
Figure objects and plots

The legend overlaps with the curves. Is there a way to move the legend outside the figure?


There is currently no way to do so, but it is possible to hide the legend with the argument showlegend = False. The showlegend argument can be passed when creating the Figure object or in plot() and layout() methods:

Fig = tjp.Figure(showlegend=False, ...)
# or
Fig.plot(showlegend=False, ...)
# or
Fig.layout(showlegend=False, ...)

How can I erase the credits text line at the bottom of the figures?


By default, the standard credits are displayed on figures. To change the text, you can use the argument credit = "Your text". If you want to remove this text you can pass credit = "". The credit argument can be passed when creating the Figure object or in plot() and layout() methods:

Fig = tjp.Figure(credit="", ...)
# or
Fig.plot(credit="", ...)
# or
Fig.layout(credit="", ...)

How can I show the “daily values grey shadows” on my ‘temporality’ figure?


These shadows can be displayed by passing the argument shadow = 'all' | 'first' | 'last' | 'firstlast' ('lastfirst'). The shadow argument can be passed when creating the Figure object or in plot() and layout() methods:

Fig = tjp.Figure(shadow="<user-choice>", ...)
# or
Fig.plot(shadow="<user-choice>", ...)
# or
Fig.layout(shadow="<user-choice>", ...)

What is the difference between period_years and rolling_days ?


The period_years argument is used to define how years will be grouped to be averaged. On the ‘temporality’ figures, each day displays a value averaged over all the years within the group defined by the period_years argument. The rolling_days argument is used to add an additional smoothing step. On the ‘temporality’ figures, the value displayed for each day corresponds to the centered rolling mean of the values averaged over all the years defined by period_years.

Historic maps

How can I change the periods represented on the maps?


This feature is not editable at the moment.


For any other question, please write to alexandre.co@hotmail.fr and specify pywtraj in the email title.