Source code for ncplot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Mar 21 13:16:05 2022

@author: Alexandre Kenshilik Coche

#%% Imports:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
xr.set_options(keep_attrs = True)
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import re
import sys
import numbers
from import cmapgenerator as cmg

# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, mpld3
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
# import plotly.graph_objects as go
# import plotly.offline as offline
# from plotly.subplots import make_subplots

#%% precip_like_discharge
[docs]def precip_like_discharge(*, input_file): """ % EXEMPLE : import cwatplot as cwp cwp.precip_like_discharge(input_file = input_file) % ARGUMENTS > input_file = fichier des précipitations > freq = 'daily' | 'monthly' """ # ========== TEMP INPUTS ====================================================== # # Monthly # input_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\3_CWatM_EBR\results\raw_results\001_prelim_cotech\2022-03-19_base\" # # # Daily # input_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\3_CWatM_EBR\data\input_1km_LeMeu\meteo\" # input_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\3_CWatM_EBR\results\raw_results\002_test_coeff\2022-03-25_test3\" # ============================================================================= try: with xr.open_dataset(input_file) as dataset: dataset.load() # to unlock the resource except ValueError: # unable to decode time units 'Months since 1901-01-01' # with "calendar 'proleptic_gregorian'" with xr.open_dataset(input_file, decode_times = False) as dataset: dataset.load() # Reconstruire le temps : start_date = pd.Series(pd.date_range( '1901-01', periods = int(dataset.time[0]) + 1, freq = '1D')).iloc[-1] date_index = pd.date_range(start = start_date, periods = len(dataset.time), freq = '1D') # Remplacer 'D' par 'MS' si les données sont en mensuel dataset['time'] = date_index #% Calculer le bilan d'eau : # -------------------------- # ============================================================================= # # Clipper les données avec le mask du BV # ============================================================================= dataset = dataset.mean(dim = ('x', 'y')) # ==== Pour calculer la surface, clipper aussi avec le mask =================== # with xr.open_dataset(r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\3_CWatM_EBR\data\input_1km_LeMeu\landsurface/topo/") as surface: # surface.load() # to unlock the resource # surface = surface.sum(dim = ('x', 'y')) # surface = float(surface.cellarea) # ============================================================================= surface = 534000000 # [m2] (le BV topographique du Meu fait 471 851 238 m2) mm2m = 1e-3 # from mm d2sec = 86400 # 1 day # Remplacer n_sec par 86400*30 si les données sont en mensuel dataset = dataset * surface / d2sec # # precip = dataset.to_pandas() # precip = pd.DataFrame() # precip['time'] = dataset['time'].data # precip['val'] = dataset['pr'].data precip = dataset return precip #% Plot : # ------- # = 'time', ax = ax1, color = 'blue', label = 'precip') precip.plot(x = 'time', y = 'val', ax = ax1, color = 'blue', label = 'precip')
#%% tss_to_dataframe
[docs]def tss_to_dataframe(*, input_file, skip_rows, start_date): """ Example ------- # Base base = cwp.tss_to_dataframe(input_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\3_CWatM_EBR\results\raw_results\001_prelim_cotech\2022-03-19_base\discharge_daily.tss", skip_rows = 4, start_date = '1991-08-01') # Virginie virg = cwp.tss_to_dataframe(input_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\3_CWatM_EBR\data\%ARCHIVE fichiers Virginie\simulations\sim0\discharge_daily.tss", skip_rows = 0, start_date = '1991-01-01') # Nouvelle base base = cwp.tss_to_dataframe(input_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\3_CWatM_EBR\results\raw_results\003_artif\2022-03-25_base\discharge_daily.tss", skip_rows = 4, start_date = '2000-01-01') # Données data = cwp.tss_to_dataframe(input_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\1- Veille\4- Donnees\10- Stations et debits\Debits\HydroDataPy\Stations_Bretagne\meu_montfort.csv", skip_rows = 0, start_date = '1969-01-01') # Precip precip = cwp.tss_to_dataframe(input_file = r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\3_CWatM_EBR\results\raw_results\003_artif\2022-03-25_base\Precipitation_daily.tss", skip_rows = 4, start_date = '2000-01-01') precip.val = precip.val*534000000/86400 precip['rolling_mean'] = precip['val'].rolling(10).mean() Parameters ---------- * : TYPE DESCRIPTION. input_file : TYPE DESCRIPTION. skip_rows : TYPE DESCRIPTION. start_date : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- df : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ #%% Implémentations futures : # --------------------------- # Récupérer la start_date à partir du fichier de settings indiqué au début # du fichier *.tss., et regarder ensuite le SpinUp #%% Récupération des inputs : # --------------------------- if start_date == 'std': print('> Pas encore implémenté...') # récupérer la start_date du fichier de settings else: start_date = pd.to_datetime(start_date) print('> start_date = ' + str(start_date)) #%% Création des dataframes : # --------------------------- df = pd.read_csv(input_file, sep = r"\s+", header = 0, names = ['id', 'val'], skiprows = skip_rows) date_indexes = pd.date_range(start = start_date, periods = df.shape[0], freq = '1D') df['time'] = date_indexes return df
#%% plot_time_series
[docs]def plot_time_series(*, figweb = None, data, labels, title = 'title', linecolors = None, fillcolors = None, cumul = False, date_ini_cumul = None, reference = None, ref_norm = None, mean_norm = False, mean_center = False, legendgroup = None, legendgrouptitle_text = None, stack = False, col = None, row = None, lwidths = None, lstyles = None, yaxis = "y1", fill = None, mode = "lines", markers = None, showlegend = True, visible = True, bar_widths = None): """ Description ----------- This function provides a wrapper to facilitate the use of plotly.graph_objects class. It facilitates the input of several arguments: - data can be passed in any format - colors can be passed in any format (np.arrays, lists of strings...) \ which makes it possible to use indifferently *plotly* or *matplotlib* colormaps functions. - colors can be passed universally as ``linecolors`` and ``fillcolors`` argument, no matter \ what graphical function is used then by plotly (for instance go.Bar normally needs \ colors to be passed in the marker dict whereas go.Scatter needs colors to be passed \ in the line dict as well as through an fillcolor argument) It also offers additional treatments in an easy way: - plot cumulative values - normalized values This function is particularly appropriate to plot time series. Example ------- import cwatplot as cwp [_, _, figweb] = cwp.plot_time_series(data = [dfA, dfV], labels = ['Altrui', 'Vergogn']) Parameters ---------- figweb: plotly figure Can plot on top of a previous plotly figure. data: array of pandas.DataFrames Data to plot. labels: array of strings Texts for legend. title: string Title used for the matplotlib figure (fig1, ax1). Not used for plotly figure (figweb). linecolors: np.array Colors are stored in [R, G, B, Alpha]. For instance: linecolors = [[1.0, 0.5, 0.4, 1],[...]]. cumul: bool Option to plot cumulated curves (True). date_ini_cumul: string The string should indicate the date in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'. (for instance: date_ini_cumul = '2000-07-31') Only used when cumul = True. reference: pandas.DataFrame Used for displaying metrics (NSE, NSElog, VOLerr), computed against the reference data provided here. ref_norm: pandas.DataFrame (or xarray.DataSet, beta version...) Used for plotting values normalized against the provided reference data. mean_norm: bool Option to normalize each curve against its mean (True). mean_center: bool Option to center each curve on its mean (True). legendgroup: string To group curves under the provided group identifier. One group at a time. legendgrouptitle_text: Text associated with the group identifier. stack: bool Option to plot stacked curves (True). col: int Column number for subplots. row: int Row number for subplots. visible: {True, False, "legendonly"}, optional, default True Determines whether or not this trace is visible. If ``"legendonly"``, the trace is not drawn, but can appear as a legend item (provided that the legend itself is visible). mode: {"markers", "lines", "lines+markers", "bar"}, optional, default "lines" To select the representation mode. markers : list of dict Returns ------- fig1: matplotlib figure OBSOLETE: recent developments (normalized curves, stacked curves...) have not been implemented in this figure. ax1: matplotlib axis Related to the previous figure. OBSOLETE. figweb: plotly figure This figure version includes all options. """ # ---- Initialization of data # ============================ # 1. if data is a single xarray.Dataarray, it is embedded into a list if isinstance(data, xr.DataArray): data = [data] # 2. if data is a single pandas.Series, it is embedded into a list elif isinstance(data, pd.Series): data = [data] # 3. elif isinstance(data, xr.Dataset): # 3-A. if there is only one data_vars, it is embedded into a list if len(data.data_vars) == 1: data = [data] # 3-B. if there are more than one data_vars, it is split into a list of several Datasets else: data = [data.loc[var] for var in data.data_vars] # 4. if data is a single pandas.DataFrame, we first determine if this frame # contains a single data set, or several elif isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): # 4-A. if there is only one column, it is embedded into a list if len(data.columns) == 1: data = [data] # 4-B. if there are more than one column, we determine whether the first column is the time index else: # 4-B-1. if there is a datetime column if data.select_dtypes(include=['datetime', 'datetimetz']).shape[1] > 0: assumed_time_col = data.select_dtypes(include=['datetime', 'datetimetz']).columns[0] data = [data[[assumed_time_col, c]] for c in data.columns] # 4-B-2. if not, the index is assumed to be the time index else: data = [data[[c]] for c in data.columns] n_curves = len(data) # ---- Convert to lists # ====================== if labels is None: labels = [None]*n_curves else: if isinstance(labels, str): labels = [labels] if len(labels) != n_curves: print(f"/!\ {n_curves} data series but {len(labels)} labels") if lwidths is None: lwidths = [None]*n_curves else: if isinstance(lwidths, numbers.Number): lwidths = [lwidths]*n_curves elif isinstance(lwidths, tuple): lwidths = list(lwidths) if lstyles is None: lstyles = [None]*n_curves else: if isinstance(lstyles, str): lstyles = [lstyles]*n_curves elif isinstance(lstyles, tuple): lstyles = list(lstyles) if bar_widths is None: bar_widths = [None]*n_curves else: if isinstance(bar_widths, numbers.Number): bar_widths = [bar_widths]*n_curves # Handling colors if linecolors is None: linecolors = [None]*n_curves else: linecolors = cmg.to_rgba_str(linecolors) if isinstance(linecolors, (str, tuple)): linecolors = [linecolors]*n_curves elif isinstance(linecolors, list): if not isinstance(linecolors[0], (str, list, tuple)): linecolors = [linecolors]*n_curves if fillcolors is None: fillcolors = [None]*n_curves else: fillcolors = cmg.to_rgba_str(fillcolors) if isinstance(fillcolors, (str, tuple)): fillcolors = [fillcolors]*n_curves elif isinstance(fillcolors, list): if not isinstance(fillcolors[0], (str, list, tuple)): fillcolors = [fillcolors]*n_curves if markers is None: markers = [None]*n_curves else: if isinstance(markers, dict): markers = [markers]*n_curves if legendgrouptitle_text is not None: legendgrouptitle_text = '<b>' + legendgrouptitle_text + '</b>' # ---- Formating # =============== for i in range(0, len(data)): data[i] = data[i].copy() # Pour ne pas réécrire sur les variables # data = data.copy() # Pour ne pas réécrire sur les variables n_curves = len(data) if len(labels) != n_curves: print('/!\ ' + str(n_curves) + ' séries de données mais ' + str(len(labels)) + ' étiquettes') # Conversion en pandas.dataframe avec 2 colonnes: 'val' et 'time': for i in range(0, n_curves): # conversion des datasets en dataframe if isinstance(data[i], xr.Dataset): # Déterminer le field : _tmp_fields = list(data[i].data_vars) # Créer le Dataframe : _tmp_df = pd.DataFrame(data = data[i][_tmp_fields[0]].values, columns = ['val']) # Rajouter la colonne time : _tmp_df['time'] = data[i]['time'].values # Mettre à jour : data[i] = _tmp_df # conversion des series en dataframe if isinstance(data[i], pd.Series): data[i] = data[i].to_frame(name = 'val') # Creation de la colonne 'time' if 'time' not in data[i].columns: if data[i] == 'time': data[i]['time'] = data[i].index elif isinstance(data[i].index, pd.core.indexes.datetimes.DatetimeIndex): data[i]['time'] = data[i].index print(f" Warning: Data {i+1}/{len(data)}: index is used as time axis") elif data[i].select_dtypes(include=['datetime', 'datetimetz']).shape[1] > 0: assumed_time_col = data[i].select_dtypes(include=['datetime', 'datetimetz']).columns[0] data.rename(columns = {assumed_time_col: 'time'}, inplace = True) print(f" Warning: Data {i+1}/{len(data)}: column '{assumed_time_col}' is used as time axis") # Creation de la colonne 'val' if 'val' not in data[i].columns: # not_time_col = set(data[i].columns).difference({'time'}, sort = False) val_col = data[i].columns.difference(data[i].select_dtypes(include=['datetime', 'datetimetz', object]).columns, sort=False) data[i].rename(columns = {val_col[0]: 'val'}, inplace = True) if val_col.size > 1: print(f" Warning: Data {i}/{len(data)}: column '{val_col[0]}' is used as main values column, but there are {val_col.size - 1} other candidate columns: {', '.join(val_col[1:])}") # Valeurs cumulées : if cumul: for i in range(0, n_curves): _tmp_df = data[i].copy(deep = True) # Calcul des écarts temporels entre chaque valeur timespan = _tmp_df.loc[ :, _tmp_df.columns == 'time' ].diff().shift(-1, fill_value = 0)/np.timedelta64(1, 'D') # Calcul de la cumulée # _tmp_df.iloc[:-1]['val' # ] = (_tmp_df.iloc[:-1]['val' # ] * timespan.values).cumsum(axis = 0) _tmp_df[['val' ]] = (_tmp_df[['val' ]] * timespan.values).cumsum(axis = 0) # # Correction de la dernière valeur # _tmp_df.iloc[-1]['val'] = np.nan # Alignement sur une date commune : cond = _tmp_df.time.dt.normalize() == date_ini_cumul # Si la date_ini_cumul existe dans le dataframe : if cond.sum() != 0: _tmp_df.loc[ :, 'val'] = _tmp_df.loc[ :, 'val'] - _tmp_df.loc[cond, 'val'].values else: _tmp_df.loc[ :, 'val'] = _tmp_df.loc[ :, 'val'] - _tmp_df.iloc[-1].loc['val'] data[i] = _tmp_df # Valeurs normalisées par la moyenne : if mean_norm: for i in range(0, n_curves): _tmp_df = data[i].copy(deep = True) _tmp_df['val'] = _tmp_df['val'] / _tmp_df['val'].mean() data[i] = _tmp_df.copy(deep = True) # Valeurs centrées sur la moyenne : if mean_center: for i in range(0, n_curves): _tmp_df = data[i].copy() _tmp_df['val'] = _tmp_df['val'] - _tmp_df['val'].mean() data[i] = _tmp_df # Valeurs normalisées par rapport à une référence : if ref_norm is not None: # Conversion en pandas.dataframe : if isinstance(ref_norm, xr.Dataset): # Déterminer le field : _tmp_fields = list(ref_norm.data_vars) # Créer le Dataframe : _tmp_df = pd.DataFrame(data = ref_norm[_tmp_fields[0]].values, columns = ['val']) # Rajouter la colonne time : _tmp_df['time'] = ref_norm['time'].values # Mettre à jour : ref_norm = _tmp_df.copy(deep = True) for i in range(0, n_curves): _tmp_df = data[i].copy(deep = True) _tmp_df['val'] = _tmp_df['val'] / ref_norm['val'] data[i] = _tmp_df # Affichage des indicateurs (NSE, NSElog, KGE ...) : if reference is not None: VOLerr = [0]*len(data) NSE = [0]*len(data) NSElog = [0]*len(data) reference.time.dt.tz_localize(None) # Calcul des métriques : for i in range(0, n_curves): data[i]['time'] = data[i]['time'].dt.tz_localize(None) temp = reference.merge(data[i], left_on = 'time', right_on = 'time') NSE[i] = 1 - (np.sum((temp.val_x - temp.val_y)**2) / np.sum((temp.val_x - temp.val_x.mean())**2)) cond = (temp.val_x > 0) & (temp.val_y > 0) NSElog[i] = 1 - (np.sum((np.log(temp.val_x[cond]) - np.log(temp.val_y[cond]))**2) / np.sum((np.log(temp.val_x[cond]) - np.log(temp.val_x.mean()))**2)) VOLerr[i] = np.sum(temp.val_y - temp.val_x) / np.sum(temp.val_x) # NB: not expressed in % # Courbes empilées ou non : if stack: # si l'option est activée stackgroup = np.random.rand() else: stackgroup = None # ---- Graphics # ============== #% Paramétrer graphes : fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, figsize = (20, 12)) # Initialise la figure et les axes. # ax1.set_xlim(xlim) #% Couleurs : # ------------ # ============================================================================= # if None in linecolors: # # ============================================================================= # # # Echelle automatique : # # _cmap ='Spectral', n_curves) # # color_map = [list(_cmap(i)) for i in range(0, 12)] # # # 'hsv' # # # 'Spectral' # # ============================================================================= # # # ============================================================================= # # # Echelle personnalisée : # # color_map = custom(4, [0.949, 0.000, 0.784, 1.000], # # [1.000, 0.784, 0.059, 0.850], # # [0.110, 0.733, 1.000, 0.700], # # ) # # ============================================================================= # # # Echelle manuelle : # _cmap_catalog = [ # [0.980, 0.691, 0.168, 0.8], # 0. orange # [0.973, 0.392, 0.420, 0.9], # 1. orange-rose # [0.847, 0.000, 0.035, 0.8], # 2. rouge royal # [0.471, 0.000, 0.118, 0.8], # 3. blackred # [1.000, 0.557, 0.827, 0.8], # 4. rose bonbon # [0.949, 0.000, 0.784, 0.8], # 5. fuschia # [0.655, 0.204, 0.886, 0.8], # 6. pourpre # [0.404, 0.059, 0.902, 0.8], # 7. violet fugace # [0.000, 0.000, 0.470, 0.8], # 8. bleu marine - noir # [0.000, 0.318, 0.910, 0.8], # 9. bleu # [0.000, 0.707, 0.973, 0.8], # 10. bleu ciel # [0.000, 0.757, 0.757, 0.8], # 11. bleu-vert émeraude # [0.625, 0.777, 0.027, 0.8], # 12. vert # [0.824, 0.867, 0.141, 0.7], # 13. vert-jaune (ou l'inverse) # [1.000, 0.784, 0.059, 0.8], # 14. jaune-orangé # [0, 0, 0, 0.5], # 15. noir # [0.37, 0.37, 0.37, 1], # 16. gris sombrero # [0.70, 0.70, 0.70, 1], # 17. gris clairero # ] # color_map = np.array(_cmap_catalog)[[6, 1, 14, 9, 11, 8, 3, 4, 12, 13, 0], :] # ============================================================================= #% Epaisseurs : # ------------- if stack: lwidths = [0]*n_curves # Styles de lignes : # ------------------ lstyle_convert = {'-':'solid', '--':'5, 2', 'dotted':'dot', None:None} lstyle_plotly = [lstyle_convert[style] for style in lstyles] # Markers : # --------- if not isinstance(figweb, go.Figure): figweb = go.Figure() for i in range(0, n_curves): if mode != 'bar': # png : # ============================================================================= # data[i].plot(x = 'time', y = 'val', ax = ax1, # color = color_map[i], # label = labels[i], # lw = lwidths[i], ls = lstyles[i]) # data[i]['label'] = labels[i] # ============================================================================= # html : if reference is not None: # Displays NSE, KGE... indications figweb.add_trace(go.Scatter( x = data[i].time, y = data[i].val, name = labels[i] + # '<b>' + labels[i] + '</b>' + '<br>(VOL<sub>err</sub>: ' + "{:.2f}".format(VOLerr[i]) + ' | NSE: ' + "{:.2f}".format(NSE[i]) + ' | NSE<sub>log</sub>: ' + "{:.2f})".format(NSElog[i]), line = {'color': cmg.to_rgba_str(linecolors[i]), 'width': lwidths[i], 'dash': lstyle_plotly[i]}, legendgroup = legendgroup, legendgrouptitle_text = legendgrouptitle_text, stackgroup = stackgroup, yaxis = yaxis, fill = fill, fillcolor = cmg.to_rgba_str(fillcolors[i]), mode = mode, marker = markers[i], showlegend = showlegend, ), row = row, col = col, ) else: figweb.add_trace(go.Scatter( x = data[i].time, y = data[i].val, name = labels[i], # '<b>' + labels[i] + '</b>', line = {'color': cmg.to_rgba_str(linecolors[i]), 'width': lwidths[i], 'dash': lstyle_plotly[i]}, legendgroup = legendgroup, legendgrouptitle_text = legendgrouptitle_text, stackgroup = stackgroup, yaxis = yaxis, fill = fill, fillcolor = cmg.to_rgba_str(fillcolors[i]), mode = mode, marker = markers[i], showlegend = showlegend, visible = visible, ), row = row, col = col, ) elif mode == 'bar': # Fill color if missing if markers[i] is None: markers[i] = dict() markers[i]['color'] = fillcolors[i] markers[i]['line'] = dict() markers[i]['line']['color'] = linecolors[i] markers[i]['line']['width'] = lwidths[i] else: if 'color' in markers[i]: if markers[i]['color'] is None: markers[i]['color'] = fillcolors[i] else: markers[i]['color'] = fillcolors[i] if 'line' in markers[i]: if 'color' in markers[i]['line']: if markers[i]['line']['color'] is None: markers[i]['line']['color'] = fillcolors[i] else: markers[i]['line']['color'] = fillcolors[i] if 'width' in markers[i]['line']: if markers[i]['line']['width'] is None: markers[i]['line']['width'] = lwidths[i] else: markers[i]['line']['width'] = lwidths[i] else: markers[i]['line'] = dict() markers[i]['line']['color'] = fillcolors[i] markers[i]['line']['width'] = lwidths[i] # html : if reference is not None: # Displays NSE, KGE... indications figweb.add_trace(go.Bar( x = data[i].time, y = data[i].val, width = bar_widths, marker = markers[i], name = labels[i] + # '<b>' + labels[i] + '</b>' + '<br>(VOL<sub>err</sub>: ' + "{:.2f}".format(VOLerr[i]) + ' | NSE: ' + "{:.2f}".format(NSE[i]) + ' | NSE<sub>log</sub>: ' + "{:.2f})".format(NSElog[i]), legendgroup = legendgroup, legendgrouptitle_text = legendgrouptitle_text, yaxis = yaxis, showlegend = showlegend, visible = visible, ), row = row, col = col, ) else: figweb.add_trace(go.Bar( x = data[i].time, y = data[i].val, width = bar_widths, marker = markers[i], name = labels[i], # '<b>' + labels[i] + '</b>', legendgroup = legendgroup, legendgrouptitle_text = legendgrouptitle_text, yaxis = yaxis, showlegend = showlegend, visible = visible, ), row = row, col = col, ) # ============================================================================= # figweb.update_layout(bargap = 0) # ============================================================================= # Version express : # glob_df = pd.concat(data, sort = False) # figweb = px.line(glob_df, x = 'time', y = 'val', color = 'label', title = title) ax1.set_xlabel('Temps [j]', fontsize = 16) # ax1.set_xticklabels(ax1.get_xticks(), fontsize = 12) # ax1.set_yticklabels(ax1.get_yticks(), fontsize = 12) ax1.tick_params(axis = 'both', labelsize = 14) plt.legend(loc = "upper right", title = "Légende", frameon = False, fontsize = 18) ax1.set_title(title, fontsize = 24) # Légendes sur les courbes (hover) : if reference is not None: figweb.update_traces( hoverinfo = 'all', # text = ['VOLerr: ' + "{:.3f}".format(VOLerr[i]) + '<br>NSE: ' + "{:.3f}".format(NSE[i]) + '<br>NSElog: ' + "{:.3f}".format(NSElog[i]) for i in range(0, len(data))], hovertemplate = "t: %{x}<br>" + "y: %{y}<br>", ) return fig1, ax1, figweb # f.savefig(r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\2- Suivi\2- CWatM\2022-01-27) Comparaison données météo\Chronique_Tmean_ERA5-vs-Weenat.png") # figweb.write_html(r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\2- Suivi\2- CWatM\2022-01-27) Comparaison données météo\Chronique_Tmean_ERA5-vs-Weenat.html") # ---- Plot formats # =================== ## discharge_daily ax1.set_xlim(['2001-01-01', '2010-12-31']) fig1.set_size_inches(40, 12) # ============================================================================= # # Log # ax1.set_yscale('log') # ax1.set_ylim([1e-1, 5e2]) # ============================================================================= # Linéaire ax1.set_yscale('linear') ax1.set_ylim([0, 100]) fig1.suptitle('Débits journaliers - Bassin du Meu', fontsize = 24) # Titre ax1.set_title("Station de Monfort-sur-Meu - L'Abbaye", fontsize = 20) # Sous-titre ax1.set_ylabel('Débit [m3/s]', fontsize = 16) ## baseflow_daily ax1.set_ylim([0, 100]) fig1.suptitle('Débit de base - Bassin du Meu', fontsize = 24) # Titre ax1.set_title("Station de Monfort-sur-Meu - L'Abbaye", fontsize = 20) # Sous-titre ax1.set_ylabel('Débit [m]', fontsize = 16) ## Recharge ax1.set_yscale('linear') ax1.set_ylim([0, 10]) fig1.suptitle('Recharge journalière, en un point au centre du Bassin du Meu', fontsize = 24) # Titre ax1.set_title("La Guivelais - Saint-Onen-la-Chapelle", fontsize = 20) # Sous-titre ax1.set_ylabel('Recharge [mm/j]', fontsize = 16) # ---- Export # ============= fig1.savefig(r"---.png")
# fig1.savefig(r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\2- Suivi\1- Cotech & Copil\2022-03-25) Cotech\TEST.png") # ============================================================================= # def figure_cotech(): # [fig1, ax1] = cwp.plot_time_series(data = [data], labels = ['Données mesurées']) # fig1.savefig(r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\2- Suivi\1- Cotech & Copil\2022-03-25) Cotech\débits_lin_Data.png") # # [fig1, ax1] = cwp.plot_time_series(data = [data, model_old], labels = ['Données mesurées', 'Processus souterrains simples']) # fig1.savefig(r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\2- Suivi\1- Cotech & Copil\2022-03-25) Cotech\débits_lin_Data-Prev.png") # # [fig1, ax1] = cwp.plot_time_series(data = [data, model_old, model_new], labels = ['Données mesurées', 'Processus souterrains simples', 'Processus souterrains Modflow']) # fig1.savefig(r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\2- Suivi\1- Cotech & Copil\2022-03-25) Cotech\débits_lin_Data-Prev-Modflow.png") # # [fig1, ax1] = cwp.plot_time_series(data = [base, data], labels = ['Processus souterrains Modflow', 'Données mesurées']) # fig1.savefig(r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\2- Suivi\1- Cotech & Copil\2022-03-25) Cotech\débits_log_Data-Modflow.png") # # [fig1, ax1] = cwp.plot_time_series(data = [precip, base, data], labels = ['Precipitations', 'Processus souterrains Modflow', 'Données mesurées']) # fig1.savefig(r"D:\2- Postdoc\2- Travaux\2- Suivi\1- Cotech & Copil\2022-03-25) Cotech\débits_log_Precip-Data-Modflow.png") # ============================================================================= #%% Other tools # The previous functions have been moved to: # def custom(n_steps, *args): # def custom_two_colors(n_steps, first_color, last_color):