Source code for trajplot
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Feb 12 01:46:55 2024
@author: Alexandre Coche Kenshilik
from pywtraj.src.dataprocessing import (
geohydroconvert as ghc,
from import (
ncplot as ncp,
cmapgenerator as cmg,
monitor_memory as mm,
import numpy as np
import os
import datetime
import pandas as pd
import re
from matplotlib import cm
import tracemalloc
[docs]class Figure:
Main data available as Figure attributes
| Main variables | Description |
| ``self.model_names_list`` | | List of **model names**. |
| | | For example in EXPLORE2 it corresponds to the identifier of the |
| | | climatic experiment: 'Model1', 'Model2', 'Model3'..., 'Model17'. |
| ``self.original_data`` | | List of the **pandas.Dataframes** retrieved from the NetCDF data,|
| | | for each model (climatic experiments). NetCDF data are converted |
| | | into time series by considering the spatial average over the |
| | | ``coords`` argument (mask). |
| ``self.relative_ref`` | | Equivalent to ``self.original_data``, but contains the time |
| | | series used as **reference** (historic) to compute relative |
| | | values (if user-chosen). |
| ``self.rea_data`` | | Equivalent to ``self.original_data``, but contains the |
| | | **reanalysis** time series, which are added to the plots in |
| | | order to provide a historic reference. |
| ``self.all_res`` | | List of pd.Dataframes **for each period** (according to |
| | | ``period_years`` argument), containing timeseries **averaged** |
| | | **over a year** (365 days) for each model (climatic experiments) |
| | | (one column per model). The year starts on the month defined by |
| | | ``annuality`` argument. |
| ``self.graph_res`` | | Results **formated for the plots**. |
| | | Either in the form of a list of pd.Dataframes, one for each |
| | | period, each pd.Dataframe containing the aggregated result |
| | | (*min*, *mean*, *sum*...) from ``self.all_res`` [in case of |
| | | ``plot_type = 'temporality'``]. |
| | | Or in the form of a single pd.Dataframe containing the |
| | | aggregated values for each day [in case of ``plot_type`` is |
| | | a metric]. |
# Verbose prints memory tracking
# =============================================================================
# # Access the number of Figure instances, also for memory tracking
# n_fig:int=0
# =============================================================================
# Static list of plot_type arguments considered as metrics
metric_list = ['annual', 'date']
metric_labels = {'annual': ['annual {}', '{} annuelle'],
'date': ['date of {}', 'date de {}'],
agg_labels = {'mean': ['mean', 'moyenne'],
'sum': ['sum', 'somme'],
'max': ['maximum', 'maximum'],
'min': ['minimum', 'minimum'],
'range': ['range', 'amplitude'],
'increase': ['increase', 'augmentation'],
'decrease': ['decrease', 'diminution'],
# =============================================================================
# @classmethod
# def get_n_fig(cls):
# return cls.n_fig
# =============================================================================
def __init__(self,
scenario:str='RCP 8.5',
from import trajplot as tjp
mask = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\1- Veille\4- Donnees\16- Territoire Annecy\masque_zone_etude.shp"
F = tjp.Figure(
var = 'T',
root_folder = r"E:\Inputs\Climat",
scenario = 'rcp8.5',
coords = mask,
rolling_days = 30,
period_years = 10,
annuality = 3,
name = 'Annecy',
for m in mask_dict:
for scenario in ['SIM2', 'rcp8.5']:
figweb, _, _ = tjp.temporality(
var = 'PRETOT', scenario = scenario, root_folder = r"E:\Inputs\Climat",
coords = mask_dict[m], name = m,
period_years = 10, rolling_days = 30, cumul = False,
plot_type = 'temporality', annuality = 3, relative = False,
language = 'fr', plotsize = 'wide', verbose = True)
figweb, _, _ = tjp.temporality(
var = 'DRAIN', scenario = scenario, root_folder = r"E:\Inputs\Climat",
coords = mask_dict[m], name = m,
period_years = 10, rolling_days = 30, cumul = False,
plot_type = 'temporality', annuality = 10, relative = False,
language = 'fr', plotsize = 'wide', verbose = True)
figweb, _, _ = tjp.temporality(
var = 'SWI', scenario = scenario, root_folder = r"E:\Inputs\Climat",
coords = mask_dict[m], name = m,
period_years = 10, rolling_days = 30, cumul = False,
plot_type = 'temporality', annuality = 3, relative = False,
language = 'fr', plotsize = 'wide', verbose = True)
figweb, _, _ = tjp.temporality(
var = 'T', scenario = scenario, root_folder = r"E:\Inputs\Climat",
coords = mask_dict[m], name = m,
period_years = 10, rolling_days = 30, cumul = False,
plot_type = 'temporality', annuality = 10, relative = False,
language = 'fr', plotsize = 'wide', verbose = True)
var : str
'PRETOT' | 'PRENEI' | 'ETP' | 'EVAPC' | 'RUNOFFC' | 'DRAINC' | 'T' | 'SWI' | ...
scenario : str
'SIM2' | 'historical' | 'RCP 4.5' | 'RCP 8.5'
root_folder : str, path
Path to the folder containing climatic data.
r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\1- Veille\4- Donnees\8- Meteo" (on my PC)
r"E:\Inputs\Climat" (on the external harddrive)
epsg_data : TYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is None.
coords : TYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is 'all'.
epsg_coords : TYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is None.
language : TYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is 'fr'.
plotsize : TYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is 'wide'.
rolling_days : TYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is 1.
period_years : TYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is 10.
cumul : TYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is False.
plot_type : TYPE
repres : {None, "area" or "bar"}, optional, default None
Only used when plot_type is a metric.
Defines the type of graphical representation of the metric plot.
- ``"area"``: curves representing rolling averages
- ``"bar"``: rectangles representing period averages
name : int
Suffix to add in the filename. Especially usefull to indicate the
name of the site.
credit : str, optional, default 'auto'
To display the acknowledgement for data and conception.
If ``'auto'``, the standard info about data source and conception author \
will be displayed. To remove all mention of credits, pass ``credit=''``.
color : 'scale', 'discrete', <colormap> (str) or list of colors, optional, default 'scale'
Colors for the plots (for now, only for *temporality* plots)
relative : bool
Whether the values should be computed as absolute or relatively to
the reference period.
showlegend : bool, optional, default True
Whether to display the legend or not.
shadow : {None, 'last', 'first', 'firstlast', 'lastfirst', 'all'}, optional, default = None
Whether to display dialy values in grey shadows, and for which period.
annuality : int or str
Type of year :
'calendar' | 'meteorological' | 'meteo' | 'hydrological' | 'hydro'
1 | 9 | 10
verbose: bool
Whether or not to display memory diagnotics.
# =============================================================================
# Figure.n_fig = Figure.n_fig+1
# =============================================================================
# ---- Folders
self.root_folder = root_folder
# ---- Results
self.model_names_list = None
self.original_data = None
self.relative_ref = None
self.rea_data = None
self.all_res = None
self.all_daily = None
self.graph_res = None
self.graph_daily = None
self.year_labels = None
self.xaxis_add_label = ['', '']
self.yaxis_add_label = ['', '']
self.agg_rule = None
self.is_metric = False
# ---- Coords
self.epsg_data = epsg_data
self.coords = coords
self.epsg_coords = epsg_coords
# ---- Adjustments of names and folders
self.scenario = scenario.casefold().replace('.', '').replace(' ', '')
if self.scenario == 'sim2':
self.scenario = self.scenario.upper()
if var.casefold().replace(' ', '').replace('-', '').replace('adjust', '') in [
'evspsblpot', 'etp', 'pet']:
self.var = 'ETP'
elif var.casefold().replace(' ', '').replace('-', '').replace('adjust', '') in [
'prsn', 'prenei', 'neige', 'snow']:
self.var = 'PRENEI'
elif var.casefold().replace(' ', '').replace('-', '').replace('adjust', '') in [
'prtot', 'precip', 'pretot']:
self.var = 'PRETOT'
elif var.casefold().replace(' ', '').replace('-', '').replace('adjust', '') in [
'tas', 't', 'temp']:
self.var = 'T'
elif var.casefold().replace(' ', '').replace('-', '').replace('adjust', '') in [
self.var = 'SWI'
elif var.casefold().replace(' ', '').replace('-', '').replace('adjust', '') in [
'swe', 'resr_neige', 'neige']:
self.var = 'SWE'
elif var.casefold().replace(' ', '').replace('-', '').replace('adjust', '') in [
'drainc', 'drain', 'rec']:
self.var = 'DRAINC'
elif var.casefold().replace(' ', '').replace('-', '').replace('adjust', '') in [
'runoff', 'runoffc', 'runc', 'run']:
self.var = 'RUNOFFC'
elif var.casefold().replace(' ', '').replace('-', '').replace('adjust', '') in [
'etr', 'aet', 'evap', 'evapc']:
self.var = 'EVAPC'
# Projections
'PRENEI': ['mm', 1000, ['Snow', 'Neige'], 'prsn', 'DRIAS-Climat\EXPLORE2-Climat2022', ''],
# 'PRELIQ': ['mm', 1000, ['Liquid precipitations', 'Précipitations liquides', '']],
'PRETOT': ['mm', 1000, ['Total precipitations', 'Précipitations totales'], 'prtot', 'DRIAS-Climat\EXPLORE2-Climat2022', ''],
'T': ['°C', -273.15, ['Temperature', 'Température'], 'tas', 'DRIAS-Climat\EXPLORE2-Climat2022', ''],
'EVAPC': ['mm', 1000, ['Actual evapotranspiration', 'Evapotranspiration réelle'], 'EVAPC', f'DRIAS-Eau\EXPLORE2-SIM2 2024\{self.var}', ''],
'ETP': ['mm', 1000, ['Potential evapotranspiration (Penman-Monteith)', 'Evapotranspiration potentielle (Penman-Monteith)'], 'evspsblpot', 'DRIAS-Climat\EXPLORE2-Climat2022', ''],
'SWI': ['-', 1, ['Soil Wetness Index', "Indice d'humidité des sols"], 'SWI', f'DRIAS-Eau\EXPLORE2-SIM2 2024\{self.var}', ''],
'SWE': ['mm', 1, ['Snow Water Equivalent', "Equivalent en eau du manteau neigeux"], 'SWE', f'DRIAS-Eau\EXPLORE2-SIM2 2024\{self.var}', ''],
'DRAINC': ['mm', 1000, ['Drainage (recharge)', 'Drainage (recharge)'], 'DRAINC', f'DRIAS-Eau\EXPLORE2-SIM2 2024\{self.var}', ''],
'RUNOFFC': ['mm', 1000, ['Surface runoff', 'Ruissellement'], 'RUNOFFC', f'DRIAS-Eau\EXPLORE2-SIM2 2024\{self.var}', ''],
# Reanalyses historiques
'PRENEI': ['mm', 1, ['Snow', 'Neige'], 'PRENEI_Q', ''],
'PRELIQ': ['mm', 1, ['Liquid precipitations', 'Précipitations liquides'], 'PRELIQ_Q', ''],
'PRETOT': ['mm', 1, ['Total precipitations', 'Précipitations totales'], 'PRETOT_Q', ''],
'T': ['°C', 0, ['Temperature', 'Température'], 'T_Q', ''],
'EVAPC': ['mm', 1, ['Actual evapotranspiration', 'Evapotranspiration réelle'], 'EVAP_Q', ''],
'ETP': ['mm', 1, ['Potential evapotranspiration (Penman-Monteith)', 'Evapotranspiration potentielle (Penman-Monteith)'], 'ETP_Q', ''],
'SWI': ['-', 1, ["Soil Wetness Index", "Indice d'humidité des sols"], 'SWI_Q', ''],
'SWE': ['mm', 1, ["Snow Water Equivalent", "Equivalent en eau du manteau neigeux"], 'RESR_NEIGE_Q', ''],
'DRAINC': ['mm', 1, ['Drainage (recharge)', 'Drainage (recharge)'], 'DRAINC_Q', ''],
'RUNOFFC': ['mm', 1, ['Surface runoff', 'Ruissellement'], 'RUNC_Q', ''],
if self.scenario == 'SIM2': # réanalyses historiques
self.data_folder = r"SIM2\compressed"
self.n_model = 1
self.varname = self.info_by_var_sim2[self.var][3]
self.unit_coeff = self.info_by_var_sim2[self.var][1]
else: # projections
self.data_folder = os.path.join('DRIAS', self.info_by_var[self.var][4], 'lossy_compressed')
self.n_model = 17
self.varname = self.info_by_var[self.var][3]
self.unit_coeff = self.info_by_var[self.var][1] # DRIAS data on my PC are stored in [m]. But we want to plot them in [mm]
# ---- Relative
self.relative = relative
self.rel_title = ['', '']
if self.relative:
self.rel_suf = '_rel'
self.rel_suf = ''
# ---- Representation mode suffix (only for metrics)
self.repres_suf = ''
# ---- Initialize user inputs
self.plot_type = None # other arguments are either optional for all
# Figure methods, or they have a default value.
# ---- Verbose
if verbose is not None:
# ---- Loading
[docs] def load(self):
This method also update the instance attributes all_res and graph_res,
which respectively store the whole results and the final results used
for the plot.
This method can lead to memory size issues. It seems to appear when the
garbage collector is not doing its job fast enough in the xarray variable
data from C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\envs\cwatenv\Lib\site-packages\xarray\coding\
To solve this, you might just need to open this folder on Windows.
Examples (pipeline)
import os
mask_folder = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\1- Veille\4- Donnees\15- Territoire Pays Basque"
mask_dict = dict()
mask_dict['cotier'] = os.path.join(mask_folder, r"Sage-cotier-basque.shp")
mask_dict['CAPB'] = os.path.join(mask_folder, r"zone_etude_fusion.shp")
mask_dict['Nive-Nivelle'] = os.path.join(mask_folder, r"Nive-Nivelle.shp")
for var in ['PRETOT', 'DRAIN', 'SWI', 'T']:
for scenario in ['SIM2', 'rcp8.5']:
for m in mask_dict:
F = tjp.Figure(
var = var,
root_folder = r"E:\Inputs\Climat",
scenario = scenario,
coords = mask_dict[m],
name = m,
rolling_days = 30,
period_years = 10,
F.plot(plot_type = 'annual_sum')
F.plot(plot_type = 'annual_sum', period_years = 30)
F.plot(plot_type = 'annual_sum', period_years = 1)
F.plot(plot_type = 'annual_scatter', agg_rule = 'sum')
F.plot(plot_type = '15/11', period_years = 10)
F.plot(plot_type = '15/05', period_years = 10)
if var == 'DRAIN':
F.plot(plot_type = '> 1.5')
# For memory tracking (initialization)
if self.verbose:
# Folder
folder = os.path.join(self.root_folder, self.data_folder) # monPC
print("\n_ Loading...")
# ---- Load reference (if required)
if self.scenario != 'SIM2':
# SIM2 reference (historical reanalysis)
rea_folder = os.path.join(self.root_folder, r"SIM2\compressed")
print(" . SIM2 reference (historical reanalysis)")
rea_pattern = re.compile(f"^{self.info_by_var_sim2[self.var][3]}.*_SIM2_.*")
filelist_rea = [
os.path.join(rea_folder, f) for f in os.listdir(rea_folder)
if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(rea_folder, f)) \
& (os.path.splitext(os.path.join(rea_folder, f))[-1] == '.nc') \
& (len(rea_pattern.findall(f)) > 0))]
if len(filelist_rea) > 1:
print(f"Err: too many detected files: {filelist_rea}")
filepath_rea = filelist_rea[0]
self.rea_data = ghc.time_series(
input_file = filepath_rea,
coords = self.coords, epsg_coords = self.epsg_coords,
epsg_data = self.epsg_data,
if self.verbose:
# memory monitoring
snapshot = tracemalloc.take_snapshot()
# ---- Load main dataset
model_pattern = re.compile(f"^{self.varname}.*_{self.scenario}_.*")
self.model_names_list = []
self.original_data = []
self.relative_ref = []
for i_model in range(1, self.n_model + 1): # range(1, 18):
model_name = f'Model{i_model}'
print(f" . {model_name}")
if self.scenario == 'SIM2': # reanalyses historiques
full_folder = folder
else: # projections
full_folder = os.path.join(folder, model_name)
filelist = [
os.path.join(full_folder, f) for f in os.listdir(full_folder)
if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(full_folder, f)) \
& (os.path.splitext(os.path.join(full_folder, f))[-1] == '.nc') \
& (len(model_pattern.findall(f)) > 0))]
if len(filelist) > 1:
print(f"Err: too many detected files: {filelist}")
elif len(filelist) == 0:
print(f"Scenario {self.scenario} is absent for {model_name}")
filepath = filelist[0]
df = ghc.time_series(
input_file = filepath,
coords = self.coords, epsg_coords = self.epsg_coords,
epsg_data = self.epsg_data,
if self.var == 'T':
df = df + self.unit_coeff
df = df * self.unit_coeff
if self.verbose:
# memory monitoring
snapshot = tracemalloc.take_snapshot()
# ---- Load relative values (if required)
if self.relative:
relative_pattern = re.compile(f"^{self.varname}.*_historical_.*")
filelist_rel = [
os.path.join(full_folder, f) for f in os.listdir(full_folder)
if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(full_folder, f)) \
& (os.path.splitext(os.path.join(full_folder, f))[-1] == '.nc') \
& (len(relative_pattern.findall(f)) > 0))]
if len(filelist_rel) > 1:
print(f"Err: too many detected reference files: {filelist_rel}")
elif len(filelist_rel) == 0:
print(f"The historical reference is absent for {model_name}")
filepath_rel = filelist_rel[0]
ref_df = ghc.time_series(
input_file = filepath_rel,
coords = self.coords, epsg_coords = self.epsg_coords,
epsg_data = self.epsg_data,
if self.var == 'T':
ref_df = ref_df + self.unit_coeff
ref_df = ref_df * self.unit_coeff
[docs] def plot(self,
F = tjp.Figure(
var = 'DRAINC',
root_folder = r"E:\Inputs\Climat",
scenario = 'rcp8.5',
coords = r"C:\file.shp",
rolling_days = 30,
annuality = 10,
name = 'myCatchment',
F.plot(plot_type = '> 1.5', period_years = 10)
F.plot(plot_type = 'annual_sum')
F.plot(plot_type = 'annual_sum', period_years = 30)
F.plot(plot_type = 'annual_scatter', period_years = 1)
F.plot(plot_type = '15/11', period_years = 10)
plot_type : str
'temporality' | 'annual_sum'
# ---- Initializations
# Updates
# -+-+-+-
# Other initializations
# -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
# Safeguard
if self.plot_type is None:
print("Err: A plot_type argument is required.")
# Retrieve plot_mode (metric to plot) and agg_rule (aggregation rule,
# such as sum, mean, min...) from plot_type (user input)
self.plot_mode, self.agg_rule, self.is_logical, self.is_date, \
self.is_month, self.months = self.get_plot_mode(self.plot_type)
# If plot_mode is in any of the previous case, it means it is a metric
# (and not a keyword like 'temporality' or 'scatter')
if (self.plot_mode in self.metric_list) | self.is_logical | self.is_date | self.is_month:
self.is_metric = True
self.is_metric = False
# The plot mode is to show scatter plot of annual values
if self.plot_mode == 'scatter':
if self.agg_rule is None:
print("Err: A agg_rule argument is required when plot_type is 'annual_scatter'.")
print(f"aggregation rule = {self.agg_rule}")
# Time-0 dataframe, used as a reference for dates
# -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
self.df0 = self.original_data[0].copy()
# Remove incomplete years
# if (df.index[0].month > self.annuality) | (not df.index[0].is_month_start):
if self.df0.index[0] > datetime.datetime(year=self.df0.index[0].year, month=self.annuality, day=1):
self.df0 = self.df0[slice(f'{self.df0.index[0].year + 1}-{self.annuality}-01', self.df0.index[-1])]
self.df0 = self.df0[slice(f'{self.df0.index[0].year}-{self.annuality}-01', self.df0.index[-1])]
# if (df.index[-1].month < (
# datetime.datetime(year=1900, month=self.annuality, day=1) \
# - pd.DateOffset(months=1)
# ).month) | (df.index[-1].day < 31):
# if (df.index[-1].month < self.annuality) | (not df.index[-1].is_month_end):
if self.df0.index[-1] < datetime.datetime(year=self.df0.index[-1].year, month=self.annuality, day=1) - pd.DateOffset(days=1):
self.df0 = self.df0[slice(self.df0.index[0], f'{self.df0.index[-1].year - 1}-{self.annuality}-01')][0:-1]
self.df0 = self.df0[slice(self.df0.index[0], f'{self.df0.index[-1].year}-{self.annuality}-01')][0:-1]
# Define keystones dates
self.initialdate = self.df0.index[0]
self.finaldate = self.df0.index[-1]
if isinstance(self.period_years, int):
self.startdate = self.initialdate
self.enddate = self.startdate + pd.DateOffset(years = self.period_years, days = -1)
elif isinstance(self.period_years, list):
period_count = 0
self.startdate = datetime.datetime(year = self.period_years[0][0],
month = self.annuality,
day = 1)
self.enddate = datetime.datetime(year = self.period_years[0][1],
month = self.annuality,
day = 1) + pd.DateOffset(days = -1)
# Initialize empty lists that will store results
# -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
self.year_labels = [] # will store the strings "startyear-endyear"
self.all_res = [] # will store the final results: range over all models for each period
self.all_daily = []
self.all_rea_daily = []
self.graph_res = [] # previous results formated for the graph
self.graph_daily = []
self.graph_rea = []
self.graph_rea_daily = []
self.mean_relative_ref = []
self.plot_mode, self.agg_rule, self.is_logical, self.is_date, \
self.is_month, self.months = self.get_plot_mode(self.plot_type)
print("\n_ Time processing...")
# ---- Data treatment: Relative results (if required)
if self.relative:
for i in range(0, len(self.original_data)):
ref_df = self.relative_ref[i].copy()
# Remove incomplete years
# =============================================================================
# if (ref_df.index[0].month > self.annuality) | (not ref_df.index[0].is_month_start):
# ref_df = ref_df[slice(f'{ref_df.index[0].year + 1}-{self.annuality}-01', ref_df.index[-1])]
# else:
# ref_df = ref_df[slice(f'{ref_df.index[0].year}-{self.annuality}-01', ref_df.index[-1])]
# if (ref_df.index[-1].month < self.annuality) | (not ref_df.index[-1].is_month_end):
# ref_df = ref_df[slice(ref_df.index[0], f'{ref_df.index[-1].year - 1}-{self.annuality}-01')][0:-1]
# else:
# ref_df = ref_df[slice(ref_df.index[0], f'{ref_df.index[-1].year}-{self.annuality}-01')][0:-1]
# =============================================================================
# Extract the reference period
ref_startdate = datetime.datetime(year=1971, month=self.annuality, day=1)
ref_enddate = ref_startdate + (self.enddate - self.startdate) + pd.DateOffset(days = -1)
ref_df = ref_df[slice(ref_startdate, ref_enddate)]
# Remove 29th February (to avoid unrecognized dates when standardizing yearly timeseries)
ref_df = ref_df.iloc[(ref_df.index.month != 2) | ( != 29)]
# Rolling window
ref_df = ref_df.rolling(f"{self.rolling_days}D", center = True).mean()
# Mean
mean_ref_df = ref_df
# Compute an average annual time series
mean_ref_df = mean_ref_df.groupby([mean_ref_df.index.month,]).agg(self.agg_rule)
# mean_ref_df.index += pd.DateOffset(years = 1800 - mean_ref_df.index[0].year)
# [pd.to_datetime(f"1800-{m}-{d}", format = "%Y-%m-%d") for (m, d) in mean_ref_df.index]
mean_ref_df.index = [pd.to_datetime(f"1800-{m}-{d}", format = "%Y-%m-%d")
if m > ref_enddate.month else pd.to_datetime(f"1801-{m}-{d}", format = "%Y-%m-%d")
for (m, d) in mean_ref_df.index
# 1800 is used as an arbitrary year
mean_ref_df.sort_index(inplace = True)
mean_ref_df.attrs = {'period': (self.startdate, self.enddate),
'model': self.model_names_list[i]}
# Save & store
self.rel_title = [f" relative to {ref_startdate.strftime('%Y-%m')} ➞ {ref_enddate.strftime('%Y-%m')}",
f" relativement à {ref_startdate.strftime('%Y-%m')} ➞ {ref_enddate.strftime('%Y-%m')}"]
# ---- Data treatment: reference data (if required)
if self.scenario != 'SIM2':
# SIM2 reference (historical reanalysis)
# Remove incomplete years
# if (self.rea_data.index[0].month > annuality) | (not self.rea_data.index[0].is_month_start):
if self.rea_data.index[0] > datetime.datetime(year=self.rea_data.index[0].year, month=self.annuality, day=1):
rea_df = self.rea_data[slice(f'{self.rea_data.index[0].year + 1}-{self.annuality}-01', self.rea_data.index[-1])]
rea_df = self.rea_data[slice(f'{self.rea_data.index[0].year}-{self.annuality}-01', self.rea_data.index[-1])]
# if (df.index[-1].month < (
# datetime.datetime(year=1900, month=self.annuality, day=1) \
# - pd.DateOffset(months=1)
# ).month) | (df.index[-1].day < 31):
# if (self.rea_data.index[-1].month < self.annuality) | (not self.rea_data.index[-1].is_month_end):
if self.rea_data.index[-1] < datetime.datetime(year=self.rea_data.index[-1].year, month=self.annuality, day=1) - pd.DateOffset(days=1):
rea_df = self.rea_data[slice(self.rea_data.index[0], f'{self.rea_data.index[-1].year - 1}-{self.annuality}-01')][0:-1]
rea_df = self.rea_data[slice(self.rea_data.index[0], f'{self.rea_data.index[-1].year}-{self.annuality}-01')][0:-1]
# Remove 29th February (to avoid unrecognized dates when standardizing yearly timeseries)
rea_df = rea_df.iloc[(rea_df.index.month != 2) | ( != 29)]
# Rolling window
daily_rea_df = rea_df.copy(deep=True)
rea_df = rea_df.rolling(f"{self.rolling_days}D", center = True).mean()
rea_startdate = []
rea_enddate = []
rea_startdate.append(datetime.datetime(year=1971, month=self.annuality, day=1))
rea_enddate.append(rea_startdate[0] + (self.enddate - self.startdate) + pd.DateOffset(days = -1))
rea_startdate.append(rea_enddate[-1] - (self.enddate - self.startdate) + pd.DateOffset(days = -1))
self.rea_labels = []
for k in range(0, len(rea_startdate)):
rea_daily = [] # all daily results for one single period
# Select the desired period
mean_rea_df = rea_df[slice(rea_startdate[k], rea_enddate[k])].copy()
daily_mean_rea_df = daily_rea_df[slice(rea_startdate[k], rea_enddate[k])].copy()
# Compute an average annual time series
mean_rea_df = mean_rea_df.groupby([mean_rea_df.index.month,]).agg(self.agg_rule)
min_rea_df = daily_mean_rea_df.groupby([daily_mean_rea_df.index.month,]).min()
max_rea_df = daily_mean_rea_df.groupby([daily_mean_rea_df.index.month,]).max()
mean_rea_df.index = [pd.to_datetime(f"1800-{m}-{d}", format = "%Y-%m-%d")
if m > rea_enddate[k].month else pd.to_datetime(f"1801-{m}-{d}", format = "%Y-%m-%d")
for (m, d) in mean_rea_df.index
min_rea_df.index = [pd.to_datetime(f"1800-{m}-{d}", format = "%Y-%m-%d")
if m > self.enddate.month else pd.to_datetime(f"1801-{m}-{d}", format = "%Y-%m-%d")
for (m, d) in min_rea_df.index
max_rea_df.index = [pd.to_datetime(f"1800-{m}-{d}", format = "%Y-%m-%d")
if m > self.enddate.month else pd.to_datetime(f"1801-{m}-{d}", format = "%Y-%m-%d")
for (m, d) in max_rea_df.index
# 1800 is used as an arbitrary year
mean_rea_df.sort_index(inplace = True)
min_rea_df.sort_index(inplace = True)
max_rea_df.sort_index(inplace = True)
mean_rea_df.attrs = {'period': (rea_startdate[k], rea_enddate[k])}
min_rea_df.attrs = {'period': (rea_startdate[k], rea_enddate[k])}
max_rea_df.attrs = {'period': (rea_startdate[k], rea_enddate[k])}
# Save & store
# self.rea_labels.append(f'{rea_startdate[k].strftime("%Y-%m")} ➞ {rea_enddate[k].strftime("%Y-%m")}')
self.rea_labels.append(f"{rea_startdate[k].strftime('%m')}/<b>{rea_startdate[k].year}</b> ➞ {rea_enddate[k].strftime('%m')}/<b>{rea_enddate[k].year}</b>")
# Convert rea_daily into list of df with 'min' and 'max' columns
merge_rea_daily = pd.concat(rea_daily, axis = 1)
merge_rea_daily = merge_rea_daily.set_axis(
[f"{rea_startdate[k].year}_{rea_enddate[k].year}_min", f"{rea_startdate[k].year}_{rea_enddate[k].year}_max"],
axis = 1)
# Only for 'temporality' plot_type
min_rea_daily = merge_rea_daily.min(axis = 1)
min_rea_daily = min_rea_daily.to_frame('min')
max_rea_daily = merge_rea_daily.max(axis = 1)
max_rea_daily = max_rea_daily.to_frame('max')
min_rea_daily = min_rea_daily.merge(max_rea_daily,
left_index = True,
right_index = True)
# ---- Data treatment
print("\n_ Formatting...")
while self.enddate <= self.finaldate:
print(f" . {self.startdate.strftime('%Y-%m')} : {self.enddate.strftime('%Y-%m')}")
single_period_res = [] # all-model results for one single period
single_period_daily = [] # all-model results for one single period
for i in range(0, len(self.original_data)):
df = self.original_data[i].copy()
# Remove incomplete years
# =============================================================================
# # if (df.index[0].month > self.annuality) | (not df.index[0].is_month_start):
# if df.index[0] > datetime.datetime(year=df.index[0].year, month=self.annuality, day=1):
# df = df[slice(f'{df.index[0].year + 1}-{self.annuality}-01', df.index[-1])]
# else:
# df = df[slice(f'{df.index[0].year}-{self.annuality}-01', df.index[-1])]
# # if (df.index[-1].month < (
# # datetime.datetime(year=1900, month=self.annuality, day=1) \
# # - pd.DateOffset(months=1)
# # ).month) | (df.index[-1].day < 31):
# # if (df.index[-1].month < self.annuality) | (not df.index[-1].is_month_end):
# if df.index[-1] < datetime.datetime(year=df.index[-1].year, month=self.annuality, day=1) - pd.DateOffset(days=1):
# df = df[slice(df.index[0], f'{df.index[-1].year - 1}-{self.annuality}-01')][0:-1]
# else:
# df = df[slice(df.index[0], f'{df.index[-1].year}-{self.annuality}-01')][0:-1]
# =============================================================================
df = df[slice(self.initialdate, self.finaldate)]
# Remove 29th February (to avoid unrecognized dates when standardizing yearly timeseries)
df = df.iloc[(df.index.month != 2) | ( != 29)]
# Rolling window
df_daily = df.copy(deep=True)
df = df.rolling(f"{self.rolling_days}D", center = True).mean()
# df_daily = df.copy(deep=True)
# Select the desired period
df = df[slice(self.startdate, self.enddate)].copy()
df_daily = df_daily[slice(self.startdate, self.enddate)].copy()
# Compute an average annual time series
mean_df = df.groupby([df.index.month,]).agg(self.agg_rule)
min_df = df_daily.groupby([df_daily.index.month,]).min()
max_df = df_daily.groupby([df_daily.index.month,]).max()
mean_df.index = [pd.to_datetime(f"1800-{m}-{d}", format = "%Y-%m-%d")
if m > self.enddate.month else pd.to_datetime(f"1801-{m}-{d}", format = "%Y-%m-%d")
for (m, d) in mean_df.index
min_df.index = [pd.to_datetime(f"1800-{m}-{d}", format = "%Y-%m-%d")
if m > self.enddate.month else pd.to_datetime(f"1801-{m}-{d}", format = "%Y-%m-%d")
for (m, d) in min_df.index
max_df.index = [pd.to_datetime(f"1800-{m}-{d}", format = "%Y-%m-%d")
if m > self.enddate.month else pd.to_datetime(f"1801-{m}-{d}", format = "%Y-%m-%d")
for (m, d) in max_df.index
# 1800 is used as an arbitrary year
mean_df.sort_index(inplace = True)
min_df.sort_index(inplace = True)
max_df.sort_index(inplace = True)
mean_df.attrs = {'period': (self.startdate, self.enddate),
'model': self.model_names_list[i]}
min_df.attrs = {'period': (self.startdate, self.enddate),
'model': self.model_names_list[i]}
max_df.attrs = {'period': (self.startdate, self.enddate),
'model': self.model_names_list[i]}
if self.relative:
mean_df = mean_df - self.mean_relative_ref[i]
min_df = min_df - self.mean_relative_ref[i]
max_df = max_df - self.mean_relative_ref[i]
# Save & store
# Define the filled area
# ======= old version =========================================================
# merge_res = single_period_res[0].copy()
# return single_period_res
# for r in range(1, len(single_period_res)):
# merge_res = merge_res.merge(single_period_res[r],
# left_index = True,
# right_index = True,
# how = 'outer')
# =============================================================================
merge_res = pd.concat(single_period_res, axis = 1)
merge_res = merge_res.set_axis([f"{self.varname}_{model}"
for model in self.model_names_list], axis = 1)
merge_daily = pd.concat(single_period_daily, axis = 1)
list_min = [f"{self.varname}_{model}_min" for model in self.model_names_list]
list_max = [f"{self.varname}_{model}_max" for model in self.model_names_list]
list_daily = [None] * len(self.model_names_list) * 2
list_daily[::2] = list_min
list_daily[1::2] = list_max
merge_daily = merge_daily.set_axis(list_daily, axis = 1)
if self.plot_mode == 'temporality':
min_res = merge_res.min(axis = 1)
min_res = min_res.to_frame('min')
max_res = merge_res.max(axis = 1)
max_res = max_res.to_frame('max')
min_res = min_res.merge(max_res,
left_index = True,
right_index = True)
# min_res = min_res.set_axis(['min', 'max'])
min_daily = merge_daily.min(axis = 1)
min_daily = min_daily.to_frame('min')
max_daily = merge_daily.max(axis = 1)
max_daily = max_daily.to_frame('max')
min_daily = min_daily.merge(max_daily,
left_index = True,
right_index = True)
# self.year_labels.append(f"{self.startdate.strftime('%Y-%m')} ➞ {self.enddate.strftime('%Y-%m')}")
self.year_labels.append(f"{self.startdate.strftime('%m')}/<b>{self.startdate.year}</b> ➞ {self.enddate.strftime('%m')}/<b>{self.enddate.year}</b>")
elif self.plot_mode == 'scatter':
if self.agg_rule == 'mean':
agg_res = merge_res.mean(axis = 0)
elif self.agg_rule == 'sum':
agg_res = merge_res.sum(axis = 0)
# agg_res = agg_res.to_frame(f'{startyear}-{endyear}').T
# agg_res = agg_res.to_frame(f"{self.startdate.strftime('%Y-%m')} ➞ {self.enddate.strftime('%Y-%m')}").T
agg_res = agg_res.to_frame(self.startdate.year).T = 'time'
# sum_res.set_index(f'{startyear}-{endyear}')
if len(self.graph_res) == 0:
self.graph_res = agg_res.copy()
self.graph_res = pd.concat([self.graph_res, agg_res], axis = 0)
elif self.is_metric:
metric_res = self.metric(merge_res, self.startdate, self.plot_type)
# Range
min_res = metric_res.min(axis = 1)
min_res = min_res.to_frame('min')
max_res = metric_res.max(axis = 1)
max_res = max_res.to_frame('max')
min_res = min_res.merge(max_res,
left_index = True,
right_index = True)
if self.enddate <= self.finaldate:
if isinstance(self.period_years, list):
period_count += 1
if period_count < len(self.period_years):
self.startdate = datetime.datetime(
year = self.period_years[period_count][0],
month = self.annuality,
day = 1)
self.enddate = datetime.datetime(
year = self.period_years[period_count][1],
month = self.annuality,
day = 1) + pd.DateOffset(days = -1)
# to quit the while loop
self.enddate = self.finaldate + pd.DateOffset(years = 1)
elif isinstance(self.period_years, int):
if self.is_metric:
self.startdate += pd.DateOffset(years = 1)
self.enddate += pd.DateOffset(years = 1)
self.startdate += pd.DateOffset(years = self.period_years)
self.enddate += pd.DateOffset(years = self.period_years)
# Additional treatment for metrics
if self.is_metric:
# Redefinition of graph_res
self.graph_res = pd.concat(self.graph_res)
# Additional treatment for relative representation
if self.relative:
self.graph_res['to_min'] = 0
self.graph_res['to_max'] = 0
self.graph_res.loc[(self.graph_res['min'] > 0), 'to_max'] = self.graph_res.loc[(self.graph_res['min'] > 0).index, 'min']
self.graph_res.loc[(self.graph_res['min'] > 0), 'max'] = self.graph_res.loc[(self.graph_res['min'] > 0).index, 'max'] - self.graph_res.loc[(self.graph_res['min'] > 0).index, 'min']
self.graph_res.loc[(self.graph_res['min'] > 0), 'min'] = 0
self.graph_res.loc[(self.graph_res['max'] < 0), 'to_min'] = self.graph_res.loc[(self.graph_res['min'] > 0).index, 'max']
self.graph_res.loc[(self.graph_res['max'] < 0), 'min'] = self.graph_res.loc[(self.graph_res['max'] > 0).index, 'min'] - self.graph_res.loc[(self.graph_res['max'] > 0).index, 'max']
self.graph_res.loc[(self.graph_res['max'] < 0), 'max'] = 0
# Xaxis title
# =============================================================================
# years_before = self.period_years //2
# years_after = self.period_years //2 + self.period_years %2
# self.xaxis_add_label = [f"<br><i>({self.startdate.strftime('%m')}/<b>YYYY-{years_before}</b> ➞ {(self.startdate + pd.DateOffset(years = years_after, days = - 1)).strftime('%m')}/<b>YYYY+{years_after}</b></i>)",
# f"<br><i>({self.startdate.strftime('%m')}/<b>AAAA-{years_before}</b> ➞ {(self.startdate + pd.DateOffset(years = years_after, days = - 1)).strftime('%m')}/<b>AAAA+{years_after}</b></i>)"]
# self.graph_res.index = self.graph_res.index + pd.DateOffset(years = years_before)
# =============================================================================
self.xaxis_add_label = ['', '']
if isinstance(self.period_years, list):
self.period_lengths = [
year = self.period_years[period_count][1],
month = self.annuality,
day = 1,
) - datetime.datetime(
year = self.period_years[period_count][0],
month = self.annuality,
day = 1,
) for period_count in range(0, len(self.period_years))]
self.graph_res.index = pd.to_datetime(
year = self.period_years[period_count][0],
month = self.annuality,
day = 1,
) + self.period_lengths[period_count]/2 for period_count in range(0, len(self.period_years))]
elif isinstance(self.period_years, int):
self.graph_res.index = self.graph_res.index + pd.DateOffset(
years = self.period_years //2,
months = self.period_years %2 /2*12)
# self.period_lengths defined later, if self.repres == "bar"
if isinstance(self.period_years, int):
self.layer_labels = [f"<b>Centered roll. mean ({self.period_years} y)</b>",
f"<b>Moy. glissante centrée ({self.period_years} ans)</b>"]
elif isinstance(self.period_years, list):
self.layer_labels = [f"<b>Centered roll. mean ({len(self.period_years)} periods)</b>",
f"<b>Moy. glissante centrée ({len(self.period_years)} périodes)</b>"]
# ---- layout/export
self.layout() # self.apply_layout()
[docs] def layout(self,
*, plotsize=None,
# ---- Update
# ---- Plotting
print("\n_ Plotting...")
# mode 1: temporality
if self.plot_mode == 'temporality':
# Axis titles
self.xaxis_add_label = ['', '']
self.yaxis_add_label = ['', '']
# Colormap
# =============================================================================
# color_map1 = cmg.discrete('trio', alpha = 1, black = False,
# color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = True)
# color_map2 = cmg.discrete('wong', alpha = 1, black = False,
# color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
# color_map3 = cmg.discrete('ibm', alpha = 1, black = False,
# color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
# color_map = np.vstack([
# # np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]),
# color_map2,
# color_map2,
# ])
# =============================================================================
# Colors
if self.color == 'scale':
if not self.relative:
color_map = cm.viridis(np.linspace(0, 1, len(self.all_res)))
color_map = cm.plasma(np.linspace(0, 1, len(self.all_res)))
elif self.color == 'discrete':
if len(self.graph_res) <= 6:
color_map = cmg.discrete(sequence_name = 'ibm', alpha = 1, black = False,
alternate = False, color_format = 'float')
color_map = color_map[::-1]
if len(self.graph_res) == 2:
color_map = color_map[[2, 4]]
elif len(self.graph_res) == 3:
color_map = color_map[[0, 2, 4]]
elif len(self.graph_res) == 4:
color_map = color_map[[0, 2, 4]]
add_color = cmg.discrete(sequence_name = 'wong', alpha = 1, black = False,
alternate = False, color_format = 'float')
color_map = np.vstack([color_map, add_color])
elif (len(self.graph_res) > 6) & (len(self.graph_res) <= 9):
color_map = cmg.discrete(sequence_name = 'wong', alpha = 1, black = False,
alternate = False, color_format = 'float')
color_map = color_map[::-1]
color_map = cmg.discrete(sequence_name = 'trio', alpha = 1, black = False,
alternate = False, color_format = 'float')
elif isinstance(self.color, str):
color_map = exec(f"cm.{self.color}(np.linspace(0, 1, len(self.all_res)))")
color_map = self.color
color_map_fill = color_map.copy()
if not self.cumul:
color_map_fill[:, -1] = 0.5
color_map_fill[:, -1] = 0.2
# Line properties
lwidth = [1.5]*len(self.all_res)
lstyle = ['-']*len(color_map)
lstyle2 = lstyle.copy()
if self.cumul:
lstyle2 = ['dotted']*len(color_map)
# Figure
self.figweb = None
# Grey shades for climatic variability
if self.shadow is not None:
# First chrological curve
if self.shadow in ['all', 'first', 'firstlast', 'lastfirst']:
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
data = self.graph_rea_daily[0]['min'],
fill = self.cumul_filloption,
labels = 'min',
linecolors = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1],
lwidths = 0.2,
lstyles = '-',
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
legendgroup = 2000,
showlegend = False,
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
data = self.graph_rea_daily[0]['max'],
fill = 'tonexty',
labels = ['daily range for', 'gamme journalière pour '][self.lang] + self.rea_labels[0],
linecolors = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1],
fillcolors = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.08/len(self.graph_rea_daily)],
lwidths = 0.2,
lstyles = '-',
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
legendgroup = 2000,
showlegend = True,
# Next curves
if self.shadow == 'all':
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
data = self.graph_rea_daily[1]['min'],
fill = self.cumul_filloption,
labels = 'min',
linecolors = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1],
lwidths = 0.2,
lstyles = 'dotted',
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
legendgroup = 3000,
showlegend = False,
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
data = self.graph_rea_daily[1]['max'],
fill = 'tonexty',
labels = ['daily range for', 'gamme journalière pour '][self.lang] + self.rea_labels[1],
linecolors = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1],
fillcolors = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.08/len(self.graph_rea_daily)],
lwidths = 0.2,
lstyles = 'dotted',
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
legendgroup = 3000,
showlegend = True,
for i in range(0, len(self.graph_daily)-1):
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
data = self.graph_daily[i]['min'],
fill = self.cumul_filloption,
labels = 'min',
linecolors = color_map[i],
lwidths = 0.2,
lstyles = lstyle[i],
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
legendgroup = 4000 + i,
showlegend = False,
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
data = self.graph_daily[i]['max'],
fill = 'tonexty',
labels = ['daily range for', 'gamme journalière pour '][self.lang] + self.year_labels[i],
linecolors = color_map[i],
fillcolors = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.08/len(self.graph_daily)],
lwidths = 0.2,
lstyles = lstyle2[i],
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
legendgroup = 4000 + i,
showlegend = True,
# Last chronological curve
if self.shadow in ['all', 'last', 'firstlast', 'lastfirst']:
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
data = self.graph_daily[-1]['min'],
fill = self.cumul_filloption,
labels = 'min',
linecolors = color_map[[-1]],
lwidths = 0.2,
lstyles = lstyle[-1],
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
showlegend = False,
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
data = self.graph_daily[-1]['max'],
fill = 'tonexty',
labels = ['daily range for', 'gamme journalière pour '][self.lang] + self.year_labels[-1],
linecolors = color_map[[-1]],
fillcolors = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.08/len(self.graph_daily)],
lwidths = 0.2,
lstyles = lstyle2[-1],
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
showlegend = True,
# =========== zorder property does not work ===================================
# self.figweb.update_traces(zorder = 10, selector = {'line':{'width': 1.5}})
# self.figweb.update_traces(zorder = 0, selector = {'line':{'width': 0.2}})
# =============================================================================
# SIM2 reference (historical reanalysis)
if self.scenario != 'SIM2':
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
data = self.graph_rea[::-1],
labels = self.rea_labels[::-1],
linecolors = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]),
lwidths = [1.5]*len(self.graph_rea),
lstyles = ['-', 'dotted'][::-1],
legendgroup = 1000,
# legendgrouptitle_text = ['Historical reanalysis', 'Reanalyse historique'][self.lang],
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,)
# Main curves
for p in range(0, len(self.graph_res)):
if self.graph_res[p]['min'].equals(self.graph_res[p]['max']):
# Lines will be visible and there will be no shade
color_map_line = color_map.copy()
fill_opt = None
# Lines will be set transparent, and shade will be visible
color_map_line = color_map.copy()
color_map_line[:, -1] = 0
fill_opt = 'tonexty'
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
data = self.graph_res[p]['min'],
fill = self.cumul_filloption,
labels = 'min',
linecolors = color_map_line[[p]],
lwidths = lwidth[p],
lstyles = lstyle[p],
legendgroup = p,
# legendgrouptitle_text = self.year_labels[p],
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
showlegend = False)
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
data = self.graph_res[p]['max'],
fill = fill_opt,
labels = self.year_labels[p],
linecolors = color_map_line[[p]],
fillcolors = color_map_fill[[p]],
lwidths = lwidth[p],
lstyles = lstyle2[p],
legendgroup = p,
# legendgrouptitle_text = self.year_labels[p],
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
showlegend = True)
# Axes
self.xtickformat = '%b' # '%d/%m'
# mode 2: annual_sum
elif self.plot_mode == 'scatter':
# Axis titles
self.xaxis_add_label = [f"<br><i>({self.startdate.strftime('%m')}/<b>YYYY</b> ➞ {self.enddate.strftime('%m')}/<b>YYYY+{self.enddate.year - self.startdate.year}</b></i>)",
f"<br><i>({self.startdate.strftime('%m')}/<b>AAAA</b> ➞ {self.enddate.strftime('%m')}/<b>AAAA+{self.enddate.year - self.startdate.year}</b></i>)"]
self.yaxis_add_label = ['', '']
# Colormap
color_map1 = cmg.discrete('trio', alpha = 1, black = False,
color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
color_map2 = cmg.discrete('wong', alpha = 1, black = False,
color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
color_map3 = cmg.discrete('ibm', alpha = 1, black = False,
color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
color_map = np.vstack([
# np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]),
# color_map = cm.viridis(np.linspace(0, 1, len(self.all_res)))
# Line properties
lwidth = [1.5]*self.graph_res.shape[1]
lstyle = ['-']*len(color_map1) + ['dotted']*len(color_map1)
# Figure
self.figweb = None
[self.fig1, self.ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(
figweb = self.figweb,
data = [self.graph_res[[f"{self.varname}_{model}"]]
for model in self.model_names_list],
labels = self.model_names_list,
linecolors = color_map,
lwidths = lwidth,
lstyles = lstyle,
# legendgroup = p,
# legendgrouptitle_text = self.year_labels[p],
mode = 'markers',
markers = dict(
size = 12),
# Axes
self.xtickformat = '%Y'
# mode 3: metrics
elif self.is_metric:
# Yaxis title
if self.is_logical:
self.yaxis_add_label = [f"<br><i>(number of days such as {self.var} {self.plot_mode})</i>", # en
f"<br><i>(nombre de jours tels que {self.var} {self.plot_mode})</i>"] # fr
elif self.is_date:
self.yaxis_add_label = [f"<br><i>(value at the date of {self.plot_mode})</i>", # en
f"<br><i>(valeur à la date du {self.plot_mode})</i>"] # fr
elif self.is_month:
month_name_start = datetime.datetime(year = 1800, month = self.months[0], day = 1).strftime('%B')
month_name_end = datetime.datetime(year = 1800, month = self.months[-1], day = 1).strftime('%B')
# ============= Future developpment (lang) ====================================
# To improve the month name language, it is advised to install
# the babel package, then use:
# babel.dates.format_date(datetime.datetime(year = 1800, month = self.months[0], day = 1), "MMMM", locale = language)
# =============================================================================
if month_name_start == month_name_end:
month_name = month_name_start
month_name = month_name_start + ' → ' + month_name_end
month_label = [month_name + ' {}', # en
'{} sur ' + month_name] # fr
self.yaxis_add_label = ["<br><i>(" + month_label[0].format(self.agg_labels[self.agg_rule][0]) + ")</i>", # en
"<br><i>(" + month_label[1].format(self.agg_labels[self.agg_rule][1]) + ")</i>"] # fr
# self.yaxis_add_label = [f"<br><i>({m_label}</i>)" for m_label in self.metric_labels[self.plot_mode]]
self.yaxis_add_label = ["<br><i>(" + self.metric_labels[self.plot_mode][0].format(self.agg_labels[self.agg_rule][0]) + ")</i>", # en
"<br><i>(" + self.metric_labels[self.plot_mode][1].format(self.agg_labels[self.agg_rule][1]) + ")</i>"] # fr
# Colormap
color_map = cmg.discrete('wong', alpha = 1, black = False,
color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
color_map2 = cmg.discrete('wong', alpha = 0.5, black = False,
color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
color_map_rel = cmg.discrete('ibm', alpha = 1, black = False,
color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
# Line properties
lwidth = 1.5
lstyle = '-'
# Figure
self.figweb = None
if self.repres == "area":
if not self.relative:
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
data = self.graph_res['min'],
fill = self.cumul_filloption,
labels = 'min',
linecolors = color_map[7],
lwidths = lwidth,
lstyles = lstyle,
legendgroup = 1,
# legendgrouptitle_text = self.year_labels[p],
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
showlegend = False)
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
data = self.graph_res['max'],
fill = 'tonexty',
labels = self.layer_labels[self.lang],
linecolors = color_map[7],
# fillcolor = color_map2[3],
lwidths = lwidth,
lstyles = lstyle,
legendgroup = 1,
# legendgrouptitle_text = self.year_labels[p],
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
showlegend = True)
elif self.relative:
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
data = self.graph_res['to_min'],
fill = 'tozeroy',
labels = None, #['to_min'],
fillcolors = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)',
linecolors = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)',
lwidths = lwidth,
lstyles = lstyle,
legendgroup = 1,
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
showlegend = False,
visible = True)
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
data = self.graph_res['min'],
fill = 'tonexty',
labels = self.layer_labels[self.lang] + ' (neg)', # ['min'],
# markers = {'color': color_map_rel[4]},
linecolors = color_map[3],
lwidths = lwidth,
lstyles = lstyle,
legendgroup = 1,
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
showlegend = True,)
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
data = self.graph_res['to_max'],
fill = 'tozeroy',
labels = None, # [self.layer_labels[self.lang]],
# markers = {'color': 'rgba(255, 255, 255)'},
linecolors = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)',
fillcolors = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)',
lwidths = lwidth,
lstyles = lstyle,
legendgroup = 2,
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
showlegend = False,
visible = True)
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
data = self.graph_res['max'],
fill = 'tonexty',
labels = self.layer_labels[self.lang] + ' (pos)',
# markers = {'color': color_map_rel[0]},
linecolors = color_map[-1],
# fillcolors = color_map2[[3]],
lwidths = lwidth,
lstyles = lstyle,
legendgroup = 2,
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
showlegend = True)
elif self.repres == "bar":
# Treatment for periods
if isinstance(self.period_years, int):
date_list = []
block_centered_date = self.graph_res.index[0]
while block_centered_date <= self.finaldate:
block_centered_date += pd.DateOffset(years = self.period_years)
date_list = pd.to_datetime(date_list).intersection(self.graph_res.index)
graph_res = self.graph_res.loc[date_list, :]
self.period_lengths = [self.enddate - self.startdate]*graph_res.shape[0] # nrows
graph_res = self.graph_res.copy()
period_lengths = [p.total_seconds()*1000 for p in self.period_lengths]
# ============ already defined ================================================
# elif isinstance(self.period_years, list):
# self.period_lengths
# =============================================================================
if not self.relative:
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
mode = "bar",
data = graph_res['min'],
bar_widths = period_lengths,
fill = self.cumul_filloption,
labels = 'min',
fillcolors = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)",
linecolors = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)",
lwidths = lwidth,
# lstyle = lstyle,
legendgroup = 1,
# legendgrouptitle_text = self.year_labels[p],
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
showlegend = False,
visible = True,)
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
mode = "bar",
bar_widths = period_lengths,
data = graph_res['max'] - graph_res['min'],
# fill = 'tonexty',
labels = [self.layer_labels[self.lang]],
linecolors = color_map[7],
fillcolors = color_map2[7],
lwidths = lwidth,
# lstyles = lstyle,
legendgroup = 1,
# legendgrouptitle_text = self.year_labels[p],
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
showlegend = True)
elif self.relative:
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
mode = 'bar',
data = graph_res['to_min'],
bar_widths = period_lengths,
labels = None, #['to_min'],
# markers = {'color': 'rgba(255, 255, 255)'},
linecolors = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)',
fillcolors = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)',
lwidths = lwidth,
lstyles = lstyle,
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
showlegend = False,
visible = True)
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
mode = 'bar',
data = graph_res['min'],
bar_widths = period_lengths,
labels = self.layer_labels[self.lang] + ' (neg)', # ['min'],
# markers = {'color': color_map_rel[3]},
fillcolors = color_map2[3],
linecolors = color_map[3],
lwidths = lwidth,
lstyles = lstyle,
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
showlegend = True)
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
mode = 'bar',
data = graph_res['to_max'],
bar_widths = period_lengths,
labels = None, # [self.layer_labels[self.lang]],
# markers = {'color': 'rgba(255, 255, 255)'},
# linecolors = color_map_rel[3],
linecolors = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)',
fillcolors = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)',
lwidths = lwidth,
lstyles = lstyle,
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
showlegend = False,
visible = True)
[fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
mode = 'bar',
data = graph_res['max'],
bar_widths = period_lengths,
labels = self.layer_labels[self.lang] + ' (pos)',
# markers = {'color': color_map_rel[0]},
# linecolors = color_map_rel[0],
fillcolors = color_map2[-1],
linecolors = color_map[-1],
lwidths = lwidth,
lstyles = lstyle,
cumul = self.cumul,
date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
showlegend = True)
# Adjust legend on bars
hoverinfo = None,
hovertext = [f"{(graph_res.index[i] - pd.DateOffset(seconds = period_lengths[i]/2/1000)).strftime('%Y-%m')} → {(graph_res.index[i] + pd.DateOffset(seconds = period_lengths[i]/2/1000)).strftime('%Y-%m')}" for i in range(0, len(period_lengths))],
hovertemplate = "%{hovertext}<br><b>%{y}</b>",
# ============ Note in case of SIM2 ===========================================
# [fig1, ax1, self.figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = self.figweb,
# data = [self.graph_res['max']],
# # fill = 'tonexty',
# labels = [self.layer_labels[self.lang]],
# linecolors = color_map2[[3]],
# # fillcolors = color_map2[[3]],
# lwidths = [lwidth],
# lstyles = [lstyle],
# mode = 'markers',
# markers = {"size": 28},
# legendgroup = 1,
# # legendgrouptitle_text = self.year_labels[p],
# cumul = self.cumul,
# date_ini_cumul = self.date_ini_cumul,
# showlegend = True)
# =============================================================================
# Axes
self.xtickformat = '%Y'
# ---- Scales
# X
# =============================================================================
# dates_lim = [results[0].time.iloc[0],
# results[0].time.iloc[-1] + pd.Timedelta(days = 3653)]
# =============================================================================
# None
# ['2004-01-04', '2024-01-05']
# Y
# =============================================================================
# ylim = [results[0].val.mean(), results[0].val.mean()]
# =============================================================================
if self.plot_mode == 'date':
self.ytickformat = '%d/%m'
self.ytickformat = None
if self.scenario == 'SIM2':
ylabel = f'{self.info_by_var_sim2[self.var][2][self.lang]} [{self.info_by_var_sim2[self.var][0]}]'
ylabel = f'{self.info_by_var[self.var][2][self.lang]} [{self.info_by_var[self.var][0]}]'
# Adjust language of legends
if self.plot_mode == 'temporality':
if self.scenario != 'SIM2':
self.figweb.update_traces(legendgrouptitle_text = ['Historical reanalysis', 'Reanalyse historique'][self.lang],
selector = ({'legendgroup': 1000}))
elif self.is_metric:
self.figweb.update_traces(name = self.layer_labels[self.lang],
selector = ({'fill': 'tonexty'}))
# ---- Title
title = f"Scenario {self.scenario.upper()}" + self.rel_title[self.lang]
# ---- Figure update
self.figweb.update_layout(#font_family = 'Open Sans',
title = {'font': {'size': self.title_fontsize},
'text': title,
'xanchor': 'center',
'x': 0.5,
# annotations = {'xanchor': 'middle',
# 'yanchor': 'top',
# 'size': 20,
# 'text': add_title + "\nK = 5e-6 m/s Poro = 0.1% e = 25 m"},
xaxis = {'title': {'font': {'size': self.axes_fontsize},
'text': ['Time [d]', 'Temps [j]'][self.lang] + self.xaxis_add_label[self.lang]},
# 'range': dates_lim,
'tickformat': self.xtickformat,
yaxis = {'title': {'font': {'size': self.axes_fontsize},
'text': ylabel + self.yaxis_add_label[self.lang]},
# 'text': field_title + ' [m3/s]'},
'type': 'linear',
# 'range': ylim,#_ylim_figweb,
'tickformat': self.ytickformat,
legend = {'title': {'text': ['<b>Legend</b>', '<b>Légende</b>'][self.lang]},
'xanchor': 'right',
'y': 1,
'yanchor': 'top',
'bgcolor': 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)',
'tracegroupgap': 0,
# 'orientation': legend_orientation,
font = {'size': self.txt_fontsize},
plot_bgcolor = "white",
showlegend = self.showlegend,
# legend = {'groupclick': 'togglegroup'},
width = self.plotdims[0], # paper[0], # wide[0],
height = self.plotdims[1], # paper[1], # wide[1],
# ---- Horizontal 0 line (when self.relative = True)
if self.relative:
self.figweb.add_hline(y = 0,
line_color = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)', line_width = 5,
# ---- Relative bar chart
if self.is_metric & (self.repres == "bar"): # & self.relative
self.figweb.update_layout(barmode = 'relative') # center around 0
# ---- Credits
if == 'auto':
if self.scenario == 'SIM2':
data_src = self.info_by_var_sim2[self.var][4]
data_src = self.info_by_var[self.var][5]
credit_text = [f"data: {data_src} | design: Alexandre Coche",
f"données : {data_src} | conception : Alexandre Coche"][self.lang]
elif isinstance(, str):
credit_text =
self.figweb.add_annotation(xanchor = 'right',
xref = 'paper',
x = 1,
yref = 'paper',
y = -0.2,
yanchor = 'bottom',
font = {'size': 8,
'color': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'},
text = f"<i>{credit_text}</i>",
showarrow = False
# ---- Figure export
output_name = '_'.join([self.var + self.rel_suf,, self.scenario.upper(),
self.plot_type.replace('>', 'sup').replace('<', 'inf').replace('==', 'eq').replace('/', '-') + self.repres_suf,
f'{self.rolling_days}d' \
+ [f'_ms{self.annuality}', ''][self.is_metric],
self.language, self.plotsize + self.cumul_suf,
output_name + '.html'
output_name + '.png'
[docs] def update(self, *,
# All default values are None so that the unspecified values are not
# updated.
# ---- Plot parameters
# Annuality
if annuality is not None:
if annuality == 'calendar':
self.annuality = 1
elif annuality in ['meteo', 'meteorological']:
self.annuality = 9
elif annuality in ['hydro', 'hydrological']:
self.annuality = 10
self.annuality = annuality
if rolling_days is not None:
self.rolling_days = rolling_days
if period_years is not None:
self.period_years = period_years
if isinstance(self.period_years, tuple):
self.period_years = [self.period_years]
if isinstance(self.period_years, int):
self.period_str = f'{self.period_years}y'
elif isinstance(self.period_years, list):
self.period_str = f'{len(self.period_years)}periods'
# Cumul
self.cumul = cumul
if self.cumul:
self.date_ini_cumul = '1900-01-01'
self.cumul_suf = '_cumul'
self.cumul_filloption = 'tozeroy'
self.cumul_suf = ''
self.date_ini_cumul = None
self.cumul_filloption = None
# Plot type
if plot_type is not None: self.plot_type = plot_type
# Representation mode
if repres is not None:
if (repres == 'area') & (isinstance(self.period_years, list)):
print("\nWarning: The representation mode cannot be a curve ('area') when period_years is a list of periods and not an integer.")
repres = "bar"
self.repres = repres
if self.is_metric:
self.repres_suf = f"_{self.repres}"
self.repres_suf = ''
# ---- Layout parameters
# Language
if language is not None:
language_dict = {"en": 0,
"fr": 1,}
self.language = language
self.lang = language_dict[self.language]
# Graphical plot size
# Two formats are defined here: wide and paper
if plotsize == 'wide':
self.plotsize = plotsize
self.plotdims = (1500, 700) # (width, height)
self.title_fontsize = 26
self.axes_fontsize = 18
self.txt_fontsize = 15.5
elif plotsize == 'paper' :
self.plotsize = plotsize
self.plotdims = (1000, 550)
self.title_fontsize = 20
self.axes_fontsize = 16
self.txt_fontsize = 12
# Output name
if name is not None: = name
# Acknowledgement
if credit is None:
if not hasattr(self, 'credit'): = ''
else: = credit
# Color
if color is not None: self.color = color
# Show legend
if showlegend is not None: self.showlegend = showlegend
# Show daily shadows
if shadow is not None: self.shadow = shadow
# ---- Load parameters
# For these attributes, we need more than an update, we need a reload
if var is not None:
self.var = var
if root_folder is not None:
self.root_folder = root_folder
if scenario is not None:
self.scenario = scenario
if epsg_data is not None:
self.epsg_data = epsg_data
if coords is not None:
self.coords = coords
if epsg_coords is not None:
self.epsg_coords = epsg_coords
if relative is not None:
self.relative = relative
if not all(v is None for v in [var, root_folder, scenario,
epsg_data, coords, epsg_coords, relative]):
self = Figure(
[docs] @classmethod
def get_plot_mode(cls, plot_type):
# This method is used in plot() and in metric()
# Initialize cases
is_logical = False
is_date = False
is_month = False
months = None
plot_mode = plot_type.split('_')[0]
if len(plot_type.split('_')) > 1:
agg_rule = plot_type.split('_')[1]
agg_rule = None
if plot_mode == "temporality":
if agg_rule is None:
agg_rule = 'mean'
print("Warnin: agg_rule (aggregation rule such as '_min', '_mean', '_sum'...) has been imposed to 'mean'.")
logical_expr = re.compile(".*(<|>|=).*")
# date_expr = re.compile('(\d{2,2})/(\d{2,2})')
month_expr = re.compile("m[0-9]{1,2}")
# The plot mode is a characteristic date
if plot_mode == 'date':
if agg_rule is None:
print("Err: agg_rule (aggregation rule such as '_min', '_mean', '_sum'...) should be passed in plot_type argument.")
agg_rule = 'idx' + agg_rule
# The plot mode is a condition
if len(logical_expr.findall(plot_mode)) > 0:
is_logical = True
agg_rule = None # Set to None, as the number of days is the only aggregation rule possible
# The plot mpode is a date (single day)
elif len(re.compile('.*(/).*').findall(plot_mode)) > 0:
# elif len(date_expr.findall(plot_mode)) > 0:
is_date = True
agg_rule = None # Set to None, as the value is the only aggregation rule possible
# The plot mode is one or several months
elif plot_mode in calendar_expr:
is_month = True
months = re.compile(plot_mode).search(calendar_expr).span()
if agg_rule is None:
print("Err: agg_rule (aggregation rule such as '_min', '_mean', '_sum'...) should be passed in plot_type argument.")
# Adjust values
months = [m+1 for m in range(months[0], months[1])]
for i in range(0, len(months)):
if months[i] > 12:
months[i] -= 12
elif len(month_expr.findall(plot_mode)) > 0:
m_int = int(plot_mode[1:])
if (m_int > 0) & (m_int <= 12):
is_month = True
months = [m_int]
if agg_rule is None:
print("Err: agg_rule (aggregation rule such as '_min', '_mean', '_sum'...) should be passed in plot_type argument.")
return plot_mode, agg_rule, is_logical, is_date, is_month, months
[docs] @classmethod
def metric(cls, merge_res, startdate, plot_type):
# This function can be used without creating a Figure instance.
# To use it:
# F = Figure # (without parentheses!)
# F.metric(...)
# Decipher plot_type
plot_mode, agg_rule, is_logical, is_date, is_month, months = cls.get_plot_mode(plot_type)
if is_month:
cond_chain = '|'.join([f"(merge_res.index.month == {m})" for m in months])
res = merge_res.loc[eval(cond_chain)]
else: # plot_mode = 'annual', date, logical...
res = merge_res.copy()
if plot_type == 'date':
metric_res = res.agg(agg_rule, axis = 0).to_frame(startdate).T
for c in metric_res.columns:
if metric_res[c].dt.dayofyear.item() >= startdate.dayofyear:
metric_res[c] = metric_res[c].dt.dayofyear
metric_res[c] = metric_res[c].dt.dayofyear + 365
elif is_date:
date_expr = re.compile('(\d{2,2})/(\d{2,2})')
day, month = date_expr.findall(plot_type)[0]
metric_res = res[(res.index.month == int(month)) \
& ( == int(day))]
metric_res.index = [startdate]
elif is_logical:
logical_expr = re.compile(".*(<|>|<=|>=|==)(.*)")
cond = logical_expr.findall(plot_type)[0]
metric_res = (eval(f"res {cond[0]} {cond[1]}")).sum().to_frame(startdate).T
if agg_rule == 'range':
metric_res = (res.max(axis = 0) - res.min(axis = 0)).to_frame(startdate).T
elif agg_rule == 'decrease':
print("Warning: Not implemented yet")
elif agg_rule == 'increase':
print("Warning: Not implemented yet")
metric_res = res.agg(agg_rule, axis = 0).to_frame(startdate).T
return metric_res
[docs] @staticmethod
def timeseries(*,
data_type, var, scenario, season, domain = 'Pays-Basque',
epsg_data = None, coords = 'all', epsg_coords = None,
language = 'fr', plotsize = 'wide', rolling_window = 1,
plot_type = '2series',
import climatic_plot as tjp
tjp.timeseries(data_type = "Indicateurs DRIAS-Eau 2024 SWIAV",
scenario = 'historical', season = 'JJA',
domain = 'Pays Basque',
rolling_window = 10,
plot_type = '2series')
# ---- Original and rolled series for SWIAV
for season in ['JJA', 'SON', 'DJF', 'MAM']:
for scenario in ['historical', 'rcp45', 'rcp85']:
for domain in ['Pays Basque', 'Annecy']:
tjp.timeseries(data_type = "Indicateurs DRIAS-Eau 2024",
var = 'SWIAV',
scenario = scenario, season = season,
domain = domain,
rolling_window = 10,
plot_type = '2series')
# ---- Same for SSWI
for season in ['JJA', 'SON', 'DJF', 'MAM']:
for scenario in ['rcp45', 'rcp85']:
for domain in ['Pays Basque', 'Annecy']:
tjp.timeseries(data_type = "Indicateurs DRIAS-Eau 2024",
var = 'SSWI',
scenario = scenario, season = season,
domain = domain,
rolling_window = 10,
plot_type = '2series')
# ---- All different colors with SIM2
tjp.timeseries(data_type = "Indicateurs DRIAS-Eau 2024",
var = 'SWIAV',
scenario = 'historical', season = 'JJA',
domain = 'Pays Basque',
rolling_window = 10,
plot_type = 'all with sim2')
# ---- Narratifs
for season in ['JJA', 'SON', 'DJF', 'MAM']:
for domain in ['Pays Basque', 'Annecy']:
tjp.timeseries(data_type = "Indicateurs DRIAS-Eau 2024",
var = 'SWIAV',
scenario = 'rcp85', season = season,
domain = domain,
rolling_window = 10,
plot_type = 'narratifs')
* : TYPE
root_folder : TYPE
scenario : str
'historical' | 'rcp45' | 'rcp85'
season : str
data_type : TYPE
epsg_data : TYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is None.
coords : TYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is 'all'.
epsg_coords : TYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is None.
language : TYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is 'fr'.
plotsize : TYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is 'wide'.
rolling_window : TYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is 10.
plot_type : TYPE, optional
DESCRIPTION. The default is '2series'.
# ---- Language
language_dict = {"en": 0,
"fr": 1,}
lang = language_dict[language]
# ---- Graphical plot size
# Two formats are defined here: wide and paper
if plotsize == 'wide':
plotsize = (1500, 700) # (width, height)
elif plotsize == 'paper' :
plotsize = (1000, 550)
#%% DRIAS-Eau Indicateurs
if (data_type.casefold().replace(' ', '').replace('-', '') in [
'indicateursdriaseau2024']) & (plot_type != 'narratifs'):
# ---- Folder
root_folder = rf"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\1- Veille\4- Donnees\8- Meteo\DRIAS\DRIAS-Eau\EXPLORE2-SIM2 2024\{domain}\Indicateurs\Eau-{var}_Saisonnier_EXPLORE2-2024_{scenario}"
# ---- Season
season_list = [d for d in os.listdir(root_folder) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(root_folder, d))]
if season not in season_list:
print(r"Erreur : Les données ne contiennent pas la saison {season}.")
folder = os.path.join(root_folder, season)
# ---- Units
unit = '-'
ylabel = [f'{var} [{unit}]', f'{var} [{unit}]']
# ---- Loading
filelist = [
os.path.join(folder, f) for f in os.listdir(folder)
if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder, f)) \
& (os.path.splitext(os.path.join(folder, f))[-1] == '.nc'))]
labels = []
results = []
for f in filelist:
model_pattern = re.compile(f"{scenario}_(.*)_SIM2")
filename = os.path.split(f)[-1]
model = model_pattern.findall(filename)[0]
timeseries = ghc.time_series(
input_file = f,
coords = coords, epsg_coords = epsg_coords,
epsg_data = epsg_data,
# =============================================================================
# # Rolling window
# for res in results:
# # Rolling window
# res.set_index('time', inplace = True)
# res = res.rolling('365.25D', center = True).mean()
# =============================================================================
#%%% Graphics
#%%%% All different colors
if plot_type == 'all':
suffix = 'all'
# Colormap
color_map1 = cmg.discrete('trio', alpha = 1, black = False,
color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = True)
color_map2 = cmg.discrete('wong', alpha = 1, black = False,
color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
color_map3 = cmg.discrete('ibm', alpha = 1, black = False,
color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
color_map = np.vstack([
# np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]),
# Line properties
lwidth = [1.5]*len(results)
lstyle = ['-']*len(color_map1) + ['dotted']*len(color_map1)
# Rolling window
for i in range(0, len(results)):
results[i] = results[i].rolling(time = rolling_window, center = True).mean()
# Figure
[fig1, ax1, figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(data = results,
labels = labels,
color_map = color_map,
lwidth = lwidth,
lstyle = lstyle,
#%%%% All different colors with SIM2
elif plot_type.casefold().replace(' ', '').replace('-', '') == 'allwithsim2':
suffix = 'withSIM2'
# Colormap
color_map1 = cmg.discrete('trio', alpha = 1, black = False,
color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = True)
color_map2 = cmg.discrete('wong', alpha = 1, black = False,
color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
color_map3 = cmg.discrete('ibm', alpha = 1, black = False,
color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
color_map = np.vstack([
# np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]),
# Line properties
lwidth = [1.5]*len(results)
lstyle = ['-']*len(color_map1) + ['dotted']*len(color_map1)
# Rolling window
for i in range(0, len(results)):
results[i] = results[i].rolling(time = rolling_window, center = True).mean()
# Figure
[fig1, ax1, figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(data = results,
labels = labels,
color_map = color_map,
lwidth = lwidth,
lstyle = lstyle,
# Add SIM2
if domain == 'Pays Basque':
territoire_folder = r'15- Territoire Pays Basque'
elif domain == 'Annecy':
territoire_folder = r'16- Territoire Annecy'
sim2_ts = ghc.time_series(
input_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\1- Veille\4- Donnees\8- Meteo\Surfex\SIM2\compressed\",
coords = os.path.join(r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\1- Veille\4- Donnees",
# Seasonalization
first_year = sim2_ts.time[0].dt.year.item()
last_year = sim2_ts.time[-1].dt.year.item()
sim2_ts = sim2_ts.sel(
time = slice(f"{first_year}-12-01", f"{last_year-1}-11-30")
if season == 'DJF':
reduced_sim2 = sim2_ts.where((sim2_ts.time.dt.month <= 2) | (sim2_ts.time.dt.month >= 12), drop = True).copy()
elif season== 'MAM':
reduced_sim2 = sim2_ts.where((sim2_ts.time.dt.month >= 3) & (sim2_ts.time.dt.month <= 5), drop = True).copy()
elif season == 'JJA':
reduced_sim2 = sim2_ts.where((sim2_ts.time.dt.month >= 6) & (sim2_ts.time.dt.month <= 8), drop = True).copy()
elif season == 'SON':
reduced_sim2 = sim2_ts.where((sim2_ts.time.dt.month >= 9) & (sim2_ts.time.dt.month <= 11), drop = True).copy()
group = reduced_sim2.time.dt.year \
+ np.floor((reduced_sim2.time.dt.month)/12) - 1
group = group.astype(int)
reduced_sim2 = reduced_sim2.groupby(group).mean()
reduced_sim2 = reduced_sim2.rename({'group': 'time'})
# Rolling window for SIM2
reduced_sim2 = reduced_sim2.rolling(time = rolling_window, center = True).mean()
labels = ['SIM2']
color_map = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
[fig1, ax1, figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = figweb,
data = [reduced_sim2],
labels = labels,
color_map = color_map,
lwidth = lwidth,
lstyle = lstyle,
#%%%% Original and rolled series
elif plot_type.replace(' ', '').replace('-', '') == '2series':
suffix = '2series'
# color_map1 = cmg.discrete('trio', alpha = 0.2, black = False,
# color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
color_map2 = cmg.discrete('wong', alpha = 0.3, black = False,
color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
color_map22 = cmg.discrete('wong', alpha = 0.5, black = False,
color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
# color_map3 = cmg.discrete('ibm', alpha = 0.2, black = False,
# color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
# Line properties
lwidth = [1.5]*len(results)
lstyle = ['-']*len(results)
# Rolling window
results_roll = results.copy()
for i in range(0, len(results_roll)):
results_roll[i] = results_roll[i].rolling(time = rolling_window, center = True).mean()
# Figure
[fig1, ax1, figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(data = results,
labels = labels,
color_map = np.repeat(color_map2[[8]],
axis = 0),
lwidth = lwidth,
lstyle = lstyle,
legendgroup = 1,
legendgrouptitle_text = ['originals', 'originaux'][lang],
[fig1, ax1, figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = figweb,
data = results_roll,
labels = labels,
color_map = np.repeat(color_map22[[7]],
axis = 0),
lwidth = lwidth,
lstyle = lstyle,
legendgroup = 2,
legendgrouptitle_text = [
f'rolling mean: {rolling_window} years',
f'moy glissante : {rolling_window} ans'][lang],
#%%%% Original and rolled series with SIM2
elif plot_type.casefold().replace(' ', '').replace('-', '') == '2serieswithsim2':
suffix = '2seriesSIM2'
# color_map1 = cmg.discrete('trio', alpha = 0.2, black = False,
# color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
color_map2 = cmg.discrete('wong', alpha = 0.3, black = False,
color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
color_map22 = cmg.discrete('wong', alpha = 0.5, black = False,
color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
# color_map3 = cmg.discrete('ibm', alpha = 0.2, black = False,
# color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
# Line properties
lwidth = [1.5]*len(results)
lstyle = ['-']*len(results)
# Rolling window
results_roll = results.copy()
for i in range(0, len(results_roll)):
results_roll[i] = results_roll[i].rolling(time = rolling_window, center = True).mean()
# Figure
[fig1, ax1, figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(data = results,
labels = labels,
color_map = np.repeat(color_map2[[8]],
axis = 0),
lwidth = lwidth,
lstyle = lstyle,
legendgroup = 1,
legendgrouptitle_text = ['originals', 'originaux'][lang],
[fig1, ax1, figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = figweb,
data = results_roll,
labels = labels,
color_map = np.repeat(color_map22[[7]],
axis = 0),
lwidth = lwidth,
lstyle = lstyle,
legendgroup = 2,
legendgrouptitle_text = [
f'rolling mean: {rolling_window} years',
f'moy glissante : {rolling_window} ans'][lang],
# Add SIM2
if domain == 'Pays Basque':
territoire_folder = r'15- Territoire Pays Basque'
elif domain == 'Annecy':
territoire_folder = r'16- Territoire Annecy'
sim2_ts = ghc.time_series(
input_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\1- Veille\4- Donnees\8- Meteo\Surfex\SIM2\compressed\",
coords = os.path.join(r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\1- Veille\4- Donnees",
# Seasonalization
first_year = sim2_ts.time[0].dt.year.item()
last_year = sim2_ts.time[-1].dt.year.item()
sim2_ts = sim2_ts.sel(
time = slice(f"{first_year}-12-01", f"{last_year-1}-11-30")
if season == 'DJF':
reduced_sim2 = sim2_ts.where((sim2_ts.time.dt.month <= 2) | (sim2_ts.time.dt.month >= 12), drop = True).copy()
elif season== 'MAM':
reduced_sim2 = sim2_ts.where((sim2_ts.time.dt.month >= 3) & (sim2_ts.time.dt.month <= 5), drop = True).copy()
elif season == 'JJA':
reduced_sim2 = sim2_ts.where((sim2_ts.time.dt.month >= 6) & (sim2_ts.time.dt.month <= 8), drop = True).copy()
elif season == 'SON':
reduced_sim2 = sim2_ts.where((sim2_ts.time.dt.month >= 9) & (sim2_ts.time.dt.month <= 11), drop = True).copy()
group = reduced_sim2.time.dt.year \
+ np.floor((reduced_sim2.time.dt.month)/12) - 1
group = group.astype(int)
reduced_sim2 = reduced_sim2.groupby(group).mean()
reduced_sim2 = reduced_sim2.rename({'group': 'time'})
labels = ['SIM2']
color_map = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3]])
[fig1, ax1, figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = figweb,
data = [reduced_sim2],
labels = labels,
color_map = color_map,
lwidth = lwidth,
lstyle = lstyle,
legendgroup = 1,
# Rolling window for SIM2
rolled_sim2 = reduced_sim2.rolling(time = rolling_window, center = True).mean()
labels = ['SIM2']
color_map = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1]])
[fig1, ax1, figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = figweb,
data = [rolled_sim2],
labels = labels,
color_map = color_map,
lwidth = lwidth,
lstyle = lstyle,
legendgroup = 2,
#%% DRIAS-Eau Indicateurs 4 narratifs
elif (data_type.casefold().replace(' ', '').replace('-', '') in [
'indicateursdriaseau2024']) & (plot_type == 'narratifs'):
# ---- Folder
root_folder = rf"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\1- Veille\4- Donnees\8- Meteo\DRIAS\DRIAS-Eau\EXPLORE2-SIM2 2024\{domain}\Indicateurs\Eau-{var}_Saisonnier_EXPLORE2-2024_{scenario}"
# ---- Season
season_list = [d for d in os.listdir(root_folder) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(root_folder, d))]
if season not in season_list:
print(r"Erreur : Les données ne contiennent pas la saison {season}.")
folder = os.path.join(root_folder, season)
# ---- Units
unit = '-'
ylabel = [f'{var} [{unit}]', f'{var} [{unit}]']
# ---- Loading
filelist = [
os.path.join(folder, f) for f in os.listdir(folder)
if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder, f)) \
& (os.path.splitext(os.path.join(folder, f))[-1] == '.nc'))]
labels = []
results = []
for narratif in ['EC-EARTH_HadREM3-GA7-05', # narratif orange
'CNRM-CM5_ALADIN63', # narratif jaune
'HadGEM2-ES_CCLM4-8-17', # narratif violet
'HadGEM2-ES_ALADIN63', # narratif vert
for f in filelist:
model_pattern = re.compile(f"{scenario}_(.*)_SIM2")
filename = os.path.split(f)[-1]
model = model_pattern.findall(filename)[0]
if model == narratif:
timeseries = ghc.time_series(
input_file = f,
coords = coords, epsg_coords = epsg_coords,
epsg_data = epsg_data,
labels = ['<b>narratif orange</b> : fort réchauffement<br>et fort assèchement (notamment en été)',
'<b>narratif jaune</b> : changements futurs<br>relativement peu marqués',
'<b>narratif violet</b> : fort réchauffement et forts<br> contrastes saisonniers en précipitations',
'<b>narratif vert</b> : réchauffement marqué<br>et augmentation des précipitations']
#%%% Graphic
suffix = 'narratifs'
# Colormap
color_map1 = cmg.discrete('wong', alpha = 0.15, black = False,
color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
color_map11 = cmg.discrete('wong', alpha = 1, black = False,
color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
color_map2 = cmg.discrete('trio', alpha = 1, black = False,
color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
color_map3 = cmg.discrete('ibm', alpha = 1, black = False,
color_format = 'rgba_str', alternate = False)
color_map1 = np.vstack([
])[[4, 0, 1, 5]]
color_map11 = np.vstack([
])[[4, 0, 1, 5]]
# Line properties
lwidth = [1.5]*len(results)
lstyle = ['-']*len(results)
# Rolling window
results_roll = results.copy()
for i in range(0, len(results_roll)):
results_roll[i] = results_roll[i].rolling(time = rolling_window, center = True).mean()
# Figure
[fig1, ax1, figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(data = results,
labels = labels,
color_map = color_map1,
lwidth = lwidth,
lstyle = lstyle,
legendgroup = 1,
legendgrouptitle_text = ['originals', 'originaux'][lang],
[fig1, ax1, figweb] = ncp.plot_time_series(figweb = figweb,
data = results_roll,
labels = labels,
color_map = color_map11,
lwidth = lwidth,
lstyle = lstyle,
legendgroup = 2,
legendgrouptitle_text = [
f'rolling mean: {rolling_window} years',
f'moy glissante : {rolling_window} ans'][lang],
# Y
ylim = [results[0].val.mean() - 0.3, results[0].val.mean() + 0.3]
#%% Non conforme
print(f'Data_type non reconnu : {data_type}')
# ---- Scales
# X
dates_lim = [results[0].time.iloc[0],
results[0].time.iloc[-1] + pd.Timedelta(days = 3653)]
# None
# ['2004-01-04', '2024-01-05']
# Y
if var == 'SWIAV':
buff = 0.3
elif var == 'SSWI':
buff = 3
elif var == 'SWI04D':
buff = 40
buff = 1
ylim = [results[0].val.mean() - buff, results[0].val.mean() + buff]
# ---- Title
title = f"{os.path.split(root_folder)[-1]} : <b>{season}</b>"
# ---- Figure update
figweb.update_layout(#font_family = 'Open Sans',
title = {'font': {'size': 20},
'text': title,
'xanchor': 'center',
'x': 0.5,
# annotations = {'xanchor': 'middle',
# 'yanchor': 'top',
# 'size': 20,
# 'text': add_title + "\nK = 5e-6 m/s Poro = 0.1% e = 25 m"},
xaxis = {'title': {'font': {'size': 16},
'text': ['Time [d]', 'Temps [j]'][lang]},
'range': dates_lim,
yaxis = {'title': {'font': {'size': 16},
'text': ylabel[lang]},
# 'text': field_title + ' [m3/s]'},
'type': 'linear',
'range': ylim,#_ylim_figweb,
legend = {'title': {'text': 'Légende'},
'xanchor': 'right',
'y': 1.1,
'yanchor': 'top',
'bgcolor': 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)',
plot_bgcolor = "white",
# legend = {'groupclick': 'togglegroup'},
width = plotsize[0], # paper[0], # wide[0],
height = plotsize[1], # paper[1], # wide[1],
# ---- Figure export
]) + '.html'
]) + '.png'