative_humidity( dewpoint_input_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\1- Veille\4- Donnees\8- Meteo\ERA5\Brittany\2011-2021 Dewpoint", temperature_input_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\1- Veille\4- Donnees\8- Meteo\ERA5\Brittany\2011-2021", pressure_input_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\1- Veille\4- Donnees\8- Meteo\ERA5\Brittany\2011-2021 Surface", method = "Sonntag") """ # ---- Loading data # -------------- print("\nLoading data...") # Checking that the time period matches: years_motif = re.compile('\d{4,4}-\d{4,4}') years_dewpoint = years_pressure = years_temperature = if (years_dewpoint == years_pressure) and (years_dewpoint == years_temperature): print(" Years are matching: {}".format(years_dewpoint)) else: print(" /!\ Years are not matching: {}\n{}\n{}".format(years_dewpoint, years_pressure, years_temperature)) # return 0 with xr.open_dataset(dewpoint_input_file, decode_coords = 'all') as Dp: Dp.load() # to unlock the resource with xr.open_dataset(temperature_input_file, decode_coords = 'all') as T: T.load() # to unlock the resource with xr.open_dataset(pressure_input_file, decode_coords = 'all') as Pa: Pa.load() # to unlock the resource # ---- Sonntag formula # ----------------- if method.casefold() in ['sonntag', 'sonntag1990']: print("\nComputing the relative humidity, using the Sonntag 1990 formula...") # NB : air pressure Pa is not used in this formula # Constants: alpha_ = 6.112 # [hPa] beta_ = 17.62 # [-] lambda_ = 243.12 # [°C] # Temperature in degrees Celsius: Tc = T.copy() Tc['t2m'] = T['t2m'] - 273.15 Dpc = Dp.copy() Dpc['d2m'] = Dp['d2m'] - 273.15 # Saturation vapour pressure [hPa]: Esat = Tc.copy() Esat = Esat.rename(t2m = 'vpsat') Esat['vpsat'] = alpha_ * np.exp((beta_ * Tc['t2m']) / (lambda_ + Tc['t2m'])) # Vapour pressure [hPa]: E = Dp.copy() E = E.rename(d2m = 'vp') E['vp'] = alpha_ * np.exp((Dpc['d2m'] * beta_) / (lambda_ + Dpc['d2m'])) # Relative humidity [%]: RHS = Dp.copy() RHS = RHS.rename(d2m = 'rh') RHS['rh'] = E['vp']/Esat['vpsat']*100 elif method.casefold() in ['penman', 'monteith', 'penman-monteith']: print("\nComputing the relative humidity, using the Penman Monteith formula...") # NB : air pressure Pa is not used in this formula # Used in # equation 11/12 # Constants: alpha_ = 0.6108 # [kPa] beta_ = 17.27 # [-] lambda_ = 237.3 # [°C] # Temperature in degrees Celsius: Tc = T.copy() Tc['t2m'] = T['t2m'] - 273.15 Dpc = Dp.copy() Dpc['d2m'] = Dp['d2m'] - 273.15 # Saturation vapour pressure [kPa]: Esat = Tc.copy() Esat = Esat.rename(t2m = 'vpsat') Esat['vpsat'] = alpha_ * np.exp((beta_ * Tc['t2m']) / (lambda_ + Tc['t2m'])) # Vapour pressure [kPa]: E = Dp.copy() E = E.rename(d2m = 'vp') E['vp'] = alpha_ * np.exp((beta_ * Dpc['d2m']) / (lambda_ + Dpc['d2m'])) # Relative humidity [%]: # Eq. (10) RHS = Dp.copy() RHS = RHS.rename(d2m = 'rh') RHS['rh'] = E['vp']/Esat['vpsat']*100 #% Attributes print("\nTransferring encodings...") RHS['rh'].attrs['units'] = '%' RHS['rh'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Relative humidity (from 2m dewpoint temperature)' RHS['rh'].encoding = Dp['d2m'].encoding # Case of packing if ('scale_factor' in Dp['d2m'].encoding) | ('add_offset' in Dp['d2m'].encoding): # Packing (lossy compression) induces a loss of precision of # apprx. 1/1000 of unit, for a quantity with an interval of 150 # units. The packing is initially used in some original ERA5-Land data. # RHS['rh'].encoding['scale_factor'] = 0.0016784924086366065 # RHS['rh'].encoding['add_offset'] = 55.00083924620432 # RHS['rh'].encoding['_FillValue'] = 32767 # RHS['rh'].encoding['missing_value'] = 32767 (scale_factor, add_offset) = compute_scale_and_offset(-1, 100, 16) # Out: (0.0015411612115663385, 49.50077058060578) RHS['rh'].encoding['scale_factor'] = scale_factor RHS['rh'].encoding['add_offset'] = add_offset # RHS['rh'].encoding['_FillValue'] = -32767 # To match with original value # Corresponds to -0.9984588387884301 % return RHS
############################################################################### # Convertit les données de radiation (J/m2/h) en W/m2
[docs]def convert_downwards_radiation(input_file, is_dailysum = False): print("\nConverting radiation units...") rad = load_any(input_file, decode_coords = 'all', decode_times = True) var = main_var(rad) print(" _ Field is: {}".format(var)) print(" _ Computing...") rad_W = rad.copy() if not is_dailysum: conv_factor = 3600 # because 3600s in 1h else: conv_factor = 86400 # because 86400s in 1d rad_W[var] = rad_W[var]/conv_factor print(" _ Transferring encodings...") rad_W[var].attrs['units'] = 'W m**-2' rad_W[var].encoding = rad[var].encoding # Case of packing if ('scale_factor' in rad_W[var].encoding) | ('add_offset' in rad_W[var].encoding): # Packing (lossy compression) induces a loss of precision of # apprx. 1/1000 of unit, for a quantity with an interval of 150 # units. The packing is initially used in some original ERA5-Land data. rad_W[var].encoding['scale_factor'] = rad_W[var].encoding['scale_factor']/conv_factor rad_W[var].encoding['add_offset'] = rad_W[var].encoding['add_offset']/conv_factor # NB: # rad_W[var].encoding['FillValue_'] = -32767 # To remain the same as originally # Corresponds to -472.11... m/s # NB: For few specific times, data are unavailable. Such data are coded # with the value -1, packed into -32766 return rad_W
############################################################################### # Complete CWatM climatic variables
[docs]def secondary_era5_climvar(data): """ This function computes the secondary data from ERA5-Land data, such as: - crop and water standard ETP from pan evaporation - wind speed from U- and V-components - relative humidity from T°, P and dewpoint Parameters ---------- data : filepath or xarray.dataset (or xarray.dataarray) Main dataset used to generate secondary quantities. Returns ------- None. Generates intended files. """ # ---- Load main dataset data_ds = load_any(data, decode_coords = 'all', decode_times = True) var = main_var(data_ds) # ---- Corrections if var == 'pev': ETref, EWref = compute_Erefs_from_Epan(data_ds) export(ETref, ' ET0crop'.join(os.path.splitext(data_ds))) export(EWref, ' EW0'.join(os.path.splitext(data_ds))) elif var in ['u10', 'v10']: if var == 'u10': v10 = input("Filepath to V-component of wind") u10 = data_ds elif var == 'v10': u10 = input("Filepath to U-component of wind") v10 = data_ds wind_speed_ds = compute_wind_speed(u10, v10) export(wind_speed_ds, ' wind_speed'.join(os.path.splitext(data_ds))) elif var == 'rh': dewpoint_file = input("Filepath to dewpoint data: ") temperature_file = input("Filepath to 2m mean temperature data: ") pressure_file = input("Filepath to surface pressurce data: ") rhs_ds = compute_relative_humidity( dewpoint_input_file = dewpoint_file, temperature_input_file = temperature_file, pressure_input_file = pressure_file, method = "Sonntag" ) export(rhs_ds, ' Relative humidity'.join(os.path.splitext(data_ds)))
#%% * OBSOLETE ? Shift rasters (GeoTIFF or NetCDF) ############################################################################### # Pas totalement fini. Code issu de ''
[docs]def transform_tif(*, input_file, x_shift = 0, y_shift = 0, x_size = 1, y_size = 1): """ EXAMPLE: import datatransform as dt dt.transform_tif(input_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\3_CWatM_EBR\data\input_1km_LeMeu\areamaps\mask_cwatm_LeMeu_1km.tif", x_shift = 200, y_shift = 300) """ # Ouvrir le fichier : data =, 'r') # Récupérer le profil : _prof_base = data.profile trans_base = _prof_base['transform'] # Juste pour visualiser : print('\nLe profil affine initial est :') print(trans_base) # Modifier le profile : trans_modf = Affine(trans_base[0]*x_size, trans_base[1], trans_base[2] + x_shift, trans_base[3], trans_base[4]*y_size, trans_base[5] + y_shift) print('\nLe profil modifié est :') print(trans_modf) _prof_modf = _prof_base _prof_modf.update(transform = trans_modf) # Exporter : _basename = os.path.splitext(input_file)[0] add_name = '' if x_shift != 0 or y_shift !=0: add_name = '_'.join([add_name, 'shift']) if x_shift != 0: add_name = '_'.join([add_name, 'x' + str(x_shift)]) if y_shift != 0: add_name = '_'.join([add_name, 'y' + str(y_shift)]) if x_size != 1 or y_size !=1: add_name = '_'.join([add_name, 'size']) if x_size != 1: add_name = '_'.join([add_name, 'x' + str(x_size)]) if y_size != 1: add_name = '_'.join([add_name, 'y' + str(y_size)]) output_file = '_'.join([_basename, add_name]) + '.tif' with, 'w', **_prof_modf) as out_f: out_f.write_band(1,[0]) data.close()
[docs]def transform_nc(*, input_file, x_shift = 0, y_shift = 0, x_size = 1, y_size = 1): """ EXAMPLE: import datatransform as dt dt.transform_nc(input_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\3_CWatM_EBR\data\input_1km_LeMeu\landsurface\topo\", x_shift = 200, y_shift = 400) """ with xr.open_dataset(input_file) as data: data.load() # to unlock the resource # Modifier : data['x'] = data.x + x_shift data['y'] = data.y + y_shift # Exporter : _basename = os.path.splitext(input_file)[0] add_name = '' if x_shift != 0 or y_shift !=0: add_name = '_'.join([add_name, 'shift']) if x_shift != 0: add_name = '_'.join([add_name, 'x' + str(x_shift)]) if y_shift != 0: add_name = '_'.join([add_name, 'y' + str(y_shift)]) if x_size != 1 or y_size !=1: add_name = '_'.join([add_name, 'size']) if x_size != 1: add_name = '_'.join([add_name, 'x' + str(x_size)]) if y_size != 1: add_name = '_'.join([add_name, 'y' + str(y_size)]) output_file = '_'.join([_basename, add_name]) + '.nc' data.to_netcdf(output_file)
#%% * tools for computing coordinates ###############################################################################
[docs]def convert_coord(pointXin, pointYin, inputEPSG = 2154, outputEPSG = 4326): """ Il y a un soucis dans cette fonction. X et Y se retrouvent inversées. Il vaut mieux passer par les fonctions rasterio (voir plus haut) : coords_conv = rasterio.warp.transform(,, [pointXin], [pointYin]) pointXout = coords_conv[0][0] pointYout = coords_conv[1][0] """ #% Inputs (standards) # ============================================================================= # # Projected coordinates in Lambert-93 # pointXin = 350556.92318 #Easthing # pointYin = 6791719.72296 #Northing # (Rennes coordinates) # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # # Geographical coordinates in WGS84 (2D) # pointXin = 48.13222 #Latitude (Northing) # pointYin = -1.7 #Longitude (Easting) # (Rennes coordinates) # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # # Spatial Reference Systems # inputEPSG = 2154 #Lambert-93 # outputEPSG = 4326 #WGS84 (2D) # ============================================================================= # # Conversion into EPSG system # For easy use, inputEPSG and outputEPSG can be defined with identifiers strings switchEPSG = { 'L93': 2154, #Lambert-93 'L-93': 2154, #Lambert-93 'WGS84': 4326, #WGS84 (2D) 'GPS': 4326, #WGS84 (2D) 'LAEA': 3035, #LAEA Europe } if isinstance(inputEPSG, str): inputEPSG = switchEPSG.get(inputEPSG, False) # If the string is not a valid identifier: if not inputEPSG: print('Unknown input coordinates system') return if isinstance(outputEPSG, str): outputEPSG = switchEPSG.get(outputEPSG, False) # If the string is not a valid identifier: if not outputEPSG: print('Unknown output coordinates system') return #% Outputs # ============================================================================= # # Méthode osr # # create a geometry from coordinates # point = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) # point.AddPoint(pointXin, pointYin) # # # create coordinate transformation # inSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference() # inSpatialRef.ImportFromEPSG(inputEPSG) # # outSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference() # outSpatialRef.ImportFromEPSG(outputEPSG) # # coordTransform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(inSpatialRef, outSpatialRef) # # # transform point # point.Transform(coordTransform) # pointXout = point.GetX() # pointYout = point.GetY() # ============================================================================= # Méthode rasterio coords_conv = rasterio.warp.transform(,, [pointXin], [pointYin]) pointXout = coords_conv[0][0] pointYout = coords_conv[1][0] # Return point coordinates in output format return(pointXout, pointYout)
#%% date tools for QGIS """ Pour faire facilement la conversion "numéro de bande - date" dans QGIS lorsqu'on ouvre les fichers NetCDF comme rasters. /!\ Dans QGIS, le numéro de 'band' est différent du 'time' (parfois 'band' = 'time' + 1, parfois il y a une grande différence) C'est le 'time' qui compte. """ ###############################################################################
[docs]def date_to_index(_start_date, _date, _freq): time_index = len(pd.date_range(start = _start_date, end = _date, freq = _freq))-1 print('La date {} correspond au temps {}'.format(_date, str(time_index))) return time_index
[docs]def index_to_date(_start_date, _time_index, _freq): date_index = pd.date_range(start = _start_date, periods = _time_index+1, freq = _freq)[-1] print('Le temps {} correspond à la date {}'.format(_time_index, str(date_index))) return date_index
#%% main if __name__ == "__main__": # Format the inputs (assumed to be strings) into floats sys.argv[1] = float(sys.argv[1]) sys.argv[2] = float(sys.argv[2]) # Print some remarks print('Arguments:') print(sys.argv[1:]) # Execute the ConvertCoord function (a,b) = convert_coord(*sys.argv[1:]) print(a,b)